Stand Up

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Lucky POV
A week went by and school sucked. I sat at the back of the class looking out of the window. 
"Adrian! Adrian! Montgomery!
She walked over to my desk "Eyes forward Mr. Montgomery"
"My name is Lucky. It just Lucky."
"Ok fine Lucky. Can you tell us the answer on the board."
"Un" Bells Rings "Sorry save by the bell maybe next time."
 finally, school was over I walked out of the building and Stella was outside waiting. I got into the jeep.
"Hey, Stella."
"Hi, Lucky."
"What up Max."
"Where's Piper."
"He at Grandma."
We drove the firehouse I got out. 
"I will pick up in two hours."
Herrmann, "Ok Lucky here your uniform go change, and let's get to work. Let do some hands-on learning. Grabbed the hose line."
Lucky, "Sure."
Herrmann, " Ok dummy training gear up! Put your mask on Lucky !"
GO! Get Down! Drag the Dummy! What are you doing! Time!
Herrmann, "Lucky the victim is dead."
Lucky, "Whatever Herrmann. I don't care."
Herrmann, "What did you say."
Lucky, "Herrmann I said I don't care. The victim is dead not my problem."
Herrmann, "Lucky,  you think being a firefighter is a joke. Just being a volunteer firefighter is an honor."
Lucky, "Well Whoopty Doo Herrmann I don't feel honor."
Severide, "Hey what the hell going on here."
Lucky, "I didn't even want to this. Herrmann, you are worst than a probation officer."
Severide, "Herrmann can you give us a minute."
Lucky, "Kelly, I have nothing to say you."
Kelly, "Lucky, you listen Herrmann was trying to help you."
Lucky, "I don't want to be a firefighter. This is a volunteer program. I didn't freaking volunteer."
Bells went off.
Kelly, "This conversion is not finished."
I sat on the bench outside of the firehouse and waited for Stella, to pick me up. We got back the apartment and help the boys out of the jeep and I went straight to my room.
Next Day
Kelly was still on shift so Stella dropped me to school before I got out the jeep. I told her that I won't be going to the firehouse. I walked into the school.
"Adrian! Adrian! Mr. Montgonmery!  Eyes in front!"
"Lady didn't we go through this yesterday, my name is Lucky."
I got up and left the classroom. I walked into the bathroom and I found three boys smoking weed.
"Can I join you."
"Sure." One of the boys handed me the joint. 
"What's your name fam."
"Lucky you"
"I'm Jose. This is Julio and Elio."
"We bout to leave. You wanna come."
We walked out of school and head the corner the Jefferson and Walbash. We smoke weed all day and eat potato chips. We walked back to school before the last bell. Jose invited me to a party that night. It was 10 pm now Kelly was home I was my room getting ready to go to this party. Then Max walked through the door.
"Are you go somewhere, Lucky."
"What are you doing up."
"Lucky, where are you going."
"I'm going out Max."
"Can I come with you."
Reluctantly I said, "Yes but you can't wear your p.js stay here and be quiet."
I went to his room quietly pick out some clothes.
"Look put this on my friends are coming to pick us up."
I grabbed his hand and told him to be quiet and we quietly sneaked out the apartment. 
"Max put on your jacket its cold."
We hop in the car that was driven by Jose's brother Enrique. 
"What up Lucky. Who's the little man."
"This is Max. He cool. Right, Max."
We arrived at this house party that was in full swing. 
Jelly Shot! Kegs of Beer! Mollys! People make out in the corner!
Max grabbed my hand. I turned to him and "Max listen to me don't drink or eat anything unless I give it to you okay. Do you want some pizza."
"Lucky we are going out back to smoke."
"Yeah, I'm coming. Look Max sit here I will be back."
I walked to the back and rolled myself a joint and smoke. Two hours went by I checked on Max he was sleeping in the chair still hold the pizza I gave him. I took off my jacket and laid it on him. I went back to my friend.
Chicago PD! Chicago PD!
Everyone ran out of the house or jumped out of the windows. 
Atwater, "Enrique Rodriguez having a little house party with drug paraphernalia and alcohol."
Officer," Detective, I found this one was trying to get back i."
Atwater, "Lucky!"
Officer," Detective there is a kid here."
Atwater, "Max! Officer Johnson, can you put Max in my car."
Lucky, "I know my rights you can't detain me."
Atwater, "Lucky none is detaining you. You are a minor Severide is come for you."
Lucky, "I'm not a minor. I don't need someone to sign me out. Officer."
Atwater, "Its Detective boy."
Lucky, "I'm man addressed as that!"

Kelly POV
The phone rang
I looked over at the time it was 1: 10 am. I answered the phone, "What are you serious, I'm on my way."
I got to the location and I got my car and walked toward the house where I saw Lucky arguing with Atwater.
Lucky, "I'm not saying a damn thing to you."
Atwater, "Lucky I haven't asked you anything."
Severide, "Get in the car!"
Lucky, "I know my rights."
Severide, "Get in the damn car Lucky!"
Atwater, " Severide that kid needs a serious a reality check."
Severide, "I know. Thanks, Atwater."
Atwater, "Kelly I didn't drug test but he is on something."
Severide, "I will that be in your official report."
Atwater, "No that's why I didn't detain him."
Severide, "Thank you Kev."
Atwater, "Kelly waited for a minute. Follow me."
We walked over to Kev's car he opened it and Max was there sleeping. I ran my hand to my hair I pick him up and carry him to the car. 
The car ride to the apartment was very quiet. Walking in the apartment Stella was up she was sitting on the couch. She was shocked to see me walking in holding Max.
I turned to Lucky "Stay there." I put Max to bed. I got back into the living room.
Stella, "Lucky what happened."
Lucky,  "Can you get off my back."
Kelly, "Hey settle down. Lucky sneaked out went to a party and took Max with him."
Lucky, "I'm right here and she was talking to me."
Kelly, "Sit down."
Lucky, "You can't order me around."
I grabbed him by the shirt and said, "Sit! Down!"
He took a seat.
Kelly, "I'm going say this once so you better listen. What you did tonight was stupid you had no business at the party and you should have never taken Max. And the way you were speaking to Atwater was so disrespectful."
Lucky, "Atwater was all in my face."
Kelly, "Atwater could have arrested you tonight."
Lucky, "I'm not going some cop just detain me for no reason."
Kelly, "Shut Up! You keep saying you are a man and you wanted to live on your own! But you acting like a little Bitch! You have no respect for anything or anyone quit disrespecting the people who are trying to protect you. I mean you look like an idiot talking to Atwater and you look so foolish talking to Herrmann like that. I was embarrassed for you I still I'm. You know what the problem is you never been held accountable for something well I'm done. For now, keep your mouth shut, show some respect, go to school if you don't I will make you. Now tell me who invited you to that party. Apologize to Stella."
Lucky doesn't move.
Kelly, "Stand Up!
Lucky, "I'm sorry snapping at you early. I know I mess up for going to that party, I should never taken Max with me but I keep him safe. 

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