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I want 100comments and votes only, then i will put Amir picture in the next chapter.


I slip into the passenger seat and close the car door Ya Amir just give me a deadly glare, i fix my seatbelt and try to relax but cant i just turn my gaze outside the window staring through the tinted glass.

"Ke! is this your car that you cannot greet or did i look like your driver."his voice echo in my ear and i muttered a goodmorning staring at my fingers as my eyes burn i blink back the tears but fail as they roll down my cheek.

"why are you crying ooohh so you dont want to greet me, you should just thank God wlh if not because of anty zee and anty salmah you wouldn't dare enter my car you even have the guts of saying you dont want to go with  me, did i look excited to carry some gabbage into my car, clean that tears off your ugly face or you get out of my car."he say starting the car.

i remove a wipe from my handbag i clean my face and turn to see ya amir staring at me.

"soo you even carry wipe with you everywhere you re going, you think you re a mature adult "sai shegen rigima da manyanche" get that into your thick dumb skull you re nothing but an annoying little rat."he say irritated i just fix my gaze outside as he drive out of anty salmahs house there car trail behind us and i just sigh its going to be a long 2hrs drive.

30minutes later he halted in front of his office he leave the car on and exit, i sigh in relief Ya Amir own this private dollar change sector or whatever they dealt with dollar exchange  to naira or something like that,
i fish my phone out and go to my twitter account i'm one of those annoying people that give savage reply on twitter it's pretty fun, the car door open and i stuff my phone into my handbag.

"what are you hiding?"he ask as he sit and buckle his seatbelt.

"Nothing! its just my phone."i say and remove the phone from my handbag to show him.

"who gave you that?"he ask as he start to drive.

"i bought it with my salary!"i say a little confused staring at the iphone6s.

"How much is your salary?"he ask his gaze fix on the road.

"they pay me 20k at the mall and dad pays me 25k every month so its a total of 45,000."i explain and he nod.

the drive turn quiet and i relax on my seat i really dont want to do anything to upset Ya Amir not right now anyway but one can never tell what annoy the idiot how can he be soo grumpy to everyone i pity the woman he will marry, did he even have a girlfriend with this his attitude i really dont think any lady will waste her time, my phone vibrate in my bag and i remove it from my handbag maina's name flash on the screen and my heartbeat skippp 1000time faster i reject it and put the phone on silient.

"Answer it."Ya Amir say with his gaze on the road and it makes me wonder how he notice.

maina's name flash on the screen again and i sigh staring at the blinking phone.

"i said answer it and put it on loudspeaker."he order i swipe the call and put it on loudspeaker.

"hey beautiful how is your trip going?" maina's voice echo around the car and i just stare at the phone my heart will probably rip off my chest with the way its beating, i look up and ya amir give me his famous deadly glare.

"hello! are you there soby."maina say and i clear my throat.

"yeah! i wil............Ya Amir snatch the phone from my hand, he whine the glass down and fling it through the window making me to scream.

"Ya A...............

"shut up!
how old are you and you already have a boyfriend, you are way too cheap that i can imagine and this bizzybody you re doing "da shegen rigima"i will make sure you stop it and know where you belong to."he say and i just sob quietly with myhands covering my face.

my phone! i just bought it last month with all my savings Allah ya'isa, he just love seeing someone unhappy if not what is the point of throwing my phone on the concrete road how am i going to retrieve all my contacts, pictures and some important record of my dad site.

shut up or wlh i will drop you off the way you're crying is irritating me."he say in annoyance, i sniff and use my handkerchief to clean my face.

i stare at the outside scenerio sobbing siliently i regret taking this trip with ya Amir,i should have just wait tomorrow and go with safwan and uncle Aminu.

i ended up crying to sleep and was awaken by a sharp pain in abdomen, i squint my eyes, gnawing on my lips and sit up, the pain in my abdomen become unbearable and i whimper holding my abdomen.

didn't you cry enough if you open that your dirty mouth wlh i will slap you."he say and i burst into tears.

"my stomach its......i clutch my abdomen tightly and begin to sob.

the car halt and i look up to see ya Amir staring at me.

what's he up to my grumpy Amir!

dont forget to comment and boooommm i will let you see the grumpy amir.

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