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8months later.


"Look at the way this boy is glaring at me ,dagani wannan will take ya Amir personality."jasra say looking at me and i glare at her.

"Jasra give me the baby, you've been holding him since."her mum say and the girl roll her eyes dramatically but hand the baby to her mum.

"When will she be discharge?"my mum ask and I scratch my head.

"Anty soby went to talk to the doctor about that."I say looking at my sleeping wife.

"Ke jasra what is this gara-gara all about, leave the baby let everyone see him joor, be behaving as if you're not a married woman."her mum spat swatting her hands away and hand the baby to anty salmah.

"My sobibi baby but you don't want me to touch him, very soon nima wlh i will give birth and nobody will touch my baby."she say seriously annoyed making me to chuckle.

" jasra are you pregnant?"anty zaynab ask dropping adyan from her lap.

"I didn't see my period its supposed to be yesterday."she say and everyone laugh.

"Jasra Allah ya shiryeki, wonder what raheem sees in this head of yours."her mum say.

"Ilily open your eyes and stop pretending to be asleep i see you."jasra yell and her mum smack her on the head.

"Jasra you're married stop shouting ,you will wake this baby."her mum say but jasra been jasra climb the bed next to my wife and whisper in her ear.

"Good afternoon Anty."My wife say shyly and sit up.

"How are you feeling?"my mum ask and she nod.

"Bring the baby to his mother, let her breastfeed him."jasra say stretching her hands to collect the baby.

"Ke !
Leave this room, get out
da shegen manyanche."her mum say throwing her shoe on her as she run out of the room laughing.

"Weldone ililyn mummy, you give us daddy's carbon copy."Anty zaynab say and give the baby to her.

The months seems to pass by pretty quickly and its been 8months since my wife give birth, with school, work and baby she is always busy and i wishe i could do something to help.

Halting at the parking i sigh and pick my suitcase before heading to the building.

"Where are you going to baby."i ask confuse as my wife drag thé baby bag and suitcase down thé stairs.

"Jasra has given birth just arranging for our journey."she say smiling widely.

"Which jasra?
I just left her ok before coming."i say huging my wife.

"Anything can happen in 3hours, anty layla just called me is a boy thou me that i want her to Have a baby girl so that fazil will marry her."she say and i chuckle.

"You two are hilarious,
What if your kids dont love each other because me i cant force my child to marry anyone because i know how painful and annoying it is."i say seriously and she smile.

"That's another story for another day because she has a baby boy soo.
Lets just go and see thé big guy."she say excitedly.

"I Have to eat.
I am hungry
where is my boy?"I ask following her to the kitchen.

"Ya Azan took him out, they will soon be back."she say as i sit on the stool.

"I thought he is leaving tomorrow."I ask and she sigh.

Well he was talking about this girl he met yesterday and he likes her, so I don't think he is leaving anytime soon."she say dropping my food on the table and I mutter a thank you.

"Anyone home."the familiar voice say entering the kitchen and I look up to see my son with his uncle.

"This guy can play for africa,
He refused to eat he was soo excited to see himself outside."azan say dropping fazil on his chair.

"Ya Azan jasra has given birth to a boy, we're leaving now."My wife say excitedly and her brother laugh.

"I know hajiya ilily sarkin gulma,
We're leaving now with mummy sai kunzo."he say and my wife frown.

"Ya Amir hurry please everyone is leaving remaining us."she say exchanging the spoon am using to eat with a bigger one making me to laugh.

"Ya Amir see you two at abuja and Ilily check my whatsapp status you will see the baby pictures raheem sent to me."he say laughing as he leave the parlour.

She run to the parlour and pick her phone.

"Sweet did you see this boy wlh next time i will give birth to a girl, he is handsome."she yell and put the phone on my face.

"He look like his mum,I hope he doesn't take her personality because i don't think any girl i will give birth to will like a guy with loud personality like jasra."I say truthfully and she laugh.

"I love my jasy.
Make sure you're done before i come back,
Let me go and bath fazil."she say and pick fazil before leaving the kitchen.

I sigh and massage my forehead,
Hopefully jasra become mature now that she has a baby, didn't actually plan on driving back to Abuja now but i don't have a choice my wife will probably make me deaf with complaint if she didn't go to see her best friend today.

Once I am done eating i wash the plate and drop it in the cabinet just in time she comes back to the kitchen.

"Let's go baby.
basmah and Ali are also coming she just called me they are boarding to Nigeria."she say excitedly and I sigh.

Once inside the car i turn and look at fazil who is sitting on his car seat, he smile showing his 4tooth and laugh.
This is going to be a very noisy journey since my wife is already thinking about a video call with jasra.



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