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Stella POV
I sat in Lucky's room at the end of the bed. Rubbing his feet, just talking to him. "Everyone who loves you is here. Lucky, you and I had a difficult pact but I expected you to get to better. Lucky this family needs you no one has given up on you." As I said that Kelly walked in and put his hand on my shoulder, then he said, "You were right." 
Stella, "Right about what."
Kelly, "You were right to say that I had a soft spot for Lucky. He reminds me of you, you're sassy personality, you're stubbornness, and his willingness to fight even when he shouldn't. When I  look at Lucky I see my sons Max and Piper face. The number of times he apologizes, I always believe him. I believe that Lucky couldn't stand to see Piper and Max hurt. I think this was the first time Lucky been a big brother. Max and Piper adore him." 
I see how emotional Kelly got as he talks about boys I went over and give him a hug. 
Dr. Choi and Dr.Rhodes walked into the room. 
Dr.Rhodes, "Can we speak in the hallway."
I held Kelly's hand and we walked into the hallway. 
Dr.Rhodes, "According to the scan Lucky has bullet in the leg which we can remove, he also has two bullets in the chest, one is lodged in the rib while there bullet dangerously close to the heart."
Kelly, "Surgery can fix that."
Choi, "Yes it can be."
Stella, "So what is the problem."
Rhodes, "After running extensive tests on Lucky's blood we realize that blood cells not fully developed or defective."
Stella, "What does this mean?"
Choi, "It means on top of Lucky's being shot he has Leukemia in the early stages."
Kelly, "Oh okay it's a good thing we caught it the early right."
Choi, "Yes we need to plan out a proper treatment plan."
Rhodes, "This will be after surgery. We are prep him now for surgery."
Kelly and I stood there and watched as they prep Lucky for surgery. Then they wheeled him away. In the waiting room, Max had laid his body over Kelly who leans his head in the corner and fell asleep. Gabby and Cindy bought in muffins, coffee, and hot chocolate. Then a few hours passed Lucky was still in surgery everyone from 51 refused to go home. Boden called in a replacement crew the shift. Every time the door I would hope it would be Lucky's doctors bring us an update. The door opens it was Sergeant Voight, Atwater, Halstead, and Ruzek from the intelligence unit. Voight came up to me. 
Voight, "Can we speak in private."
I woke up Kelly he gave Max to Gabby to hold. We went into an empty on call-room.
Stella, "What is this about."
Halstead, "Well we want some down here and tell you guys that we caught the people involved with Lucky's shooting."
Kelly, "That Great."
Stella, "There's more."
Halstead, "Yes let's sit down."
Everyone in the grab a sit and I held Kelly hand close. 
Halstead, "We decided to dig into Lucky's past. We were trying to find out how he was before he enters the foster system." 
Stella, "I thought his file was lost."
Halstead, "Yes it fell thought the crack. What made it harder to find information about Lucky was he is not from Chicago."
Kelly, "Ok so where is he from? How he got here?"
Halstead, "Backlogged of records and talking to social worker Lucky is from Milwaukee."
Stella, "That Interesting."
Kelly, "Why."
Stella, "Because I from Milwaukee."
Halstead, "Stella, it gets more interesting. 13 years ago James and Kimberly had a son. They lived in Milwaukee, went there son was 2 they took a trip to Chicago they load up the car. They in Chicago then their car was hit by drunk driver it was ahead collision. The two adults died instantly and the only survivor was their two years old son. He could only give his name as Lucky. His legal name is James Lucky Kidd, he is your brother. Stella, Lucky is your Little Brother. 

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