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Hauling myself into the car i turn my gaze staring at the hospital door, Ya Amir is awake and denied seeing everyone,
like everyone of the family member is here including his parent but gradually they disappear and leave us.
we do spend 5hours waiting maybe he will change his mind but the doctor advice us to just go home that he will be fine and will be back home tomorrow morning.

"You okay?"Ya bashir ask putting his hand on mine and i nod.

"he will be fine."he say i nod and the drive home began in a complete silient.

As bad as ya Amir is to me i really dont want anything to happen to him,
right now i wishe i can just see him even if he will insult me and sent me out like he always do, i wishe i can just get a glance of him to know he is fine.

The next morning i wake up late than usual maybe is because i spend the whole night awake thinking of whatever i dont know.

"You re awake!
you better hurry up everyone is getting ready Anty ammi and your grandma already left."jasra say wearing her clothe.

"Goodmorning to you too!
have anty yusy and her friends leave?i ask and pick my phone from the,bedside.

"No but they will soon leave,
your mum,Anty salmah and anty fati left immediately after subhi prayer, something about going to prepare things before everyone arrive."she say and pick her ringing phone.

i switch on my phone and drop it back on the bedside drawer, i totally forget we re leaving today i hate arranging my stuff late i will just forget a bunch of shit,
uncle billy build this beautiful house few blocks away from ours thats where him and anty yusrah will stay before they leave for there honeymoon in Hawaii to which anty yusrah wont stop braging about from there they will live there happily ever after at dubai.

"soby nifa i'm going with Ya raheem he is already waiting for me outside."jasra say and i sit upright.

"why didn't you wake me wlh sometimes you re very wicked."i say and she laugh rolling her abaya veil.

"toh yesterday you were busy thinking about your Amir and didn't sleep."she say wearing this beautiful heel.

"i like this shoe."i say ignoring her comment and she humm.

"ya raheem bought it for me last month when he visited Abj."she say puting her things in her handbag and i nod.

whos car am i following."i ask and she laugh.

"Anty zee is around she is still sleeping uncle salis is probably still sleeping you can come with them."she say and pick her phone from the bed.

"okay keep goodies for me abeg."i say as she zip her suitcase.

"no problem!
if you like go back to sleep its 11:45am already everyone will leave you here, you go enter transport come."she say picking her suitcase and leave the room yelling goobye making me to chuckle.
i sigh and begin to arrange my stuffs.

45minutes later i'm done
i leave my room to check on Anty zee i push the door open and the room is empty i go to the kitchen she is not there i go through my contact list and dial her contact.

"ililyn mummy!

"goodmorning anty zee,
where are you i am going with you fah jasra left me."i say and she laugh.

us wey dey suleja i dont know you were around wlh, we left even if we dey there isn't enough space Amal is with us.

"bye!"i say and put the phone in my bag.

what nonsence is this how will everyone decide to leave without me its as if nobody care about my existence in this family,
i drag my box outside and stand by the gate the only car outside is for the bridesmaid i will just have to patch up with them cant actually follow transport car, i go through my contact list and dial my mum number.

"hello mummy!
everyone has gone and leave me
you all didn't wake me up now the only car outside is anty yusrahs."i say as i feel some tears forming in my eyes.

"why were you sleeping?
always sleeping like a python,
i will call amir to see if he can pick you, bashir already left and you know yusrah wont pick you, if you like go and do your maturity to him you know him more than i do. she say and end the call.

i wipe my tears with the back of my hand, Jasra is the genesis of me being in this situation she should have woke me up, yanzu i have to take another trip with Ya Amir again, its a short trip from abuja to minna and he rubbish me that way,
its like 5hours journey from minna to Lafia only God knows what he will do to me.

The familiar "range-rover " start approaching and i take a deep breathe, Ya Allah this journey should be merciful one please God.

OOOhh poor ilily hopefully Amir doesn't mess things up.

So what do you all think maybe this is the moment we're all waiting for,perhaps Amir may confess his feelings.

wonder where mykorii has been!  sis i miss you and your silly comments.

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