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"Mrs Amir your phone has been ringing since i am sure is him, just tell him not to worry today you two will be together."jasra say sarcastically as i come out from thé bathroom.

I just ignore her and pick my phone from the bedside, multiple missed calls from my mum, ya amir and ya raheem.i drop thé phone and sit on thé bed.

"Are you nervous about you know all the new stuff you will expérience."my sister say with a raise brow as jasra chuckle.

"Please you two should stop this type of talk "banaso"i say and they laugh.

"Sallamu"alaikum."a familiar voice say and enter thé room.

"Basmah goodmorning."i say she smile and drop her make up kit on thé table.

"Morning amarya,
Who annoyed you early this morning."she say and i just glare at jasra who is too busy laughing at her phone screen to notice me.

"Sister intee did you see your video with ya bashir, you two look super cute together."basmah say with a wink.

"You look good with Ali hé even post it on insta with #tag relationshipgoal."jasra yell.

"Please come lets start mummy say you re going to anty salmah house from there to ya Amir house to greet his mum or whatever she is trying to explain."basmah say bringing out her make up stuff.

Honestly i wake up from thé wrong side of thé bed, i am kinda feeling down, depress and angry, i had a great night yesterday, thé dinner went pretty smooth, alot of dancing, pictures and food, i dont know maybe is because ya Amir told me we're leaving today for our honeymoon, our flight is by 8:00pm.
A little part of me want to spend some time with my family..

"Amarya!"anty layla say entering thé room.

"Goodmorning Anty."i say with a smile and she stand next to me.

"Sannu mrs Amir.
Jasra ke stand up and arrange this room, meye haka room is looking like a war zone."anty layla yell but jasra been jasra roll and fall face flat on the floor.

"Break your face and see wether raheem will come near you."her mum say and she just groan.

"Basmah you should hurry her antys will soon be here, and there are alot of Word of advice and she has to at least rest before théy leave."Anty layla say and basmah nod.

"Ke jasra hurry and arrange this room haba, everyday this room is congested and dirty."her mum say throwing thé shoes on thé floor to the bedside and walk out of the room.

"I cant wait to marry and leave wlh, everyday they will just be disturbing someone insha Allah i will talk to ya raheem "gaskiya muma mushiga layin su hajiya sobibi"she say and i just ignore her because honestly speaking i am not in thé mood for her silly jokes today.

I ignore there silly comments as basmah start playing her magic on my face.

2hours later we are all loaded in thé cars to anty salmah house, ya bashir is thé one driving us,with sister intee in the passenger seat, i am sitted in between jasra and basmah.

"Ohh now my sobibi is a bride time flys, ya bashir when is your wedding because thé way am seeing things maybe we will marry same time."jasra say with a chuckle.

"Ke when did i start this type of jokes with you "banason raini"ya bashir say and i chuckle.

"Haba sweet broo is it because you see sister intee, its ok i understand you want her to think you re a very serious person."she say sarcastically making basmah to fake sneeze and they both laugh.

"basmah and jasra if you two say anything, even if its a heavy breath wlh i will drop thé two of you and if you think am joking try me."hé say and they both keep shut, thé drive turn quiet and i sigh in relief.

Halting at thé front of the building my heartbeat begin to beat rapidly, thé door open and jasra drop my veil to my face, alot of noise and women chattering filled my ears as we walk into thé house, i could see from thé transparent veil that anty salmah parlour is pack with women probably family and friends.

"We'ré taking you up your mum and others are there they will give you some pièce of advice ."jasra whisper in my ear with a chuckle making me to roll my eyes dramatically.

Pushing thé familiar room door open basmah help adjust my veil and i sit on thé carpetted room floor.

I could feel that everyone gaze is on me and for some minute i wishe i can look up to see my mum.

"Toh ililyn mummy,
As thé saying say
Love is magical ! If I should be more factual about this, love is not just about the fun, material gifts or any sort of physical exhibition of what people call love, they are more to it.
Love is abstract philosophically. It connects two minds together emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. These are the three atom of love that connect you to Amir,
You possess everything good that we had and i am sure you will be a great wife,You are everything that any parents could wish for, i know you ré a very patient and réserve person please ilily dont disappoint us be a great wife to your husband, be like your mum she is thé great définition of love and patience even do she is no longer with your dad you do know she try,.....Anty salmah voice ring in my ear as i begin to feel my eyes pain, my vision blur thé liquid acidic substance emerge from them profusely as i feel basmah palms in mine.

" If there is one person in this world I love more than myself is you. Your happiness was my first priority to me in all these years and always will.
you are my pride. No matter how hard my life gets, I will never let sadness touch you. In the end, your smile is what matters to me most.Please ilily i know love Amir and i am confident Amir love you to, i never thought this day will come too soon, ilily remember i am your mum and dont hide anything from me if you ever feel thé need to talk call me i am your mum dont be like me sometimes we Have talk, somethings can give you a lifetime pain if you did'nt say it out, i dont want love to make you go through same fate i am going with your dad......I love you ilily kinji stop crying my mum say engulfing me into à hug and i have never want to be hug soo badly till now.

I cry and cry but at thé end she let go off me i try holding her back but basmah hold me and i watch as she leave thé room with a stained face.

Issa double update because seriously i want to be done with this book before this month end.

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