Welcome to the Party

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Stella POV
It's been 6 weeks since I was out discharged from the hospital. My mobility has changed I was no longer using a wheelchair. I was walking, but I was using a cane. I no longer need an in-home nurse and no more home physical therapy. I would go twice a week to the rehab center. I would work on my strength and stamina. My physical therapist told me I was on the right track to get back in CFD.
Max was almost 7months now. Went I wasn't going to physical therapy we would spend the day together. With morning snuggled, breakfast time, playtime he had become the master of crawling, and nap time, little TV time, and dinner time. 
Today wasn't any different day then there was a knock on the door.
"Morning Stella."
"Morning Benny, Kelly is not here."
"That's okay I came to see you and my grandson I can come in."
I nodded and let Benny in. I offered him some breakfast but he just drank some coffee instead. It was so interesting to see Benny interact with Max after I knew Kelly and Banny had a difficult relationship. They would sit together Benny would read to him, or Benny would explain all the different firetrucks and departments in the CFD. Max would look at him and listen intently at what his grandfather was saying.

Kelly POV 

"Wow, she did that."
"Yep, she just showed at my house."
"Damn Casey."
"Excuse me Captian Severide Squad 3 needs gas."
"Got to go, Casey talk later."
"Of course."
"Hey Peterson, it's just Severide, I know you are a floater until Capp return from vacation. You can call me Severide. "
"Sure Captian Sorry I mean Severide."
"We will work on it, Squad 3 let's go grab your gear."
Tony, "Severide, she all full up."

Dispatch"Captian Severide  Squad 3 this is main."
"Captian Severide go-ahead main."
"CPD need assistance at 2517 Walblash can you assist"
 "Main Squad 3 can assist."
"No Sirens."
Copy that. Let's go, Tony."

At the Scene 
I jump out the truck Cruz and I walk over to a group of officers from the intelligence unit. While Peterson and Tony stay back waiting for my signal.
Ruzek, "Severide, Welcome to the party."
Severide, "Ruzek, what's  happened."
Ruzek, "James Grey has barricaded himself in the bathroom that was built like a fortress."
Severide, "Any weapons"
Halstead, "Does a plunger count, Whats up Cruz."
Voight, "Kelly can you get the door open without him noticing." 
Severide "I can try. Cruz lets take the hinges off the door, then pry it open."
"It's all clear" 
Hand up CPD ! Let me see your hand!

At the Firehouse 
I walk into the Casey office. 
Kelly, "Casey what do you think about Stella coming in and working."
Casey, "Kelly she hasn't been cleared for active duty."
Kelly, "But the bullpen is under staff and Stella used to work in Public Relations."
Casey, "She hated working in public relations."
I laugh and said "You right but she needs to be with her people. She hasn't been in a firehouse for almost a year now. I think this would motivate her when she's ready to do her physio to get back into the CFD."
Casey, "Her physio test is two weeks from now. I have it written down somewhere under this messy. Since when you are so invested with Stella going back to work. I thought you like having her home."
Kelly, "Six weeks, Stella is antsy. She doesn't have many hobbies and when she not doing rehab, she burning food and rearranging the apartment."
Casey, "I see I will give her a call."
Kelly, "Don't say I suggested it."
Casey, "Gotcha."
Look who's home, Dadda is here and Uncle Ritter.
Ritter, "Why you so happy this morning."
Stella "Your girl got a job. Casey called me, he needs me."
Ritter and I just look at each other, then watch and listen to her ramble on while holding Max. They both had crazy hair and they had on matching pajamas. 

Stella POV
Later on, that afternoon Kelly and I sat on the couch while Max nap, and Ritter was out for the day.
Kelly, "When was the last time you talked to Gabby."
Stella, "Gabby almost two years she asked me to drive her to the airport. What's up."
Kelly, "Gabby is back in  Chicago."
Stella, "Aww she surprised Casey"
Kelly "Well she did, surprise him." 
I turned to him "What do you mean?"
Kelly, "Gabby came back with a little blonde hair, little boy."
Stella, "Oh My."
Kelly, "Gabby and I have been friends for years She and Shay were partners on Ambo. I even lived with them after Shay died. I was their biggest cheerleader when they adopted Louie I became an honorary uncle. I was so angry went she just left then mail the signed divorced papers. Now she returns with this kid. I don't what I would have done if I was Casey."
Stella, "Kelly,  you and Casey are both good men and excellent fathers. I can't get mad at Gabby because I almost did the same thing too."
Before I was able to finish my sentence Kelly said "No you didn't" Then he leaned over and kiss me.

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