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what's going on here?" A familiar voice say and i break the hug.

we both turn and face his mum,Dad,my dad and our grandmum standing by the garden door.

what are you doing?
i knew it, you see what i'm talking about grandma."my mum say glaring at us as i hold sabreen hand tight.

"Sobi, i thought you say you and meemeer-boy are not having any relationship."our grandmum yell entering the garden as the rest of the family members trail behind her.

"Why are you crying stop pretending ilham, you re just like your mum always want to make everyone seem as if they are hurting you while you are the one doing all the sinful deeds."my mum say as sabreen trying to remove her hand from my tight grip but i hold her tightly and stand in her front facing them.

"ohhh soo now you're trying to beat us or what?, come on Amir you're 3times older than this girl and she is your sister."my grandmum say trying to touch me but i swat her hand away.

"I dont care what you all think but we love each other and we cant sacrifice our love for you peoples happiness."i say and try walk pass them but my mum grab sabreen from my grip and slap her.

"MUM."i yell raising my hand i fold it into a fist and drop it with a sigh and drag a crying sabreen from her hand.

"so you want to slap me Amir because of love.
Are you two going to just watch,
i am sorry to say this but yasir your wife is always the genesis of all the problems in this family."my mum say and i avert my gaze to uncle yasir who is standing by a tree.

"I told you yasir if you dont leave this your wife one day yoy will regret what she will do and look what she cause i am sure she is the one that inflict all this stupid idea into this children head."My grandmum say, uncle yasir just sigh and walk out of the garden.

"Amir lets take a walk."my dad say and i just chuckle.

"i am not going anywhere with you, ever since i know you my mum is the one that is always right she is never wrong in your eyes as far as i am concern you will end up telling me to stay away from sabreen which i am not going to do because i love her."i say and head for the garden gate.

"Amir if you take another step i will disavow you."my mum voice echo in my ears and i stop but didn't turn back.

"just obey your mum Ya Amir please."sabreen say removing her hand from mine as i refuse to let go.

"Let her go Amir or i swear to God i wont hesitate to disown you right now."my mum say i release her hand and she walk out of the garden, i close my eyes feeling my now empty sweaty palm.

its not everything in life we want that we can get and its better if we listen to our parent they are never wrong and will always choose what is best for you."my grandmum say touching my shoulder.

i remove her hand off my shoulder and walk out of the garden.

throwing my suitcass on the bed i begin stuffing my clothes inside.

i am your mum and i know what is best for you its better if you stay away from that girl and her mum they are all manipulative selfish liers, they are using you they just want your money."she say as i zip my suitcase close and drop it on the floor.

"you know what mum just find another excuse because my sabreen is the most independent teenager i ever know likewise her mum so just say you want to have control over my life just like you do with dad, But one thing i want to make it clear to you is that i will forever love sabreen any other girl you want me to marry will never find a place in my heart because sabreen own it."i say and pick my laptop bag from the nightstand as a familiar bangle fall i pick it and put it in my pocket.

"Love is just a word trust me Farhat is perfect for you, she is well educated,beautiful and smart you will learn to love her and you will eventually forget about this daughter of a whore."my mum say and i look at her.

"Mum please i already did what you want me to can you stop calling her mum offensive names."i say and my mum roll her eyes dramatically.

"Drive safe and dont worry farhat is at home she will prepare whatever you want for you, i have to stay here and settle things."she say as i exit out of the apartment.

Farhat! i cant believe my mum want to disown me because of her it just make me hate her more, comparing that very spoilt brat with my adorable hardworking sabreen, my heart belong to only sabreen i cant even rent it out to any girl.

i throw the suitcase on the back seat and slip into the driver seat,
i take a deep breathe and look at her window i watch from the tinted glass as she stare at my car she clean her face with her palms and drag the curtain close.

i remove the bangle from my pocket and slip it on my ankle,
i wishe she can tell me i love you before i go, with a heavyheart i start the car and leave the premises.

Pooor Amir dont worry she will tell you when the time comes.

Is it only me that like farhat?

Soby should just forget about Amir the dude is not the only guy on planet earth, i cant love a guy that his mum is a bitch.

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