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Thank you everyone that read this book to this point. It really means alot to me and dont Forget to pen down your comments.


Staring at thé darkness of thé room,
I breathe out a heavy breath tomorrow is thé day i have yearn for but yet with each passing minute this night i have melacholy dread about it,
Everyone is here my mum,my brothers,my aunties,even my dad came to see me yesterday.

Ever since ya Amir told me the news about canceling farhat wedding i found myself more relax and my mum seems more happy, ya Amir decided that his dinner isn't cancel my mum try to convince me to have at least an event but I refused since ya amir will have a dinner I think it's enough, my mum design an adorable grand red gown for the dinner i am excited to see myself in it.

"Soby."I turn to my gaze to jasra and she on the bed side lamp.

"Why are you crying?"she ask and sit upright.

"Am I?"I ask and touch my face feeling the iquid substance.

"I am not good at advice but i think is best if you stop thinking too much about tomorrow, I know marriage is a difficult task as our parents say but the amazing thing is that you're marrying the person you love and he love you too, you should be glad God has deleted farhat out of the picture.
Please just sleep because honestly it's going to be a long day and it will be better if you reserve those tears for tomorrow."she say and basically throw herself on the pillow.

I stretch my hand and off the bedside lamp before laying down I close my eyes listening to my heartbeat.

I wake up to the heavy banging on the door.

"Innalilahi, soby stand up run to the bathroom let me open the door."jasra say and push me to the walk in closet.

"Which type of stupidity is this jasra,
How many times have i warned you about using masterlock of this door,
Do you know what time is it and you are both sleeping, shift and make way for me to pass."Anty layla voice echo around the room.

"Mummy she is bathing already."jasra say trailing behind her mum who walk into the closet.

Do you know what time is it.
It is 12:00pm already your mum called me "An daura auren"they are on there way back and you know very well nasarawa to abuja is a short trip, everyone is here and you two are here sleeping, thé make up artist is here, photographer and his team are here, KIBANS ATTIRES and her team are here with your clothes, everyone is calling you two and your phones has been ringing no answ.........

"Mummmy let her go and bath because this talking is wasting of time."jasra say dragging her mum out of thé closet and i disappear into thé bathroom.


"The groom is here are you not done."anty layla ask entering the room as my make up artist whose name I learnt is basmah nod.

"Basmah why did your make up take longer than usual that's exactly why i said you should sleep over yesterday."jasra yell from where my sister is doing her make up.

"Anty we will soon be done.
Let them wait it's her big day she have to look extraordinary."basmah say and anty layla leave the room complaining about how today is just not how she plan.

"Sis please hurry ya raheem has been calling me since, I miss him it's been a month we didn't see each other."jasra say.

"Hajiya jasra maybe today i Will see this raheem, you 're always talking about him but never put him on your social media."Basmah say and jasra snort.

"No abeg I don't do that social media relationship, girls are always searching for relationship to destroy, how is your sadiq this days you've stop talking about him and your status at whatsapp is usually his picture free."jasra say and she just sigh.

"We broke up I guess you 're right about the social media stuff, you know "amina sambo"?"Basmah ask her gaze fixed on my face as she do my make up.

Wanan tsinaniyar i saw her in dubai the last time i went with my mum,
They now live there."jasra yell as my sister warn her about dangling her head around.

I dont know she and Abdul were kind of in a situationship, there video has gone viral same time with farhat."Basmah say.

"I saw it, one that she was giving him a lap dance or something like that."my sister say and basmah nod.

Hurry and get her dress."basmah say and we head to the closet with her.

30 minutes later i walk out of the closet.

YOU LOOK MUAH,MUAH AND MUAH."jasra yell from where she is doing her headtie.

I have always wanted one of the KIBANS WEDDING ATTIRE, i wear an ash long fitted gown that hug my body with the little touch of silver on it, it just make it look perfectly stunning.

"I have never seen a wedding without friends like yours."basmah say and I just smile.

"I am glad to be her only friend i dont want any slay queen to come and start doing over sabi here."jasra say and I chuckle.

"Are yo.......
Wow ililyn mummy You will kill Amir with happiness, he has been smiling since hé walked into this house, now his mouth will probably tear."Anty zee say coming into the room the with adyan.

"Thé famous Ady!
Hah i finally see him,
This boy that has more followers on insta than me."basmah say carrying adyan and I chuckle.

"Ok drop that monster and let you girls follow ililyn mummy downstairs to see her sweetheart."Anty zee say and collect adyan from basmah.

"Oya let's go,"jasra say and we walk out of the room with each step I take my heartbeat begin dangling in excitement.

"Be calm,your hands are trembling."jasra whisper in my ear holding the length of my gown as we walk down the stairs.

"I am nervous."I say just in time we take the last stairs, the camera flashes and the cheers of everyone fill my ears someone embrace me into a hug and without looking up i know who is it because hé is thé only one that can hug me soo fragile yet very intense and engulf in his embarce i know right this minute that i want to be with this man and spend thé rest of my life with him.

"You look breathtaking"Mrs Amir habib".hé whisper in my ear with thé amount of camera clicks/flash and cheers but one person voice stand out that makes me want to roll in laughter and this very moment i know jasra will never be serious in her life.

Finally "Mrs Amir habib"

Jasra will always be jasra 😄.

This book is coming to an end we have like 5chapters and we're done.

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