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picture of sobia Above!.


Staring at the my phone, i wipe my tears and redial the contact.


the familiar voice i have been melancholic longing to hear say through the phome as i smile and clean my teary eyes.

"Ya Amir!"i say and there is silient for some minute.

"uhhhmmm...who is this?"his voice say and there is some movement in the background.

"How many times have i warn you to stay away from my fiancee wlh if you dare called him again you will see what i will do to you, "shegiya karuwan banza"farhat voice pierce throught the speaker and the line goes off.

i throw the phone on the floor and lay on my bed all i want its to just talk to him, its been two weeks since the accident my dad was the only one anty ammi allowed him to see ya Amir even do he assure us he is ok, i know something isn't right why didn't he called me and he never answer my calls today is my lucky day after several missed calls he answered and this girl just ruin everything.

"Ilily?"my mum called i sit upright and clean my face.

"what happen?
why are you crying?
i thought you have a test today?."my mum ask closing the door shut and walk into the room.

"i was about to get ready, i just have this bad headache."i say cleaning my eyes and she sit on the edge of the bed next to me.

"ililyn mummy!
i know you re worried about Amir but just like your dad said he is okk and please stop disturbing yourself, i care about you soby, you re my only daughter and i will want the best for you Amir is a nice guy and all but sometimes we just have to give up on some things, what belong to you will always find it way back to you so just be cool and keep praying for the best."my mum say cleaning the tears on my face.

"Why is this happening to me mum, why cant everything be like before i want you and dad to be happy, i miss my brothers , i just want us to be happy."i say crying and she hug me.

"ssshh its ok, everything will be fine as the saying goes if it's not ok then it isn't the end no matter what happen at the end evrrything will be fine."she say cleaning my tears.

"i love you mum."i say and she smile at me.

"come on get ready look how you face is red from too much cry, bashir is waiting for you."she say standing up and i also stand up.

can you do me a favour?"i ask and she nod.

"Anything for you my last born."she say and i chuckle.

"can i know how ya Amir health condition is please."i ask standing by the bathroom door she nod and walk out of the room.

i take a deep breathe and start my morning shit actually waste alot of time on this bed this morning.


Halting in the front of my house i look at him with smile.

"Thanks sweetheart you are a lifesaver."i say and he smile.

"come on girlfriend get going you dont wanna be late for work."he say and i laugh.

"maina can i ask you?"i say and he nod.

"did you mean it when you said you want me to be your girlfriend."i ask and he frown.

"ofcrse soby i really like you i wishe i can be with you but to be frank if you see me dating you it means i really want to marry you but my family is big at this bloodrelative marriage, like everyone is already betrothed right from birth."he say with shrug.

"You are lucky."i find myself saying and he look at me confuse.

come on sob whats good about your parent making decisions for you, most especially a lifetime decision like marriage, i know my fiance is a nice girl but i still cant feel the chemistry."he say smiling sadly.

"you should keep trying one can learn to love someone easily but to remove someones love from your heart its difficult, anyway let me get going this afternoon shift is just annoying."i say and he chuckle.

"Do you want me to drop you off?"he ask and i shake my head.

"Ya bashir is coming soon he will drop me off."i say and he nod.

"He likes you?"he say and i look at him with a chuckle.

ohh Maina you and your matchmaking skills please thats my bestfriend brother beside i thinks he is too exorbitant for me, like do you see the babes he mingle with they are gorgeous."i say laughing and he chuckle.

"You're very beautiful soby like sometimes i doubt if you re actually a nigerian, your skin is super sweet and this your auburn eyes they will charm any guy wlh."he say and we both laugh.

"hah just for the record i will let you know that my maternal great granddad is a descendant from france, anyway have a nice day maina."i say before steping out of the car and close it.

"talk to you later."he yell as i head to the gate giving him a thumbs up without turning back.

i close the gate shut and began walking to the main building, my brow furrow as i see the familiar blue Audi in the parking space, my dad is at home by this time maybe they are trying to settle things with mum, i thought as a smile creep on my lip.

"I'm sick of you and your family am always at fault, you just watch them say anything they want to say and you cant even defend me."My mum voice echo in the house as i near the terrace making me fasten my pace.

"what do you expect me to do, you brought this to us, if only you behave like a decent wife years ago all this wouldn't have happen, i am sick of you and this marriage, sometimes i wishe i never met you."My dad yell.

i push the door open just in time my mum head upstairs and my dad trail behind her.

oohh my Gosh,poor soby dont worry everything will be cool soon.

I need 50 votes and comments to update next chapter, like seriously I dislike ghostreaders.

check out my other book "Deejarh"i promise you gonna enjoy it.

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