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are you not going to work today?"my mum ask and i humm sleepily.

"Toh come and take this food to Amir, i'm going to zafiras house today is the nikah of her daughter if you like sleep the day off, you know Amir better than i do "shegen bacci kamar man-shanu".she say and slam the door shut.

i groan and remove the blindfold from my eyes, yesterday was the longest night of my life Ya Amir is the most pampared adult i ever come across like i feed the matured guy,massage his feet and put him to bed, i chuckle as i remember the incident and shake my head, who ever thought Ya Amir could be so childish he look cute when he act like a baby.
my phone beep and i pick it from the bedside.

nurses never leave there patient,
they always make sure they take there medication on time, my nurse left me alone yesterday night and its 11:00am i still have'nt take my medication.
A. habib!
i drop the phone with a chuckle and head to the bathroom, i empty my bladder,brush my teeth and head downstairs.

i arrange the breakfast on a tray and head to the apartment, i have to hurry up i gat this interview with mainas dad filling station by 2:00pm.

"Assalamu'alaikum."i say before entering the room.

"goodmorning sabreen!
you left me yesterday its not fair i have'nt slept."he whine laying on the bed with the duvet on his body.

"goodmorning Ya Amir!"i say he smile and sit upright.

"how was ya night."he ask and i sigh.

"hectic!"i say.

"come and feed me i miss yoir face."he say staring at me.

i drop the food on my lap and sit on the edge of the bed, i open the plate of vegetable beef sauce and potatoes, some suya and his weird ginger juice.

"I love you sabreen!
i will never get tired of saying it."he say staring at me with a smile.

"okay! there you go."i say giving him a spoonful of the sauce he open his mouth and swallow it.

"have you eaten?"he ask and i shake my head.

"i'm fasting."i lie and he chuckle.

"when you re lieing your eyebrow always furrow together."he say and i smile.

"let me feed you?"he say collecting the spoon from my hand.

"No please...ju...st...this is getting weird i will eat when i get back."i say snatching the spoon from him.

"Look sabreen!."he say raising my head. "i love you and i am not going to hide my feelings anymore because i want to be with you and i know you also care about me, forget what our parent say because at the end they will eventually give up and let us live our happy life."he say and i drop the tray on the bed.

"Let me get going."i say clutching my rapidly beating heart,i stand up stumbling and triping out of the room.


Staring at the evening gloomy sky i play with bittu's fluffy body.
i walk around the garden picking the beautiful red roses on the floor, I hate this feeling and it grows stronger with every minute that passed by.

"find yah."ya bashir say startling me.

"God you scared the shit out of me."i say throwing the roses in a trashcan and sit on the garden chair.

"just passing by!
whats wrong you look worried."he say sitting next to me.

"Its nothing just stuff!
teenager dramatic life shit."i say with a shrug and he laugh.

"how was the interview."he ask collecting bittu from my hand.

maina was my interviewer soo we ended up gisting."i say with a chuckle and he laugh.

tell me i know when something is bothering you."he say playing with bittu as the fluffy guy jump down from his body.

"why is life complicated?"i ask with a heavy breathe.

"you mean why is love complicated."he say and i laugh.

"Both."i say and he entwine our hands.

"Life is simple soby Love is what makes it complicated, but if you want something you go for it forget what people will say because no matter what you do people will always talk, trust me if you cut your head and give to someone people will still talk and ask you why you didn't cut your neck join."he say looking at me and we both laugh.

"what about family?
what if family are against it?"i say.

"Family support each other if they cant support your decision then i think you should do what you think is right, Love hurt soby how you will have soo much feeling toward a single soul it just hurt more when that person doesn't feel thesame toward you."he say with a shrug and smile.

"why must we love?"i say in annoyance and he chuckle.

"There is no reason to love soby,
we love because we feel that way if we love with a reason what will happen when that reason is gone does that mean we will stop loving that person?"he say staring at me.

"you seem to know soo much about love."i say and he laugh.

"that's what happen when you fall in love."he say standing up.

"let me get going, seems like someone wants to talk to you."he say pointing at a tree in the garden.

"i will call you later."i say and he nod.

"i'am taking bittu with me i will bring him later."he yell and exit out of the garden."

i sigh and stare at ya Amir who is looking at me from were he is standing, i stand up and head for the exit if the garden and he hold me by my hand.

"Is he the reason you dont want to be with me?"he ask staring at me.

"what are you talking about?"i say trying to fix my gaze somewhere.

"I want to be with you soby, i love you, you have no idea how it hurt any time you walk away from me, i love you soo much that it hurt without reason."he say and hug me as some tears escape from my eyes.

"what's going on here?" A voice say and he break the hug as i use my hand to clean my face.

we turn and face his mum,Dad,my dad and our grandmum standing by the garden door.

Why did they have to come now they just ruin our first hug urrrgggghhh.

why did i have a feeling bashir still love soby.

so tell me everyone why do love hurt?

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