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specially dedicating this chapter to Aiman-tixxy because you re a fan of Ya Amir

Next chapter is a giveaway chappie so dont hesistate to vote,comment tag a friend to read and be the winner of the free Airtime.


"Hah! so he bought you an iphone11 and you think he just did it because he broke your phone, babe the dude like you."jasra say for the 100time since i told her Ya Amir bought me the new iphone11.

"wlh jasi you re annoying!
Ya Amir?
like me!
of all people hah godforbid because i think that will be the worst punishment God will give me for my sins, like the guy is always/24/7 angry."i say and she laugh.

"ohhh sob trust me he is just pretending, but deep down he is yearning for your love and attension, he is just this type of i am too big for love people but he will come around, "shegiya kema you like him you re just pretending."she say with a wink and i chuckle.

"Allah ya tsareni" of all people i will choose ya Amir never abeg lets change this rubbish conversation."i say and she laugh before throwing the popcorn in the air and caught it with her mouth.

"hah! so tell me about this Maina guy you have a thing for."she say with a raise brow.

"uggghhh! he just left like 20minute before you arrived,
you would've see him the guy is cute like he has this adorable smile and he is friendly i dont know if he likes me or he is just messing around with me."i say with a shrug and she sigh.

"Men are complicated!"she say with a deep breathe and massage her forehead.

"Tell me jas!
i know when you re worried."i say with a smile and she smile.

"Do you think Ya Raheem like me?"she ask and i look at her confused.

"i thought you two are a thing already, you re always puting silly things about each other on your social media."i say and she sigh.

"that's what i thought but he never say he love me and yesterday when he put this girl pic on his profile i ask who is she, he just slam me off that its non of my business."she say and start crying.

"oohh come on jas you dont cry because of men."i say huging and she sigh.

"But i like him soby,
i really do!
i love Ya Raheem but i think am just wasting my time."she say in between sob and i already imagine myself shoving that spoon ya raheem is using to eat down his throat.

"Dont worry he will come around its just like you say men are complicated and who is this girl you re worried about i am sure as hell she is not beautiful like you."i say and she smile cleaning her face.

"i save the picture let me show you, she is beautiful."she grumble and scrol through the iphone11 pro MAX and hand it to me.

"this is Amal Ya Amir cousin."i say and give her the phone back.

"You know her?"she say confused and i nod.

"they're in this house!
babe they are bunch of mean idiots its like being rude is part of Ya Amir family gene."i say and she nod.

"You two should hurry up they are done with yusrahs make up the make-up artist is waiting for you "sai shegen hira da manyanche kuka iya" hurry up its 4:00pm already."Anty salmah say and leave the room.

"lets go i really dont want any heavy make up."i say and jasrah laugh.

"hah! i want a beautiful heavy make up if possible like that of the bride."she say as we exit out of the apartment.

"My Albino sis."Ya yusrah say once we enter the apartment and i groan.

"Anty yusy."jasrah say and they zoom into there expensive shit conversation i head to the other room where the make up artist is waiting.

1hr later we're dressed in this purple asoebi my mum sew this long fitted pencil gown with a peplum and add a beautiful purple net that drop to the floor on the back of the clothe it look really good on me.

"Gaskiya Anty soby will be my event designer look at how you look beautiful people will think you re the bestmaid with the way this net is sweeping the floor."she say and i smile.

"you look good too."i say.

jasra wore this beautiful pencil skirt and the blouse look really stunning its an off-shoulder with a beauful purple flower design by the end and mehn it really fit her did i mention that her gele style is super weird and beautiful.

we head outside trailing behind anty yusrah friends through the back gate they load into there cars and leave.

"Ke look."jasra say pointing to Amal and her sisters entering ya Raheem car.

"just ignore him and pretend you didn't see them."i say and jasra look at me in disbelieve.

"i am not like you soby if i want something i fight for it."she say and storm to the car it makes me wonder how she walk so fast with those killer heels.

i watch as she open the passenger door and after a while Amal step out and open the back door then jasra climb the passenger seat and close the door not before giving me a thumbs up.

"Waiting for someone?"i look to see Ya bashir smiling from his car.

"No! actually jasra ditch me we were suppose to leave together."i say with a shrug, he come out of the car and stand by the door.

"You look beautiful!"he say staring at me and i smile.

"Thank you!
You look good too,
i have never seen a purple kaftan that looks good on someone till today."i say and he chuckle.

"That's flatering and thanks purple will now be my favourite colour i guess!"he say and we both laugh.

My phone vibrate and i see an unknown contact i swap the answer botton and press it to my ear.

"if you dare enter that car you will see what i will do to you"Ya Amir baritone voice boom through the line and he end the call.

"well guess i gotta go."i say with a smile and Ya bashir look at me confused.

"what? why?
i thought we re going together."he say confused and i smile.

i gat a ride !"i say pointing to Ya Amir car that its approaching.

see you then i will keep a special space for you to get a clear view of everything."he say with a wink and i chuckle.

"thanks see you."i say and he enter his car and drive away.

i look up to see Ya Amir car halt by the other side of the road i take a deep breathe and cross the road to the opposite site of the road with each step i take my heartbeat become more prominent in my ear.

I am super excited to read your comments.

i am looking forward to this ride to the event, hopefully he should not make her cry or worst drop her off by the road.

I am still a fan of Amir sha i dont understand what bashir is doing trying to flirt with our wife let oga Amir catch you.

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