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Standing by thé bedroom door i rub my palms together, i dont get why apologies always make me nervous.
It has always been difficult for me to say those stupid five later words but i just gat to do this atleast thé lady show me lot of love and thé least i can do is give her thé respect she deserve, sometimes i can be a complété jerk.

I push thé door open and there she is laying on thé bed , i can hear her sniffing a sign she is still crying i walk to thé bed and sit on thé edge.

" mummy!" I say looking at her worriedly but she just ignore me.

" mummy i am really sorry,
You know sometimes you ré right i am too temperamental and thats because you pampared and show me too much love you should have discipline me more, please dont be angry with me kinji." I say touching her forehead and hold her two hands.

"Why will you say those Word to me Amir. You know how much it hurt me and all that because of that girl and her mum." She say and i just murmure a sorry.

" mummy.
sabreen is a nice girl you just Have to give her a chance and you will like her i promise you." I say and she shake her head.

" there is always one option is either you marry farhat or you just prove to me that i am not your mum thats why you cant do as i say." She say crying and i sigh.

" mummy i love sabreen please dont make choose between thé two of you i beg of you, you mean thé world to me but i just cant view my life without sabreen in it ." I say holding her two hands but she just shake her head in denial.

"Then marry thé two of them." She say and i look at her in bewilderment.

Two wives, haba noo i never imagine me marrying two wives please mummy dan girman Allah you should reconsider your décision please , farhat is a beautiful girl she will get another guy please." I say but my mum just shake her head in disaproval.

" thats thé least i can do to you Amir,
But if feel i am not worth to make décision in your life because i am not your biological mum then fine." She say more like a threat.

" No,no, no mum please dont bring that up you ré my mum, but mummy i am to young to have two wives at a time please why not let me marry sabreen then in 2-3years time i will marry farhat please." I say not really sure what i am even saying.

" No it is either you marry farhat first or you marry them both atleast that way everyone will be happy." She say and i sigh.

" mummy!
Why are you doing this to me i thought you care about me?"i whine but she just ignore me and lay down.

" You Have all thé night to make your décision but i am done with this conversation. Goodnight to you." She say i sigh and drop thé duvet on her body before leaving thé room.

How will i go back to lafia tomorrow with this stupid news to sabreen when she is still recovering, why is all this happening to me?
i really dont want to do anything to offend Anty ammi not after all i Saïd to her at thé hospital thé last thing i want to do is offend her again but sabreen is like thé light in my life without her i will die of loneliness , maybe i can talk to farhat convince or threaten her to reject thé marriage proposal. With a lot of thought on my mind i push my apartment door open and enter.

My poor Amir dont worry everything will be fine .

Ohhh Anty ammi is going to be m'y favourite character😶

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