Your Mine Part 1

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Stella POV
Week Before
After the conversion with Kelly, I went back to my quarter considered Kelly's perspective. He wanted to protect his sons I could get in the way of that. So I decided to text Tyler and tell him that I didn't want him coming around anymore. Instead of going on light duty, I thought it would be the best option for me to take some time off. I would focus on the boys and pregnancy and figure out how was going to tell Kelly. Then there was a knock on the door. 
"Kidd there someone here to see you on the apparatus floor."
"Thanks, Hermann."
I walked on the apparatus floor.
"What are you doing here."
"Stella I got your text where is this coming from."
"Kelly and I have been talking it's not a good idea for you to be around the boys."
"Really this Kelly, doing!"
"Keep your voice down. Kelly is not at fault. This is important to him so I'm respecting his wishes." 
"Yeah, Whatever."
Tyler walked away. A few hours later I was back in my quarter fill out my furlough request, my phone rang. I answer the phone there was no answer. Strange probably a wrong number. I didn't pay it any mind I just carry on with my paperwork. I carried the paperwork into the Boden office he didn't ask any questions he just approved it. After the shift, I was walking to my car then I receive another call by it was different still no answer. 
I pick up the boys from Jennifer went I got into my jeep I notice a note on my jeep's window. "I see you." I looked around to see if anyone was around. There was none. I pack the boys in and drove to the apartment. I was cooking dinner then I receive another call this time I could hear the person breathing on the phone. "Hello! Hello! Stop calling this number." I hang up the phone. 
Gabby walked into the room which frightened me.
"Hey, Stella. Are you okay."
"Yeah, Gabby I'm fine."
"Oh okay I'm just let you know Matt and I are getting back together. So the boys and I moving out."
"Oh wow, congratulations I'm so happy for you guys."
I help Gabby and the boys pack for Matt's house. The boys and I settled into the apartment more comfortably. I didn't want to tell Gabby about random calls and notes, I feel a little nervous to be alone. Four had passed I received 30 calls in a day and several different notes. I even getting notes at the firehouse wanted to tell Kelly but he was preoccupied with finding some kid. 81 only went on a few calls that shift, at the end of the shift  I picked up the boys I got them ready to go Kelly's. There was a knock on the door. "Oh, Kelly, is here earlier I thought to myself." I got up went to the door. 
"What the hell are you doing."
"What no love for an old friend."
"Tyler you need to leave. Kelly will be here."
" Kelly! Kelly! Kelly! Everything is about Kelly!"
"Tyler what do expect he is the father of my children. You need to leave."
Tyler pushed his way inside the apartment we began to argue.
"My kids are upstairs. Stop it."
"I don't care about Kelly's damn kids."
"Tyler Stop It! No!"
"Stella you forget that you were mine."
"Tyler  I was never yours."
"NO you ungrateful bitch. I was the one who took you in at 16. This is how you repaid me, sleep with my best friend, you fucking married him. Then you left him and got with Kelly. Then you have his fucking kids."
Tyler walked up close to me and grabbed me. 
"Tyler Stop it! Don't I'm pregnant!"
Saying that enrage him he grabbed me and push me on the floor. "Let off of me."
"Another kid! Stella your ruin everything. You were supposed to be with me."
Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my side.
"You stab me!"
He reaches over and stabbed me again. Then I heard the boys crying. Tyler got up off me all bloody. 
"No! No! Stop Tyler leave my sons."
I couldn't move to stop him I saw him go upstairs I keep screaming their names until I passed out.
Kelly POV
"Stella! Stella!"
"Kelly... the baby... Kelly the boys!"
"Stella! Where are the boys."
"Tyler my babies."
"Stella wakes up! Don't die on me!"
911 What's your emergency!
"I need assistance at 1050 Wilmohr street. This is Kelly Severide with the CFD. Multiple stab wounds to the abdomen, there is a lot of blood lost. Doing CPR I need police assistance my sons are missing send help now. 
"Stella Baby stay with me. NO! NO! NO!........

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