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Stella POV
I stood up and began to pace around the room. 
Stella, "This can't be happening! Do you have proof."
Halstead,  "Went was the last time you spoke to your parents."
Stella, "Went I 16 I left my parents' house and I never looked back."
Voight, "This all can be put to bed with a DNA test. 
April walked into the room.
April, "Lucky is out of surgery he is in ICU you can see him now. Dr. Rhodes and Dr.Choi will give an update"
I walked into Lucky's room and Dr. Rhodes  and Dr.Choi began to give Kelly and I an update. I just tune them out and walk towards Lucky's bed. Looking at this boy I saw the resemblance with his oval face, jet black curly hair then I thought about his brown eyes. This boy had my whole face. 

Rhodes, "Lucky's surgery went great. We need to  talk about leukemia." 

Stella, "Want the DNA test done."
Rhodes, "Excuse me."
Stella, "I want a DNA test done on Lucky and I. Kelly we need to go and see the baby."

Dr. Cooper, "All preemies have the same five problems:  Infection, Low Blood Pressure, Hypoglycemia, Abnormally Rapid breathing and Blue skin. 

Baby Severide has four out of five. His white count's up.  He's on medication to help treat carido shock. Would you like to hold him."
Stella, "I can."
Dr.Cooper, "Kangaroo method or Skin to Skin contract will help you and baby bond. You too Dad."
They open up the incubator I sat in a chair the nurse picked him up and put on my chest. His little body just curled up against mine. I looked over to Kelly and tears were streaming down his face. Then he said " I think we should name him Wyatt." 

Stella, "We should give him the middle Benjamin. Wyatt Benjamin Kidd-Severide hello. Kelly look at him."

Maggie walks into the NICU and she said, "The results are in."
I step out of the NICU with Maggie into the hallway.
Stella, "So can you read the result to me."
Maggie, "Lucky is related to you. He is your biological brother."
Those words just validated what I already knew. I thanked Maggie and walked back into the NICU Kelly was holding Wyatt. Kelly looked like he was having  full-on conversation with the baby. He realize  I was there. He looked up  to me and saw that I was crying.
Kelly, "Stella what's the matter."
Stella, "Lucky is my brother which means that my parents are dead."
Kelly, "I'm sorry Stella."
I left the NICU and went to Lucky's room and I watched Lucky sleep.

Kelly POV
Lucky is Stella's brother. This doesn't change anything. I love that kid as much as I love Max, Piper and now Wyatt,  my four sons. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Hey Casey."
"Hey Kelly."
I cleared my  throat and introduced him to the baby.
Kelly, "This is my son, tiny but mighty Stella and I were able to hold him. His eyes are blue and he has curly black hair. We named him Wyatt Benjamin.
Casey, "Congratulations, man. He looks a lot like you. Wyatt Benjamin is a good name. Benny would be so happy to have a  grandson named after him."
Kelly, "Yeah he would."
Casey and I continued to chat about everything that happened.

Two Week Later
Kelly, "Stella you haven't told him. It's been two weeks. He needs to know."
Stella, "Kelly, I'm going to tell him. Lucky is recovering from three bullet wounds and his leukemia diagnosis it's just a lot to handle. Can we just talk about this later. Let's go meet with Wyatt doctors."

Dr.Cooper, "Baby Wyatt is over 3 pounds now. He has developed a heart murmur."
Kelly, "So what are your plans to fix it."
Dr. Cooper, "Will place a stent that will fix the problem. As of now Baby Wyatt is a great canidate for a fludrozalone clinical trial. "
Stella, "I have my reservation there are too many risks."
Kelly, "I understand your position but."
Stella, "But what the side effect and complications like intestinal perf, internal bleeding and brain delay. I read the fine print."
Kelly, "Stella I know the risk but there are benefits too. 
Cooper, "I will leave the consent forms."
Kelly, "Stella this trial could help Wyatt with his high blood pressure problem."
Stella, "Kelly."
Kelly,"I know how you feel about this but we should try."
Stella, "Okay, I hope you're  right."

                                                                  Trial Report 
"Day of life 20. Day seven of  trial. Baby's off the vent. He has gained 1 pound. Excellent. He has built new antibiotics. Baby Wyatt is officially a feeder and grower."

Kelly, "Stella, look at him. He's so alert. Eyes wide open."
Stella, "Wonder what he is  thinking."
"Get a life Mom.
Stella and I turned around and it was Gabby and Matt.
Kelly, "What are you guys doing here."
Matt, "We are here to relieve you."
Gabby, "Matt and I will keep Wyatt company while you two get some fresh air."

Stella and I left the NICU we sat on the bench  outside of the hospital. Just sat and  enjoying each other's  company. Between shuffling the boys to the various locations like Max to school, Piper to daycare and Lucky to school and physical therapy. We still haven't told him about Stella being his biological sister.  Then return back to the hospital. Stella and I haven't really had any alone time.

Meanwhile in the NICU
Gabby, "Matt, look he's smiling."
Matt, "Stella and Kelly made a cute kid."
beep beep the went machine off.
Gabby, "Excuse me something's beeping."
The nurse walked over and  touched something on the machine then said, "Not anymore."
Gabby, "Well you didn't even look at him."
Nurse, "Sat wasn't picking up. It happens all the time."
beep beep the went machine off again.
Gabby, "Excuse Me."
Matt, "Gabby they're going to kick us out."
Gabby, "We will see about that. Excuse me something is wrong. Page the doctor something wrong."
Nurse, "Madam the doctor is in radiology, he will come by when he is finished."
Gabby, "That could take hours."
Nurse, "If you can overreact to every little beeping in here it will drive you crazy.
Gabby, "I'm telling  you, page  the doctor, something is wrong. His belly is big and he is breathing too  fast so page the doctor someone needs to help Wyatt.

Stella and I walk back into the NICU after getting a frantic call from Matt. 
Gabby, "Good your back. They are put back in the vent."
Dr. Copper, "He bradying down to 70s."
Stella, "What's happening."
Dr. Cooper, "Free Air in the abdomen."
Kelly, "What does that mean."
Dr.Cooper, "He has intestinal perf and there is bleeding."
Stella, "This is because of the trial."
Dr. Cooper, "There's  no way of knowing that. This can be fixed in surgery."
Stella, Intestinal perf is one of the risks."
Page Dr.Marcel to meet us in OR.
The doctor turned to Stella and I  and said, "We are going to remove any damaged tissue, stop the internal bleeding. The nurse will take you to the waiting room."

Stella POV
We sat in the waiting room six feet apart. I was so upset with everything, I sat in the corner and closed my eyes then I felt a hand grab my mine. I opened my eyes. Kelly was sitting next to me before I could say anything. He said, "I'm sorry I thought we were making the best decision."
I could hear the hurt and I felt his guilt then I turned to him and said, "This was something that you and I both agree."

10 Blade suction. Sift through section by section of the intestinal to find the damage section.
Clamp here.
Alarm Beeping.
Pressure is at 22.
Where is this blood coming from?
Heart rate is dropping. 
Blood is surrounding the heart. 
We need to open up his chest.
Rib Spreader. 
He is still losing a lot of blood.
Hang another unit.
Beeping beeping
Heart rate dropping.
Beeping beeping faded
His heart stopped. 
Charging Clear
Come on Wyatt.

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