Everything Will be Fine

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Kelly POV

Early in the morning, the apartment was quiet. Stella's head laid on my chest. I could feel her breathing. I hear little footsteps then his little hands rubbed on my chest. I grab his little body and him on my chest. Max lay there playing with my mother's hair.
Stella, "Morning Bud."
Max, "Morning Mama."
Kelly, "Max do you know what day it is."
Max, "Yeah it's my birthday."
Stella, "My little bud is four."
Kelly, "What should we do today Max."
Max, "Have Mac and Cheese."
Kelly, "For breakfast that's silly."
Max, "No Dada waffle for breakfast."
Stella, "Oh nice what else."
Max, "Can I have a sleepover at Papa Benny's house."
Stella, "Sleepover."
Max, "Yeah Papa Benny is going to put the tent up in the living room."
Kelly, "Oh wow camping in the living room."
Max, "Please Mama and Dada."
Kelly, "Yeah please mama."
Stella, Sure, Kelly why are you excited you're not going camping."
Kelly, "I know I will have you all to myself."
The day was filled with playing hide and seek, opening presents, and trying to write thank you cards. We had waffles for breakfast mac and cheese for lunch and chicken parm for dinner. I drop Max off at Benny's place for his sleepover. Stella was now 8 months pregnant we decided not to find out the gender we picked a name and stood with it.
Kelly, "Stella are you sleeping."
Stella, "I'm trying I'm tired because you kept me up all night."
Kelly, "Stella you weren't complaining. Stella."
Stella, "Kelly I know my name, I can't sleep if you keep calling my name."
I rolled over and talk to her belly.
Kelly, "Hey Bug Mama is bit mad now don't let her negative energy confuse you.
Stella, "Shutup Kelly." as she roll-over.

Stella POV
Today was shift day Kelly was up already and getting dressed.
Kelly, "How are you feeling today."
Stella, "Tired and nauseous. I don't think I'm going in today. I will work from home and hang out with Max."
Kelly, "Can't believe our baby boy is starting PRE-k in two days he is so big."
He sat on bed ran his fingers through Max's hair. In the midnight Kelly had to go a pick-up, Max because he missed his parents and won't stop crying. I watched him cuddle up next to a sleeping Max and kiss him on the forehead. Then lean over and kiss me goodbye. 
Kelly, "Call me to check-in."
Stella, "I will."

Kelly POV
Capp, "I'm telling you turkeys can fly."
Cruz, "No."
Capp, "My mom told me."
Severide, "Capp this is the same woman that told you that she got abducted by aliens."
Tony, "Buddy I believe you."

Squad 3, Ambo 61, Person trapped 1050 Wilhmor Street.
Severide, "where the victim."
Cruz, "Who called it in."
I'm here! I'm here!
Severide, "Did you hear that. Everyone be quiet."
I'm here! Please I'm here!
Severide, "The storm drain."
"Capp open the storm drain."
"Cruz harm up  we are lowering you down."
"One tug when you're down, two tugs for more rope and three tugs you got the kid."
We got the kid out and head back to quarters then my phone rang. 

"Hey, Dawson."
"Kelly, Stella is labor her water broke."
"Gabby are you with her."
"No Max. He is on the phone with 911."
"Okay, I'm on my way.

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