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5months later!

Amir's pov!

"Ya Amir ummah is calling you."farhat say as she barge into my room i look up from laptop and glare at her.

how many times have i warned you about barge into my room without a knock or salam, the next time you do that wlh you will regret it i have warn you enough."i say and she leave the room grumbling to herself.

wonder what is it ever since i found out what my mum say to Anty soby during uncle billys wedding i have distance myself with evryone, Anty soby means alot to me she is like the elder sister i never had even do she say she forgive my mum i know deep inside she is still hurt.

i close the laptop and leave the apartment.

"goodafternoon ummah."i say sitting on the couch next to my dad.

"Alhaji amir yakk?"my dad say and i smile.

"Alhamdulilah aabbah."i say and he clear his throat.

"uhmmm Amir,
the reason your mum and i called you its about your marriage, you are'nt geting younger very soon you will be 35 and you re still single  your mate are having kids,
do you have any girl you re seeing?"my dad ask and i sigh.

"yes i have a lady i love."i say staring at my mum.

"who is she?"my mum chirped in and my dad nod excitedly.

"yes please who is our inlaw?"he say and i chuckle.

"its sabreen."i say relaxing on the couch.

"where is she from she has a nice name."my dad say and i nod.

"people called her sobia, her family call her ilham she live in nasarawa state."i say with a shrug.

"Are you mad Amir?
or did we all look like your playmate that you will sit us and start talking rubbish, i told you several times to stay away from ilham she is your sister."my mum yell and my dad look between us confused.

"wait! hold on
which sobia are you refering to you mean ilham my brothers daughter, haba mallam Amir you know such thing doesn't happen in this family most especially your grandma wont take it."my dad say looking at me.

"if grandma is the obstacle then you all should not worry i can handle her."i say with a shrug.

"You are not marrying ilham Amir and thats my final decision
its proscriptive in this family and you know it because while growing up i told you everyday and grandma will not listen to you, is she your only cousin if you want a family marriage there is farhat, Amal and manal are also there but i forbid your relationship with ilham."my mum say furiously.

"ofcourse you will say there is Amal, farhat and manal because they are your sisters kids if sabreen is my sister they are also my sisters if i cant marry sabreen then i cant marry them either."i yell and my dad hold my hand.

"calm down Amir before you loose your breathe, Did ilham love you too?"my dad ask looking at me worriedly.

"No! but that is not a problem."i say trying to stable my heartbeat.

"why are you even asking him it doesn't matter wether or not ilham love him because the two are not marrying each other you yourself know that."my mum say staring at my dad.

"i am sorry Amir but such relationship its not allow in this family."my dad say sadly and i chuckle.

i dont care about your family tradition and norm if my religion doesn't forbid such act then i am sorry i wont obey the two of you."i say and my dad sigh.

"Amir you re marrying farhat and thats an order."my mum say.

"mum wlh if i dont marry ilham then i promise you i wilk die single, i am not marrying an untrained,mannerless and spoilt brat like farhat"i say and stand up .

amir!!"my mum call but i ignore her and leave the parlour.

what stupid family norm i am marrying sabreen let me see who will stop me because of a stupid family norm.

i open my room door and remove my suitcase from the closet and begin to arrange my clothes inside, i am going to nasarawa state and i wont come back till i tell sabreen how i feel about her, i carry this love in my heart for years they all know but yet they want to deny me my happiness because of a so-called family tradition and norm.

i zip my suitcase and pick my car-key,phone and laptop before leaving the room.

ooohhh my god i hope Amir is seriouse before he go and fuck up again.

love make us do crazy things including droping our ego aside.

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