Walk-Up Boy Part 2

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Kelly POV 
I rode in the ambulance with Stella I held her hand.
At Med
Paramedic" We have a woman with multiple stab wounds. We tube her on the scene she has lost a significant amount of blood. "
Doctor Choi, "We are in here. Lift on three 1,2,3"
"Doctor she fighting the tube."
"Sedated her."
Stella takes it easy.
"She bleeding through the tube."
"Where is Dr.Rhodes."
"I'm here."
"Great assign any other injured we have bleeding coming from the tube. It looks like she got stabbed close to her lungs. She needs surgery, Dr. Manning can assist you. I'm going to talk to Kelly."
Kelly," Dr. Choi, What's happening."
Choi, "Stella has lost a lot of blood as much as we gave her she's losing it. She has damage to her lung."
"Doctor Choi we need you."
"Excuse me, Kelly."
Manning, " We used the ultrasound we found the bleeder, but things just got a little more complicated. Look at the monitor."
Rhodes, "She's pregnant."

I watched from the glass door as they worked on her, my mind was racing.
"Kelly! Kelly!"
"What" I quickly turned around it was Gabby. I totally forgot I called her my mind was somewhere else. "Sorry, Gabby."
"It's okay Kelly Matt is on his way. Do you know what's happening."
"Dr.Choi said that is a lot of bleeding and damage to her lungs I don't have any other information."
"Severide. Severide excuse me can I talk to you."
Kelly, "Atwater any news on the boys."
Atwater, "Not yet but Voight has everyone from the 21 District is looking for your boys."
Kelly, "Tyler Smith,  he took them. He stabbed Stella."
Atwater, "We are searching  his address."
Kelly, "I need to help you."
Atwater, "Severide I think you should stay here and be with Stella."
Kelly, "I can't sit on my hands while my kids are out there. Beside Stella would never forgive me if I didn't anything. Kev these are my kids."
Atwater, "Okay Kelly. Voight is asking for a recent picture of the boys so we can get every officer with there photo."
Kelly, "Okay here. Kev Max is four with jet black hair with blue eyes when he smiled his whole faced lights up. Piper is 7 months with jet black hair with blue eyes, with freckles on his cheek."
I cleared my throat continued the detailed description of the boys then Atwater radio when off. 
"This is Officer Nash station at 225 Canal St. A male matching the description with two children has just entered the Grand Concord Train Station at Union Sq."
Atwater, "Copy that. Severide are you coming."
I turned to Gabby before I could say anything.
"Kelly Go I will call you."
"Thanks, Gabby." I left with Atwater. 

Grand Concord Train Station at Union Sq
"Walk-up Boy."
"Stop it you're hurt me! You hurt my Mama. Piper and I don't want to go with you."
"Shutup Max, I should have killed you and your brother."
"Move out of way lady."
"Ouch watch it asshole"
"Stop it! Help us!"
 "Shutup Max. Come on Train."
Outside of Train Station
Voight, "I called ahead all trains are being delayed to every officer here is the picture of the suspect and the boys it was just sent to your mobile. Move out."
I stood and watched as Voight assemble uniformed and plainclothes officers we were ready to enter the train station. 
"Severide here is a vest. Stay behind me."
Walked on the platform plainclothes officers were able to surround Tyler but he still had a tight grip on the boys. I looked over I could see the fear in Max our eyes locked I told him to be quiet. Tyler became more nervous as he waited for the train to come. He turned around Atwater saw the gun that he placed behind Max's back.
Max and Piper began to cry. 
VOIGHT, "Hailey Take The Shot."
Hailey, "Sergeant I can't I don't have the shot. I'm going to hit the kid."
Tyler, "Stay Back! I'm going to Fucking Kill Them!"
"Dada No!" cried Max.
"It's okay Max,  eyes on me."
"I'm sick and tired of your fucking crying."
Balm! The gun when off.
Silence ......

Author Note: 
Things just got real 

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