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3days later!

Amir's pov!

Sitting on thé chair facing thé hospital room i massage my forehead. Why Will sabreen have to punish me this way i know i say awful words to her but i never meant to hurt her i just want her feeling same way i am feeling anytime i see her with that bashir guy.
"Amir!"i look up to ses Anty soby and i sigh.

"How is she feeling?"I ask as she sit next to me.

"She is getting better paraquat it's a very strong pesticide it will take time but she will be fine."she say looking at me worriedly.

" I never meant to hurt her i was just mad and i snap at her , you do know i love sabreen right and i will never do anything to hurt her it's not fair how i am going to end up paying for my dad mistake." I say staring at my fingers.

" Amir it doesn't matter whatever happened in the past if ilham is destined to be yours no power on earth can divide you two, you just have to believe everything is possible, if sabreen want to be with you i will always support her and if she choose to let go i can't force her you both mean a lot to me." She say and i nod.

"I love her."I say in a whisper.

"You should go home and rest you look pale, you have been sitting here for two days and you refuse to eat." Anty soby say and i shake my head .

" I am not leaving till i see sabreen, i want her to know she meant the world to me, I love her Anty i want to be with sabreen but if she choose to hate me i promise you i will leave and never come back." I say and she sigh.

We don't give up on love easily we fight for what we want till we become weak and then we give up, every relationship is worth fighting for, but if ilily choose to let go then maybe you two are not destined for each other but i want you to know, whatever happens between you two today i still care about you Amir you are like that junior brother i never had and i will make same sacrifice for you just the way i will do everything to make Soby happy you both mean alot to me." She say and I nod.

"Can you please tell her to let me in please." I say and she nod.

Staring at my hands i kinda feel nervous my heartbeat is beating rapidly and i relax on the chair and close my eyes to calm down.

You can go in." The familiar voice say and i stand up.

" Be calm." Anty soby say as she sit on the chair i just left and i nod.

Pushing the door open, i look up to see her sitting in the bed with her back on the wall and her face glue to her phone screen.

" come in." Her small voice say and i close the door shut before walking into the room.

I sit on the chair facing the hospital bed staring at the girl that always make my heartbeat skip a thousand beat, the girl i always admire right from birth, the girl i will drop my mighty ego just to be with her she look pale her fair skin looking so dull like thé evening sky.

" I want to be alone if you don't have anything to say." Her voice say snapping me out of my thoughts.

" sabreen
I know.........i am sorry about everything i don't mean anything i say to you i was mad at you because you are always avoiding me but you always let others console you, I want to be with you sabreen, i want to be the one to solace you in time of grief and to celebrate with you in time of happiness, i love you and i want to be with you." I say and she just stare at me.

" I don't want to be with you Ya Amir,  i care about you but truth to be said i dont want to be with you , your dad is the reason my mum is now a widow ,your mum always blame my mum for mistake she never made and you Of all people also say those awful words about my mum."She say calmly and i sigh.

" I am sorry sabreen please i don't mean it, i was mad b......

" Ya Amir seriously i don't want to make same mistake my mum made , I don't want to be with a temperamental spouse someone that doesn't have control over his anger that will do somethings out of anger and will end up regretting just the way my mum is going through what she never deserve. " she say and flick away the tears that are trying to emerge from her eyes.

" just give me a second chance sabreen please if by any chance i repeat what i did you can leave me but just try and give me a second chance i want to be with you." I say holding her hands.

" I can't ya Amir." She say removing my hands from hers as the door open.

" Amir stand up and leave this hospital ,you are coming with me." My mum say snatching my hands from sabreen and I yank my hands out of hers.

" I am not going anywhere not with you anyway." I say holding sabreen hands who is looking at my mum surprisingly.

"Come with me or else you are no longer my son." She say sternly and i chuckle.

" I knew i was never your son just because i pretend not to know some shit doesn't mean i am dumb, I know everything Anty ammi, I know i was an illegitimate child of my dad and i am grateful you treated me like your child but i can't continue to accept you bossy me around and planning how my life will be, I love sabreen and i will be with her." I blurt out those words i have been hiding deep inside me.

" what's going on here?"Anty soby come in with her daughter and ex husband.

Hey everyone!
Soo i want you all to check out my other book "Doleful : A love story" and enjoy the mesmerizing love triangle story of Dalil,Aisha and deejarh.

This page is dedicated to
Aiman-tixxy happy birthday sis may the almighty embarrasses you with blessings and drown you in the pool of happiness🎂.

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