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This chapterbis for
deejarh_ thank you soo much.

3days later!


Sitting on the bench i stare at the busy filling station, 3days and my mum never called even her sisters are worried ya Azan was back yesterday, ya raheem wasn't eable to come he is writing an exam have to wait till friday, if anything happen to my mum i will never forgive my dad i dont know were he is the last time i saw him was when he throw the stupid envelop on my mum, ya Amir is always pestering me it will be really cool if he leave me alone because farhat is always sending me shitty sms and his mum wont stop sending me awful voice note on my whatsapp, i know i have feelings for ya Amir but like seriously i dont want to be with him i dont know what happen between his dad and my mum but whatevr the fuck it is i know my mum is not to be blame.

"thinking shits?"i snap out of my thought and look up to see maina.

i sigh and he sit next to me on the bench, i facepalm and release a heavy breath.

"why is life soo complicated?"i say and he chuckle.

"because it wont be fun if there isn't obstacles, sometimes we have to fight for happiness i know we all have bad days, sometimes you feel like the whole world is against you but life is all about survival, soo whatever is bothering you dont give up sooner or later everything will be good."he say with a smile and i nod.

"thank you!"i say and he stand up.

"i am going to see basmah taking her on a date."he say with a shrug.

"you two getting better?"i ask with a raise brow and he nod.

"yeah! we are trying,
you were right maybe i have to give her a  chance and we may work, she is a nice girl."he say and i smile.

"goodluck."i say and he nod before walking away.

i sigh and pick my backpack i will just walk home , its a long walk but it will give me some pretty time to think.

30minutes later i am walking down the deserted area of our house, i wishe life can be soo simple.

"going home!"the familiar voice say and i smile.

"dont tell me you re stalking me!"i say and ya bashir smile .

"nope just walking around, let me help you with this."he say and collect my backpack.

"you re such a sweetheart."i say and he nod as he dran his hand around my shoulder.

we walk in comfartable silient, ya bashir has a way of lighting my mood and i dont know why i am always soo comfortable around him.

"your mum is with my uncle in london."he say making me to stop and face him.

"wait how do you know!"i ask confused as we continue walking holding our hands.

"she called Azan few minute ago while we were together, long story short she just want everyone to know she is fine."he say with a shrug and i breathe in relief.

"i missed her!"i say and he nod.

"i am sorry you have to go through all this i dont understand why life have to be this cunning, you have to be strong for your mum i know your dad is a nice man but he really do fucked up."he say and i nod as some tears leave my eyes.

"why will this have to happen now, had i known my relationship with ya Amir can caused all this i would have stay away from him, i want my parent to together."i say as i use the sleeve of my shirt and clean my tears.

"Amir has nothing to do with this, i am sorry i have to tell you this but your family and mine kind of have a rough past...uhmmmm your dad was my mum EX they dated for 8yrs she left him and married my dad, your mum and uncle musty were married few years ago when she and your dad divorce, she then left uncle musty and re-married your dad, its kind of a complicated relationship and biff."he say and i chuckle.

"i dont get it, you mean my dad was your mum EX and my mum was once married to your mum junior brother.
But hold on my dad divorce my mum and she married uncle musty then uncle musty divorce her and my dad married her again."i explain still confused and he nod.

"yeah! well uncle musty really loved your mum she really pressurize him before he divorce her, they had one baby together "inteesar"she is with him he never married till date."he say and i feel like a sharp arrow purtrude through my heart.

"soo i have an elder sister and no one has ever mention to me but why did my dad divorce my mum."i ask curiously and he sigh.

"well thats not my story to tell, your family gat a bunch of secret ilily i just hope you and Amir work out."he say looking at me worriedly as we stand under the mango tree to rest.

"i am still confused.
why will everyone hide all this from me i feel like a stranger to this family, so my mun went to meet uncle musty and my sister in london."i ask still bewilder by the news of me having a sister.

they used to be bestfriend before they married, i am sorry you have to find out this way but i know sooner or later you will still come to know about it, sorry i am really sorry ililyn mummy."he say with a smile as he clean my tears with his fingers and hug me.

"why will they all hide this from,i always want a sister why will my everyone keep it away from me."i say sobbing in his chest as he just keep on muttering sorry in my ears.

"SOO THIS IS THE REASON YOU'VE BEEN AVOIDING ME."the familiar voice yell behind us and i get out of ya bashir embrace.

"its not what you thin..."i try saying but he just laugh bitterly.

"i should have known better, you're just like your mum."he say looking at me in disgust.

"Dont talk about my mum that way."i warned as a wave of anger start accumulating in me.

"or what?
what will you do your mum was just a cheap wh......"i dont let him finish as i collide my hand with his cheek.

i collect my backpack from ya bashir start walking home, how dare he speak about my mum that way, i am still lost and confused to why i still dont know shit about my mum and the entire family secret, whyvis evrryone hiding evrything from me.

i push the gate open just in time my brother is coming out of the house.

ohhh gosh my poor soby i am sorry, you have to go through all this.

Amir i thought you are a good boy now alas you re still a temperamental jerk.

is it only me that think bashir and ilily will look cute together.

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