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When people say time flys when you re having fun I thought is a silly joke but honestly speaking there is nothing more precious than spending time with the person you love,
I can't even believe is 2months since i have married her i wishe this honeymoon should not end but as the saying goes every beginning has an end.

I will spend the rest of my life cherishing this moments we spend wishe there school never called off the strike I dont mind if we spend another month alone, But with jasra calling everyday yapping about her wedding preparation which the wedding date isn't yet fixed makes my wife even more excited to go back to her homeland.

"Romyy!"my wife called coming out from the closet and I look up.

"I hate this name."I say with groan and she smile.

"But you're my romeo, okay handsome our flight is like 2hours from now and I really dont want to spend a night anywhere apart from Nigeria."she say zipping our suitcase.

"I will miss spending time with you,
You re going back to school and jasra I feel like that girl is my rival."I say seriously and she laugh.

"Oh sweetheart you have no idea how i love that girl."she say sarcastically and i just sigh.

"My one you will help me with my shoes."I say with a pout and she smile.

You know you re my baby, come on hurry the uber is here."she say as she kneel and put on the belenciagas shoes Ali bought for me when we visited him in London.

"Lets hurry!
I am soooo excited to see jasy."she say and drop the suitcase on the floor.

"Are you seriously tired of our honeymoon already."I say baffle and she laugh.

"Oh hon.
It was an amazing trip you really plan it well i miss Athens and Alaska, I think Florence is a little bored for me though but you cover up the boredom with Tahiti. I love you."she say and kiss me on the cheek.

"But I love it here in forbes."I say hugging her and she smile.

"But we 've to go home to our family."she say and push me on the bed.

"You gonna pay for this when we get back."I say giving her a knowing look, she smile bashful and pick her handbag.

Time to go ."I say and pick our suitcase before we both leave the room.


The 17hours flight was a very tiring one but alhamdulilah for a merciful one, coming out of the crowded airport i hold my wife hand she look exhausted and extremely tired.

"SOBY.'a familiar voice yell as i scan  the crowd with my eyes.

"Watch out!"my wife yell just in time my eyes caught the familiar figure on the floor.

We both run there just in time she stand up muttering a sorry to the lady she collided with.

"Sobibi."she yell and hug her making me to sigh dramatically.

"I miss you jasy."my wife say as we both start walking to the car.

"How was the journey,
You look good, you now have more flesh."jasra say as my wife smack her on the head.

"Over there."she say gesturing to a red ford.

"Uncle aminu bought a new car?"my wife ask and jasra laugh.

"Ya raheem bought it for me."she say excitedly.

"Wait where is the driver?"I ask and she laugh.

"See me here."she say dramatically and I laugh.

"Me Amir habib let you jasra aminu drive me home, please i didn't die on the plane i can't come and die in a car."I say and she roll her eyes dramatically.

"Psssstt ya raheem is driving."she say laughing as we reach the car and raheem come out from the passenger sit.

We side hug and greet before we all enter the car with jasra talking about whatever i can't understand, makes me wonder how raheem is coping wih her.

"Anty ammi is super excited to see you two yesterday mummy went to visit her."jasra say and I can see the surprise on my wife face.

"She did?"my wife say and jasra laugh.

"Just wait till you see how she will swallow the two of you,anty soby left yesterday something about her preschool party."jasra rant and raheem sigh in exhaustion making me to mentally chuckle.

The 45minutes drive to my mum house seems longer than usual with jasra and my wife talking about the honeymoon trip.

Halting at the parking space i open the door massaging my head, God this two will give someone migraine.

"Oyoyo sobibi!"my mum walk out of the building shouting heading toward my wife as i watch in amusement.

I watch as my mum embrace her into a hug.

"Good evening Anty."my wife say shyly as my mum smile.

"Come inside the house, jasra bring there suitcase inside."my mum say holding my wife hand and they both walk in as i trail behind them.

How was the trip?"my mum ask as i enter the parlour.

"Alhamdulilah mummy.
Soby was tired of staying she misses home."I say sitting down and my mum smile at her.

"Soby please stop being shy of me , I know alot happen but let's all put that in the past kinji, you re my daughter soo feel free with me."my mum say making me to smile.

Wlh mummy everything it's in the past you 're a mother to me."she say and my mum hug her.

"Anty i am hungry wlh."jasra say entering the parlour with my wife handbag.

"Soby will you eat or you want to relax first?"my mum ask ignoring jasra complain about hunger.

"I want to bath and then i will eat."she say and my mum nod.

"Jasra take the food to amir apartment."my mum say and jasra groan.

"Toh don't forget that we have a deal."my mum say and jasra stand up.

"Haba anty so because jasra is married everyone is treating me like a househelp, wlh very soon i will also marry."jasra continue to mumble to herself as she leave.

I mentally laugh as she leave the parlour, my gaze turn to my mum and wife they are so engross busy discussing about the trip, I breathe and sigh in relieve
Alhamdulilah i am glad my mum has come back to her seneses God is wonderful and there is nothing I Will do to thank him.

Jasra, jasra,jasra the drama queen.
3 more chapters and bye bye to proscriptive desires.

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