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Haba all of you reading without commenting is not fair please my sweet ghost readers i need you to comment, just tell me i am stupid,my book is awfull and i will be happy,
pleeeasssee comment or i stop typing like my fingers are killing me and you just read without a hello!


I open the passenger door and haul myself then close the car door shut.

"Goodevening Ya Amir!"i say he ignore me and start the 30 agonizing drive to the event.

The car is quiet like the only sound its from the radio which it is not that loud i can feel my breathing, i glance at ya Amir and i try to hide my chuckle but terribly failed as the demonic chuckle escape my mouth and i know deep inside me it is the worst mistake i do make this evening, ya Amir halt by the side of the road and i turn to look at him.

"Just give me one reason you re talking to that guy."he say staring at the empty street.

"we just greet each other."i say and he humm in response.

"first you talk to a stranger and you enter my car, glance at me and laugh because i look like a clown to you right?"he say his fingers tapping at the dasboard.

"sorry!"i say staring at my fingers.

"who apply this rubbish on your face?"he ask staring more like glaring at,me.

"the make up artist that did anty yusrahs make up."i say and he hand me a wipe.

"wh......what?"i say stammering and he gave me this questioning look.

"wipe it off."he say and throw the wipe on me.

"Ya Amir i cant wlh i love the way i look please everyone has make up on there faces today,
i dont want to be the odd one please."i say pleadingly and he glare at me.

"i say wipe it off."he say glaring at me and i sigh staring at the wet wipe on my hand.

"how old are you?
that you have start applying make up, wearing tight clothing, talking to men and smiling, you are way too cheap than i expected and Dont think that maybe i like you thats why i am always trying to stop you from mingling with men or restricting you from doing shit because i dont you dont even have one characteristic of the type of woman i want, i am just trying to protect our family reputation since your goal is to ruin it."he spat and the sob i try to hide escape my mouth.

i open the car door and step outside, the evening hot breeze slap my face but i ignore it and shut the door and began walking to wherever i dont know,

i am sick of ya Amir attitude as if i am the only lady in this family, Amal,manal and farhat all put on make up,
why is mine a problem?
he is always telling me hurtful word and insulting me i didn't create myself God made me that way, talking to someone as if he is handsome with those his eyes that look like that of a sleepy owl, his nose like a pika, "mugu kawai".

the car horn drift me out of my tirade and i look up to see the familiar Rolls-royce i stop and the glass drop down revealing Ya Bashir with thesame smile from earlier on his face making me smile.

"what happen to your ride?"he ask with a raised brow.

"nothing actually he forgot something at home i told him to drop me here to go and come back, just want to enjoy the night breeze."i say with a shrug.

"its dangerous you know a beautiful lady walking alone by this time of the night."he say and i smile.

"its 7:00pm so is not that late."i say with an eyeroll.

"sooo are you gonna wait or you will come with me?"he ask and i chuckle.

let me just go with you i will text him to meet me there."i say and he smile happily.

you can do just that come in."he say, i open the passenger seat and hop into the luxurious looking car.

"this is beautiful!"i say relaxing on the seat looking around the interior of the car.

"Not as beautiful as you re."he say with a smile that make his dimple dense in adorably.

"thanks for the ride,
i thought you are already at the event."i say as he begin to drive.

"i stop at a friend house,
i am glad i delay there i wouldn't have met you if i dont stop there."he say and i smile.

"thank you for the ride."i say and he nod.

we drive in silience with an unfamiliar song playing on the radio my gaze turn to ya Bashir who is humming along the song.

"the song is weird."i say and he laugh.

"come on soby this is a beautiful song just listen i will sing it to you."he say with a smile.

You got my emotions in motion
The way I come do it like that
Even though I run, do it like that
Got me feelin' brand new
You got my emotions in motion
The way I come do it like that."he sing and i laugh.

"that was cool emotion in motion pretty cool name for a song."i say and he nod.

he park the car and we both head to were the event is holding on.

"lets hurry up the bride are arranging to go inside."he say and hold my hand as we walk fast to meet up.

"sobibi were have you been?"jasra ask once we reach the line behind the bridemaids.

"ke! what happen to your make up."ya raheem say laughing and i just glare at him.

"take just touch it a little."jasra say and hand me the powder.

i dap a little and start touching it to make it good and Ya Amir face pop into the mirror i turn to see him behind me, i ignore his glaring and finish my stuff and hand jasra her powder back.

the line start moving and its just my luck that farhat is behind me with Ya Amir beside her as her groom
they will make a perfect couple with the way they both frown i thought with a chuckle and Ya bashir raise a brow at me and i smile.

"Soby."jasra whisper and i turn to face her.

"Look the way Ya Amir is glaring at my brother."she say and i look to see ya bashir and ya Amir sharing an intimate intimidating contest.

we walk casualy into the hall jasra wont stop talking and ya raheem keep on videoing her with a big smile on his face.

i look at ya bashir who just hold my hand with a smile as the line keeps moving, my gaze shift to see ya Amir and farhat has disappear from the line i shrug and start launching my iphone11 pro MAX with silly selfiess with Ya Bashir.

Soo soby think she has matured to talk back at ya Amir we will deal with you.

Bashir stay away from what is not yours!

special thanks to
you girls are the most adorable readers and friends i really appreciate your efforts it means alot to me. i love you all!

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