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Kelly POV
"May I should ask you did fuck them."
She slapped me. I wanted to punch something. 
I didn't hit her. I turned my attention to the two beer bottles on the countertop I pick them up throw them at the wall in frustration. I turned around and Max was there just staring at me. Max came out of the room to see what happens. I walk toward my son he moved and hidden behind his mother crying. "Max it's okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, buddy." I reach out my hand he just grabbed his mother's leg. I moved away from his and Stella pick him up went into the room and she locked the door behind them. I sweep up the glass, I decided to sleep at my mom's house. It was now Saturday it was our day off. I wanted to give Stella her space but it was now 4 pm I arrive at the apartment, I walked into. 

Stella POV
After the fight, I spend trying to calm down Max who was inconsolable crying. I just lay with him on the bed and held his little body. Unfortunately for Max, he had emotions like Kelly, they bottled things up went something small happen they can't control their emotions. Max had probably reached his breaking up point. I think he finally understands that Papa Benny wasn't coming back then watching his father lose it scary him it broken him down. I thought to myself about Kelly how he wasn't really dealt with his emotions yet. I hear the front door close I knew Kelly had left. I got up when to get Piper to bring him into the room. Now laying in the bed with my two sons snuggled next to me. Lay there I thought to myself was this it.
The Next Morning.
I woke up and Max was cuddling his brother. I got up and walk out of the room I realize that Kelly wasn't there. I got the boys up and made breakfast. After breakfast we spend the morning playing after lunch I took some calls I decided to take a stand I put Piper down for a nap and I put on cartoons for Max. I started to pack, I started in Max and Piper's room, trying to be quiet I grabbed all their little clothes I packed two bags and I carry it to the living room where Max was. He got up walk over to me. "Mama are we going somewhere."
                                                       " Yes, Bud we are."
                                                       " Oh is Bug coming too."
                                                      " Yes, my Bud and Bug are coming."
He smiled I handed him a shirt and pants so he could take off his pajamas. I told him to go back and sit while I went to take a shower. I dressed I started to pack my clothes the Piper woke up from his nap I made him a bottle and dressed him. Now I was in and out the rooms packing Max was just walking behind me holding his stuffed bunny, while I hold Piper. I heard the door open I walk back into the living room Kelly was there. He sat at the kitchen counter and just staring at the bags, he sat there quietly every time I would enter back into the room our eyes would lock. He realizes I was finished he got up not saying anything he helped me carry the bags in the jeep. The jeep was now loaded up and we all were standing outside. 
"Okay, Max Go give Dada a hug and kiss."
I gave Piper to Kelly. I stood there and watch Kelly's interaction with his sons. He got down to Max's eye level. He told his how sorry he was and how much he loved him. Then Kelly walked Max over to the jeep open door to help him up into his seat, buckle him up and gave a kiss on the forehead. While still holding Piper he closes the door he walked over to the other side of the jeep before he opens the door he said, "Piper Shay my sweet boy." He held him tight and rocked him from side to side. He opens the door and puts Piper in his seat and buckle him up and kisses him on the forehead, closes the door.
We now facing each other. 
Stella, "I'm not doing this to punish you."
He just stares at me.
" Here's the thing Kelly. You've been pushing me away ever since your dad died. I have reached out to you but you found comfort in different places. I want this to work but there is too much at stake for us, we have to think about the boys. For us to work all those walls you built up and you need to break them down and let me in. Things have to change, you're going down a dark hole and I know what that looks like because I've been there myself before and with Grant.  And maybe you want me to keep showing up but I can't, I can't be the person who pulls you out. This is something you need to do on your own. I have been a lifeline for a drowning man and I will never do that again.  Kelly, I Love you but I can't be with you anymore. We will work out some kind of schedule for the boys."
I got up into the my jeep drove away. I drove away from my life with Kelly, my boys' father I just drove away. I arrive at Gabby's house, she offers her guest room for me and the boys until I could find a new place to live. 
We did dinner then baths the boys were now sleeping. I sat on the couch with Gabby and everything I was feeling I just let it out eating icecream Gabby and I just chated. I got up went to the room I climb into the bed I feel Max's little body close to mine. 

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