Don't Tell Me

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Stella POV
Shift Day
We drop off Max at Grandma Jenny. Ahead to the firehouse.
Cordova "Lieutenant here the inventory list."
Kidd, "Thanks Cordova No new supplies."
Cordova, "No we got the replacement jaws."

Truck 81, Engine 51, Ambo 61 Gases Leak
Lieutenant, "Mouch, Cordova vent the roof, Mills, and Gallo with me."
"Main this is Lieutenant Stella Kidd we need gas shut off at 2043 Marcy Avenue."
"Mask up."
Fire Department Call Out! Fire Department Call Out!
Mills, "Lieutenant are you okay."
Kidd, "Yes Mills I just little light head I'm fine."
Gallo, "Lieutenant their none home."
Kidd, "Okay let's get air in this house."
Back at the Firehouse
Mills, "Brett."
Brett, "What's up Mills."
Mills, "I think you should check out Stella."
Brett, "Why what's the matter."
Mills, "We were on a call and when I look back at her she was on her knees."
Brett, "I will check her out."
Mills, "Thanks Brett, Kelly I will never forgive me if something happened to her."

I was in my quarter fill out paperwork.
Brett, "Hey Stella how are you feeling."
Kidd, "Huh I didn't know I was ill."
Brett, "Well I'm here just to make sure that you're fine."
Kidd, "Did Mills tell you."
Brett, "Yes I should take some blood work just to make sure."
Kidd, "Brett, there's no need."
Brett, "Well indulge me."
I allow Brett to take my blood. She told me that she will drop it off at Med it would be analyzed before the end of shift. The shift was slow 81 only went on a few calls. Squad 3 and Engine 51 were in quarters nothing was really exciting happening due to the fact it was raining. Ambo 61 had finally returned to quarter.
Brett, "Kidd come with me."
I follow her to the bathroom before she spoke I looked through every stall to make sure that we were alone.
Kidd, "Brett I don't think I want to know."
Brett, " You're perfectly fine."
Kidd, "I am? You mean I got myself all worked up for nothing."
Brett, "Yep, and also you're pregnant."
Kidd, "What."
Brett, "You're pregnant."
Kidd, "Oh my god, Don't say a word."
Brett, "My lips are sealed."

Kelly POV
It quiet shift at the firehouse. I spend it filling out inventory and supplies for Squad 3.
Then my door open I turned around. "Stella."
She sat on the my bed.
Kelly, "What's up. I've been thinking about using my furlough days."
Stella, "Kelly."
Kelly, "How many furlough days do you have."
Stella, "Kelly I'm pregnant."
I stop talking immediately and just stared at her.
Stella, "Kelly are you okay."
My eyes fill with tears I got up and sat next to her on the bed. I wrapped my arms around her and said, "I'm so excited."
Then rubbed her belly I leaned my head talk to the baby.
Kelly, "How far along are you."
Stella, "Brett said 12 weeks."
Kelly, "Little baby Max is going to be a big brother."

Stella POV
After the shift, Kelly and I went to MED to check on the baby.
Dr. Manning, "Okay the gel its a bit cold. This is the baby head, facial features are starting to come in, the baby has ten fingers and ten toes, arms and legs have grown, this is the kidney, stomach, lungs, and heart. Let's listen to the heartbeat.
Kelly, "Wow is it too early to find out the sex."
Manning, "We could try but it is best to until between 16 to 20 weeks for more accuracy. So Stella your job I'm recommending light-duty no running into buildings."
Stella, "I know."
Manning, "Remember to take your Prenatal Vitamins and other Multivitamins, I will see you next month.
We got into car and drove home.
Kelly, "Hey are you okay."
Stella, "I'm okay but this is really happening."
He grabbed my hand and kiss it." I'm not worried. Let's go tell BabyBoy."
We hold hands walked into the apartment. Max and Jennifer were already there waiting for us.
Max ran to the door to gave Kelly and I hugs. Kelly grabbed him as Max gave a kiss and carry him to the couch. Jennifer sat down too.
Stella, "Max, Mama, and Dada have a surprise for you."
Max, "Oh really."
Kelly, "Yep Bud."
I hand him a picture of the baby's ultrasound. His facial expression was of confusion.
Max, "Dada what is it."
Kelly laughed, "Bud it's a picture of a baby brother or sister."
Max, "Ok Where's the baby."
Stella, "In Mama's belly."
Max, "What."
Max came over and rubbed his little hand on my belly.
Max, "Hi Bug."
I smiled at him. We spend our day off together as a family. I called Benny to tell him the news.
Shift Day
Kelly and I walk into Casey's office.
Casey, "Okay guys do I need to sit for this."
Kidd, "I would like to go on light-duty. Kelly and I have just received some news."
Casey, "Oh okay What's the news."
Severide, "We are pregnant."
Casey, "Oh nice, Congratulation guys."
Severide, "We would take over this morning briefing."
Casey, "Sure."
In the Briefing.
Casey, "It's mandatory that everyone needs to be at the firehouse picnic."
Cruz, "Guys we should sign up for the obstacle course."
Mouch, "I have a bone to pick with Clements from third shift house 21."
Casey, "Guys settle down. Severide and Kidd have announcements."
Severide, "Guys Stella and I are excited to tell you that Stella is going back on light-duty."
Herrmann, "Congratulation guys."
Severide, "Herrmann what are congratulation us for."
Herrmann, "Your baby duh everyone knows."
Kidd, "What Brett."
Brett, "I'm sorry."
Everyone laughed and came over to congratulation us.
Cruz came over to me and said My friend Brian would say
"The Bullpen's not a firetruck but it has its own brand of action."
Kidd, "You missed him."
Cruz, "Every day."
Kidd, "Thanks, Cruz."

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