A Boy named Lucky

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Lucky POV
Every foster kid has a number, 11 years in the foster system, 22 group homes, 1 haircut requested by a caseworker, 3 nights spent in juvenile hall, and 1 removal from an adoptive family. I was very young when I entered the system so the memories of my real family had faded away. 
My earliest memory that I could remember when I was 3 years old, my caseworker, brought me to a big house where I met Ned and Patricia Montgomery and they would tell me that they would be my new mommy and daddy.
Thinking back to those four years I spend with Montgomery's none cared enough to check who these people were. I guess they put out a good front, the successful businessman Ned and his stay at home trophy wife Patricia. Patricia kept a clean home, breakfast, lunch, dinner was a particular time these were the things that she would obsess over. While Ned was a nonsense sadist that would have his wife parade around in her underwear, while he would hit her and take pictures of her bruises. 
My adoption was officially finalized my name was changed to Adrian Lucky Ned Montgomery Jr. I would never answer when they called me Adrian or Ned, I guess this was my first sign of defiance. One day was playing in the house and I knock over a coffee lamp, Patricia quickly came over and cleaned up but Ned walked through the door. He walked over and saw the lamp on the floor Patricia stop clean, Ned turned his attention to me. "Did you do this."
"Yeah, it was an accident."
Then he began to laugh " An accident I don't care." He took off his belt and beat me.  First-time was filled with tears and begging him to stop. The first beating became the gateway for other cruel and unusual punishment like locked me in a closet all day, beatings, and for his own sick, pleasure he would strip me to my underwear and having sleep outside in the cold. Sometime I would go days without eating a property meal, but whenever Ned would leave for work Patricia would try to help me.
There wasn't much Patricia could do she was a prisoner in her own home. And occasionally he would find out that she had helped me and I wouldn't see her for a few days. 
The only reason I escape from that hell hole because a caseworker came by to do a wellness check I was 7 years old at this time. I was frail and weak and I looked like a ghost because I haven't been outside. She saw my bruises and investigation was immediately open I was removed from the home. The damage was already done I spend four years with Montgomery, I didn't want anyone to do the same thing to me again so I had to protect myself. Which made it difficult to place me into a foster home, because I was either too aggressive or I would just leave. Being at group homes I had to defend myself against other kids. I just prefer to be on my own. 
Monday at midnight.
The group home was quiet Miss Tina got me a bed at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls. I was laying on the bottom bunk in a room with four other bunk beds. Suddenly the boys from the other beds got up while the boy that was on the top bunk jump down and held me down. The beat started, one of them punch me in the face and stomach. I could taste my blood filled up in my mouth, I got up and tried to fight them off but instead, I took a chair and throw it through the window and jump out it. 
Bloody, Bruised, and running Barefoot in Chicago in mid-December I look around for someone who could help me. Some guys came out of a bar and I asked one of them for a phone call. I called Kelly. 
I just sat there on the corner of the street in the cold. It felt like forever just wait for a sign or something. Then Kelly showed up. He got out of his car. 
Kelly, "Lucky What Happen."
Lucky, "Everyone hates the new guy."
Kelly, "Let go I'm taking you to MED."
"Hi, Lucky I'm Sam the hospital social worker."
Lucky, "Hi."
Sam, "Ok can we talk about what happened."
Kelly, "I will leave you guys  to talk."
Lucky, "Kelly, um can you stay."
Kelly, "Sure, Lucky."
I went over everything that happened then some officers came in.
"We are here to take custody of Adrian Lucky Ned Montgomery. "
"That's not my name!  It's just Lucky."
Kelly," Guys waited can we work something out. Sam?"
Sam, "Kelly, Lucky can't stay at the group home until we find a replacement he needs to go in protective custody."
Kelly, "He can stay with me, he can live with me. He will have his own room, a bed."

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