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Kelly POV
How does someone explain death to a child? I sat with both of my sons down, Piper was too young to understand, but Maxwell he such a smart little boy even though he is only four. I keep replaying what I told Max "Papa Benny was sick and his body stopped working so he died. Maxwell, Papa Benny died he not coming back."
All those thoughts invaded my mind as I got dressed. Dressed blue with shine shoes then I felt his little arms wrapped around my leg.
"Dada can you help me."
Little black suit with little ties my sons were dressed by their mother. I came down to his eyes level and fix his tie he put his little hands on my shoulders. I look up into his eyes and I saw my father staring back at me. When I was finished his little hands rubbing my face. "Thank Dada." I watch him run to his mother to show her that he was ready.
Going to a retired firefighter funeral was so stranger to me. My father was not one for dramatics. So there was no marching in the street, there was no drum crop, his casket was not mounted on the fire truck and driven through the city street of Chicago. My father had a specific instruction he wanted one bagpipe player and he wanted to be buried with his metal.
As we got into the Black TownCars it began to rain. On such an auspicious day it was like the city of Chicago was grieve for my father. We arrive at Holy Name Cathedral, Father Nolan, Cardinal Patrick James, and Chaplain Kyle Murphy greet us at the door. Father Nolan pray over the family. Katie and my mother took the boys in and got seats. Stella and I stood waited for the hearse to arrived. My father casket was now at the cathedral door. As Father Nolan pray over the casket they began the funeral procession being wheel through the cathedral I walk behind the casket holding my father's helmet. I thought to myself this was the cathedral is where life, begin and end for my father. He was baptized, confirmation, alter boy, marry and now his funeral everything came full circle.
Father Nolan pray and then he read a verse scripture.
" To everything, there is a season and time to every purpose under the heaven;
A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and A time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time laugh a time to mourn a time to dance...."
Chaplain Murphy when up said a prayer.
"Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle in heart and you will find rest for your souls. This is the word of the Lord. "
I got up and walk to the pulpit. I was amazed at what I saw in the Pews. It was a sea of blue, from the Mayor of Chicago, Commissioner Grissom, and other heavy hitters from the department who worked with my father. Cadets from the Fire Academy and member of the Sergeant Hank Voight intelligence unit. As I cleared my throat I began my eulogy.
"My father was a legendary firefighter. I know this because he told me all the time.
But he wasn't wrong.
On March 16, 1993,
He pulled seven people out of the Paxton Hotel fire. They were trapped and nothing could figure out how to get to them. But Benny wouldn't give up, even when the building was coming down on top at him. That was Benny Severide. He always had to do things his own way. He was stubborn, and the man he was tough. Sometimes too tough. He would battle the people he loved as hard as he would battle any fire. But every now and then when you needed him the most. He would have your back whether you knew it or not. No matter what the cost. It took me far too long to figure that out. But I'll never forget it."
I finish my eulogy and walk over his casket that was draped with the flag of Chicago. I pin his metal on it. "Sleep tight Dad you earn it."
Several other individuals when up said a few words about him. Max sat quietly between Stella and I, while I held a sleeping Piper. Piper Shay was such a sweet and calm baby, with all the commotion happening he was still sleeping.
The service was now over. I gave Piper to my mother as Stella held Max's hand. I was preparing to be a pallbearer. It was a six-man crew, myself, Chief Boden, Chief Casey, Lieutenant Herrman, Cruz, and Capp. Exiting the Cathedral it was no longer raining a detailed of cadets and other firefighters' present arms.
They rang the last bell.
Battalion Chief Benjamin Severide
Has returned to quarters, he cleared from all his duties.
He is gone but Never Forgotten. May he rest in peace with his
Brothers and Sisters

Hours Later
We walked into the apartment.
Stella, "The ceremony at the cemetery was very beautiful Kelly."
I nodded.
Stella, "Kelly are you hungry, Do you wanted me to make you something."
Kelly, "No I'm fine."
Stella, "It was a good idea, for your mom to take boys."
Kelly, " Stella, Stella please be quiet."
Stella, "Okay I should leave you alone."
I grab her hand, "I don't want you to leave." I lean in and kiss her. It was slow and passionate then tears ran down my face. She wiped my tears away and lead me to the bedroom. We made love then I watch her sleep. I got up and walk to the kitchen pour a glass of whiskey and just stare out the window it was raining again.

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