Just Leave

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It was the 75th annual firefighter conference and gala in Chicago. All of Chicago's biggest SmokeEaters were at this two-day event. To discuss topics like fire safety for First Responders, admissions to the fire academy, and how to serve the community better.

Severide P.O.V
I hate coming to these events, but my father always said " These events were for smoke eaters like us to knock elbows with the big leagues and enemies of the CFD. Kelly a firefighter always needs friends in the CFD." I was only there to show my face and represent Firehouse 51. I entered another large conference room where I saw the most beautiful woman standing up giving a speech about how to boost admissions for female firefighters in the CFD. She was dynamic and engaging. She had researched and charts. I sat down, watched, and listened to her entire speech. When she was finished I stood up and waited for everyone to leave and I walked up behind her as she was packing up her things.

Hi there
Oh hi, there you scared me.
Sorry, your speech was amazing.
Thank you.
Can I get you a drink from the bar
Sure but I don't drink with strangers
Oh I'm Kelly Severide
I'm Stella Kidd
Look, we are not strangers anymore so let's grab a drink.

Stella POV
As I began my speech, I noticed a tall man walking into the conference room. He grabbed a seat and I noticed him watching me. I continued my speech and cleared my mind of this mysterious man. It was finally over and I was packing my things up. Then suddenly I heard a voice behind me Hi There. I turned around and it was the mystery guy, he was gorgeous. He had the most mesmerizing eyes and when he smiled his whole face lit up even his eyes. I found myself lost in his blue eyes, his eyes were the type that looks right through your soul. Kelly Severide that's his name. Oh my, this gorgeous man is flirting with me. He's asking me for drinks when all the drinks are free to all firefighters at this conference. The night went by so quickly we sat for hours talking about life and our firehouses. He was a lieutenant at Firehouse 51 I told him that I was at Station 27 run by no-nonsense Chief Walker. Kelly told me that Chief Walker was his instructor at the Academy. He gave him an unfair reprimand and his father Benny Severide came up to headquarters and punched Chief Walker and the report was removed from his file. But Kelly told me that there was no bad blood between Chief Walker and his father. They were back playing golf the next week. I told Kelly that I had to leave to prepare for tomorrow's festivities but Kelly made sure to ask me for it to be his date for tomorrow's Gala. We exchanged numbers and I got up and I left the conference room bar.

Next day the Evening of the Gala

Kelly POV

I decided to go with a classy look for the gala and for my first day with Stella. I wore a jet black suit with a black shirt inside. I combed my hair and checked myself in the mirror and grabbed my keys and headed to the door. I arrived early at the Gala. I stood in the front lobby and waited for Stella to arrive. I felt completely strange. It was the first time I felt so excited to see someone, I was anticipating her arrival. It was now 7:15 I was waiting for 15 minutes for her. A cluster of people began to arrive at the Gala. I saw Chief Grissom and my father walk-in. Grissom and my father walked over to me.
Grissom said, Hey Kelly
Hey Gris
She must be beautiful to have you out here waiting, Benny said.
Dad don't you have business inside.
Grissom said Kelly, no love for your father come on Benny leave the boy.

After that conversation was over my focus shifted back to the door. Then suddenly there she was wearing a black velvet dress with a slit at the side. Her hair was straightened and tucked behind her ears, showing her beautiful brown eyes.
Kelly said "You look amazing"
Stella said, "You clean up well Lieutenant." 

Stella POV

I could believe how handsome Kelly Severide was in his suit. It was the first time in a long time I have been on a date since my separation for Grant. Kelly was just completely different he was flirting with me. An hour had passed and I was ready to go, I whispered to Kelly let have an afterparty back at my place. In his excitement, he got up and almost hit a waiter. We walked quickly to the door. I got into his car and I gave him the direction to my place.
We arrived at my apartment I took off my heels, went to the fridge, took out the bottle of wine, and grabbed two glasses. Kelly was there sitting on the couch. I poured him and myself a glass of wine when I looked across I found Kelly just staring at me. I found myself lost in his eyes. Our face moved closer and we began to kiss. The kissing became intense then suddenly I heard my door shaking. The door opened then I heard a voice saying StellaBella. Kelly and I had stopped kissing.

StellaBella, my love who the hell is this
Stella said, "Calm down why are you here. Are you high?
I see you! I see you for what you are! You are a whore!
Kelly gets up "Hey, asshole who the hell are you."
I am her husband
Stella said, "Grant calm down, Kelly was just"
Grant said, "I should kick your ass for being here"
Stella said, " Kelly was just leaving right, Kelly."
Kelly said, "Stella I can't leave you with him."
Stella said, "Kelly it will be fine just leave, I'm sorry."

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