Something out of Nothing

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Stella  POV 
Two days after his father Kelly was ready to go back to work.
Stella, "Kelly are you sure your ready."
Kelly, "What should I do. Stay at home look at the fucking walls all day."
He got up and left for the firehouse. I knew Kelly was dealing with a lot, but he just kept everything inside. Walking into the firehouse I knew that Kelly just wanted things to get back to normal. Gabby was back at 51, Casey was slowly transiting back to 51. Boden still had an office at 51 just to keep an eye on things. Kelly was reinstated back as Captian for squad 3 so he had that going for him. 

On Shift

Squad 3, Truck 81, Engine 51, Battalion 25, Ambo 61 structure fire. 2021 South Classon Street.
On Scene
Cruz, "Severide! Severide! "
Wood burning crackling in the fire.
Cruz, "Mayday! Mayday! Firefighter down. Firefighter down."
Chief Boden, "Casey take your lightest man and help Kelly before that roof drop."
Kidd, "Chief I can go."
Casey, "Lieutenant Stand Down. Who your lightest man."
Kidd, "Umm Gallo go."
Casey, "Herrmann, help us with a line."
Cruz, "Captain how are you doing."
Severide, "I'm good just get this for me."
Casey, "Kelly can you move your legs"
Kelly, "Yes."
Casey, "Cruz the chimney fell drop directly on Severide maybe we can ledge it for of him."
Cruz, "We can use this pipe."
beep, beep, beep.
Severide, "My oxygen is low."
Casey, "Cruz lets work fast, Kelly push."

I watch from outside as the roof fell. All I thought was I was watching the father of my children die right before my eyes my lover and best friend. The dust cleared from the building Casey, Cruz, and Gallo were helping Severide out. I walked over with tears and gave him a hug.
Severide, "I'm fine."
Boden, "Go to MED."
Severide, "Chief I'm fine."
Boden, "Let a doctor tell you that."

We packed up went back to the firehouse while Kelly went to Med. 81 went on a few calls after the incident but I couldn't stop thinking about Kelly. As I was filling out my incident reports I saw him walk into his quarter I got up.
Stella, "Kelly are you okay. What did the doctor say."
Kelly, "I'm fine."
Stella, "Kelly are you sure."
Kelly, "Stella please everything is not a crisis. Just give me some space."
He got up and left his quarter. The rest of the shift I barely spoke a word to him. The shift end we both left the firehouse in separate cars. I pick the boys from their grandmother's house. We arrive at the apartment but Kelly wasn't there. 

Kelly POV 
Stella is making a big deal out of nothing. I'm fine. I spend the rest of the shift in my quarter. Now shift was over, I needed to blow off some steam. Instead, go to Molly's I went to Rush on 125 Street open a tap. Got off of shift at 6 pm it was now 10:30 pm, I grab my key off bar counter. Then the bartender, "What the hell Man! What do you think you are doing."
Kelly, "Come on man."
"When I buy that mustang from you I want it to be in good condition."
Kelly, "Okay, my man. I will take the L."
It was now 11 pm the apartment was quiet but as I walk through the door I saw her just sitting there. 
Stella, "Kelly where have you been."
Kelly, "Stella relax I don't want to fight."
Stella, "Kelly, you been drinking."
I rubbed my hands through my hair, "I have."
Stella, "I don't want you sleeping next to me."
She closes the bedroom door so I lay on the couch. The next morning I woke up before Stella and boys. I when into the boys' room and give them both kisses on their forehead, and left for the firehouse. 
On Shift
In order to avoid a fight with Stella I stay out at the squad table, but it was now lunchtime seeing Stella was unavoided now. Stella was on lunch duty she cooked her famous Chicken parm with mango salad. Walking into the common room our eyes locked, you could feel the tension in the room. Just walk up to the kitchen counter look at the lunch then look at her then I grab an apple went to my quarters.
Mouch, "Hey Cruz are they fighting, I guess trouble in paradise."
Cruz, " I don't know but Severide has us doing all these drills, and he looks like he ready to punch a wall."
Gallo, "Well Kidd is been in a mood."
Mill, "Be quiet she coming."
Kidd, "This is seat taken."

Squad 3 Ambo 61 person trapped.
On Scene
"Grab the halligan!"
"Stike! Stike! Stike! Stike!"
"Ma'am! ma'am don't move."
"C-collar, bring the stretcher."

Arrive back at the firehouse Squad 3 was unloading. I walk over to the squad table and Stella was there sitting in my chair. I watch as the guys quicky walk through the bay door.
Kelly, "Are we doing this now."
Stella, "Yeah Kelly just talk to me."
Kelly, "I have nothing say."
Stella, "You almost died last shift, on top of everything you're dealing  with from your father's death." 
Kelly, "Stella I'm dealing with it. Stop pressing me. I'm done talking about this.
Stella, "Kelly stop freeze me out."
I walk away from Stella,  enter the common room. "Come on Guys lets go get gas."

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