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"Thanks Maina i really appreciate."i say smiling at him.

"come on i had fun never thought my POP will be this interesting we should hangout more often."he say and i nod.

"definitely yeah!"i say raising my brow and he chuckle.

"okay will talk to you later my regardx to your smart ass brother."he say as i close the car door shut.

"whatever maina have a great day enjoy yourself as a graduate."i say and he nod with a smile.

"fahad is the name stop calling my grandfather he will roll out of his grave several times with the way you re calling him."he say and i laugh.

"maina is pretty cool fahad sound boring have a great day."i say and head to the gate.

"Ke! come here."ya Amir say once i step into the house he stand casually by his range rover typing on his phone.

"Goodevening y......

"i dont want your greetings who is the guy that drop you off."he say his eyes on his phone and i roll my eyes.

"dont you dare roll that your ugly eyes at me again."he say sternly and i muttered a sorry.

"he is ya raheem friend he saw me treaking from work and offer me a lift."i say and he look at me for the first time.

"And because you re a cheap lady you decide to accept his lift why where you treaking dont you have money for bike or you just feel the need to talk to men look at your ugly face sai shegen rigima let me see you gallivanting with men again seems this teenage age is messing with your brain and you re thinking you re also a matured being get that into your dumb skull you re nothing but a small rat get out of my sight with this your ugly face."he say irritated i grumble curses under my breathe and leave.

"ke! come back here."he say i turn back and stand 2feet away.

"use that veil and wipe that ugly thing on your face you called make up."he say pointing at the my face.

"Ya amir it's a white veil wlh it wont come out when i wash it."i say and he just look at me i grab the veil and scrub my face angrily.

"Tear the face daman gaki da muni people will now start running away if they see you, leave joor look at your red face like a red monkey."he say irritated and go back to pressing his phone.

i storm into the house and head to my room ignoring my mum calling my name i push my bedroom door and throw my bag on the bed and head to the bathroom.

wlh i am not ugly it's not my fault that i am soo fair calling me red monkey Allah ya isa, mugu kawai, i'm not a small rat i am 16 and i'm not ugly he is the one that is ugly with his long nose and weird eyes that looks like a sleepy owl instead of apologising for leaving me at the POP instead he is insulting the good guy that bring me home.

once i finish bathing i put on my pajama and head downstair am very hungry didn't eat anything since breakfast.

"Yawwa lham come and take this food to your brother."my mum say once i step into the kitchen.

"ya raheem isn't back yet."i say and she nod.

"I know!
you re taking it to Amir."she say and i groan with a pout.

"carry this food and take to your brother continue pushing your mouth that way wataran you will wake up and look like an ostritch."my mum say not interested in my bratty self and hand me the tray with several dishes covered.

i head to the apartment and push the door open and drop it on the dinning table, i close the door shut and i collide into something.

"Ke! yakike da shegen rawan kai, are you blind behaving like a complicated sewing machine shift."Ya amir say and push me out of the door.

i head back to my room with my food because i love eating in my room its pretty cool my phone start ringing and i pick it.

"hey just want to check on you and thanks for coming to my POP."maina's soft voice ring through the phone and i humm in response.

"point of correction i go to my brother pop and right now am eating will talk to you later."i say clearly annoyed and off the phone before  pluging it to charge.

can't wait for ya Amir to leave sunday seems far to me tomorrow is saturday will just spend the day at my dads construction site and avoid the grumpy guy and on sunday i will make sure to wake up late so that he will be gone by the time i wake up i on my television and decide to watch something that will wipe away the frustration in me.

soo what do you all think
Amir or ilham who is your favourite character.

hello guys soo next chaptet is the giveaway chappie so dont forget to vote,comment, tag a friend and be a winner.

i love you all.

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