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"jasra is coming!"i say to ya raheem and he hummm in response with a nod.

"i know!"he say eating his food.

"ohhhh i forget she is your girlfriend."i say sarcastically with an eyeroll and he just glare at me.

"if you re done with your silly talk you can leave."he say and i just sigh.

"Ya Amir bought me a new phone."i say excitedly and he sigh.

"i know ilham we went together to purchase it!
what again do you want to tell me so that i can eat in peace."he say in annoyance and i chuckle.

"come'on ya raheem yanzu its because of food you re vexing with me."i say chuckling he pick the medical dictionary from his bed and throw it on me.

"leave my room God bless your small soul Ya Amir should see you gallivanting in this house ."he say and i laugh.

"so what if he sees me i am leaving not because of your threat but because i am bored talking to you."i say and leave the room laughing.

Ya raheem hate talking while eating according to him his food wont settle down the way he want, exiting out of the house i sigh and began my 10minute walk back to the family house, Ya Amir build this house seperately for the males in this family according to his small sense he hate mingling with women.

"if it isn't the beautiful soby."the familiar voice say and i turn to see him standing by the blue SUV with his legs cross.

what are you doing here."i ask with a smile scanning the sorrounding as i walk toward him.

"come on dont act all innocent your line isn't going, its just my luck that we meet i want to go and check on your brother."he say with a shrug i laugh and stand next to him by the car.

"when are you going back to lafia."i ask glancing at him.

i have this business meeting to attend tomorrow with my dad......if you keep on glancing at me that way i will faint from excitement."he say and i look down with a chuckle.

"okay! soo what do you have for me before you leave."i say not knowing what to say.

remember that band you saw me with and you like it."he ask and i nod.

"i bought it for you."he say and hand me the shoping bag.

"Awwwnn! you re a darling thank you."i say and he nod adjusting his shade.

"i will just check on your brother briefly and i will leave."he say and i nod.

"You look good today."i say staring at him he smile and we walk back to the house.

"thanks babe i think i will wear suit anytime i am coming to see you."he say and push the gate open gesturing for me to go in first like the gentleman he is.

"i will leave you here, gotta go Anty yusrah will soon arrive with her friends i have alot to deal with."i say and he nod.

"talk to you later."he say and enter ya raheem room.

i sigh and leave the house,
walking quietly  back to the family house, i ignore the fact that someone is walking 5feet behind me, my heart will probably pop out of my chest with the way it's  beating i stop and turn to face him.

"wlh Ya Amir it's not what you think we re just friends nothing more."i say and he just shrug.

"why are you explaining yourself if you know what you re doing is right there is no need for an explanation its just a shame you re my sister and too cheap, you're sixteen and start collecting gift from a stranger what will you do if you re 20,
i dont know how you view yourself maybe no one has ever tell you but you re not as beautiful as you think you re perhaps this your skin is decieving you."he say looking at me in disgust i gulp down the sob that is trying to escape my mouth.

i am not crying because of him not today i say to myself.

"thank you for the phone Ya Amir."i say and he just glare at me.

"just get out of my sight."he say irritated i sigh and turn to leave.

"ke! come back here!"he say and i close my eyes to calm down.

"if i ever see you talking to any guy in the name of friendship i will deal with you, All the females in this world are not enough for you to make friends with you have to follow males "shegen rigima da iyayi" get out of my sight before i slap you."he say glaring at me, i mumble a whatever to myself and continue my walk back home.

wlh this Ya Amir is sick how will someone be angry all the time, that's his problem to deal with atleast he know how to pay someones property when he destroy it.

"SOBIBI."the familiar voice yell and i look up to see her closing the car door.

"JASISI."i yell and run crushing her into a hug as we both laugh.

"ohhh God Lily do you see yourself,
hah!  the way you re sparkling."she say wiggling her brow and i laugh.

"Abeg jas you that you're always resting i hustle die my sister."i say and she laugh.

"Dont worry i brought you plenty shit to sell but we re sharing the profit."she say and i laugh.

"come on pack your shit let me say hi to Ya bashir."i say and head to the driver side.

"i thought you wont say hi to me since you've seen your friend."he say smiling revealing his dimple and i chuckle.

haba Ya bashir your greeting is special that's why i have to finish with that crazy girl before i come to you."i say and he look at me with a smile.

"Are you sure?"he ask and i nod with a smile.

"soby lets get going."jasra yell

"okay! Ya bashir let me get going or are you coming in now?"i ask and he shake his head.

i will just rest a little my regards to Anty sobia tell her i will come and check on her before the event ."he say and i nod.

"Are you staying with Ya Raheem?"i ask and he shake his head.

i will be fine dont worry about me."he say with a smile and i shrug.

"SOBY."jasra yell and her brother chuckle.

"Go and meet this mad woman you called a friend before she destroy our eardrum."he say and we both laugh.

we bid our goodbye and i head to meet jasra who is standing by the gate.

who is excited for the wedding event!

Hah! the way Ya bashir is smiling i am suspicious.

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