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Staring at the wall of my room i can hear my dad and his family yelling at each other,
what have i gotten myself into?
my mind drift to my mum and a sob escape my mouth, how could Ammy say such thing about my mum, why did they all hate her?
my mum is a very nice person i cant even believe my dad just watch them saying all those stuff about her he couldn't even defence her.

The door to my room creak open and i use my palms to clean my eyes, they all walk in and i fold my hands together.

"why are you crying?
Anyway that is non of my business i just want to warn you, stay away from my son, tell your mum whatever charm she use to make my son like the both of you the charm has expire and i dont want to ever see you two in my life again."Anty ammi say  answering her ringing phone just in time my mum enters the room.

"whats going on here?"my mum ask as entering the room they all glare at her and Anty ammi scream throwing her phone on the floor.

"this is exactly what i am talking about, wlh sobia if anything happen to my son i will hold you and your witch daughter responsible."she say sobing as uncle habib help her to stand still.

"What is it?
tell us, what happen to amir?"my grandmum ask.

"Amir has gotten into a bad car accident he is in the hospital, they have kill my son grandma."Anty ammi yell with her hand on her head.

what happen to ya Amir i thought as my heartbeat begin to beat rapidly, everyone become blurry, there voices fading and the last thing i see is a blurry figure trying to hold me before i black out.

I wake up with a sore eyes and a lightheadche.

"sorry! how are you feeling."my mum ask touching my forehead.

"i'm fine mum, lets go and see Ya Amir."i say and she smile weakly.

"ok! let me pick my veil from my room."she say and leave the room.

i stand up holding my throbing head, i rummage through my closet and put on a long hijab before heading downstairs.

once inside the car my mum stare at me and smile.

"Dont worry you will be fine."she say and start the car.

"Why did they hate you mum?"i say once we leave the house.

"Sometimes there isn't reason for something, i dont care ilily as far as my husband and kids are happy i really dont mind them hating me, everyone must not like you no matter what you do to please them they will still pick offense."she say with a shrug.

"I love you mum!
i hope i become as patient as you are."i say and she smile.

"Do you love Amir?"she ask with her gaze fix on the road, i stay quiet not knowing what to say.

"You can tell me, i am your mother i will always support you if what you re doing is right."she say and i sigh.

"I dont know mum,
i know i really care about him and i dont like seeing him hurt but if whatever i feel for Ya Amir is love i will learn not to love him if it will be the genesis of oue family falling apart."i say with a heavy breathe.

"Love is pain soby especially if you two want to be together but things keep tearing you apart, but if two are destine for each other no power on this earth can seperate you two."she say and halt the car in the hospital premises.

we walk to the main building my mum greeting few people she say are her ex co-workers.

"what are you two doing her?
or you two have come to make sure he is dead?"Anty ammi say once we reach near the icu.

"Haba Anty you know we all want the best for amir he is like a brother to me."my mum say with a smile and anty ammi just glare at her.

"If you want the best for him then please you two should leave, once this doctor finish what he is doing we will leave in an ambulance i cant risk leaving my son in this place."Anty ammi sau gesturing the door and my mum hold my hand but i remove it from hers and head to the ICU as Anty ammi drag me by the hijjab.

"ke! which type of witch are you i say leave i dont want you near my son."she say as a sob escape my mouth and i run pass her to the ICU door and look through the screen glass my eyes searching for him,
two doctors and a nurse are by the bed his forehead is bandage and an oxygen connected to his nose.

"Leave my son, get out of this hospital."Anty ammi say and push me on the floor matching me with her foot.

dont you dare match my daughter like that and if it is your son i promise you henceforth my daughter will never see him and she will stay clear away from him."my mum say helping up.

she clean my teary face and we walk out of the hospital building
just in time my grandmum,dad and uncle habib are coming in, my mum ignore there stare and head to her car.

poor ilily i hate Anty ammi!

get well soon my Amir.

why is this happening and sobys dad just keep quiet, its not fair my poor soby deserve to be happy even grumpy Amir.

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