First Encounter

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Stella POV
A whisper in my ear "we should finish what we started." He sits down next to me. Kelly began to put the charm on. Stella can I buy you another drink.
Kelly said, "How's your first shift at 51."
Stella said, "It was great but my evening could better." 
Kelly said, "What do you have in mind."
I look up found he stared and at me, I leaned in and whisper in his ear "why don't come with me and find out."  I finish my drink and got up left the bar. A few minutes Kelly was behind he grabs my waist and said your place or mine. 
I turned around and said take me to your place. 
We got into the car and drove to Kelly's apartment. We got to Kelly's apartment.
We were standing close together just staring at each other. I broke the silence and said Kelly this is not going to change anything between us. 
Kelly grabbed my waist a pull me toward him and kiss me with his lip leaving mine said no. He took me by the hand and lead into his bedroom. I push him on the bed, I sat on top of him. Began to we kiss I pull up my skirt and grind my body on top of his. Grabbing his face and looking up into his eyes. I could feel him get hard he flipped me over and got on top of me. He began to take to my clothes off. He took my shirt off and I help him take off his pant. For a moment we stop and just stared at each. Then he slid inside me I moan it went on like this for a few hours until we both came, then we finally fell asleep.
Next Day 
Kelly POV  
I roll over her curls hair cover her face her naked was wrapped around my hand she was still sleeping. 
Kelly said, "Stella, Stella"
She opened up her beautiful brown eye and smile at me.
Kelly said, "Hi there."
Stella said, "Hi there I should leave."
Kelly said, "At least let me make you breakfast."
Stella said, "Kelly this just sex not a relationship."
Kelly gets out of bed " well just sex we could still eat". I made breakfast for Stella and watch her eat, while drank my coffee.
After eating I watch her get dress and walk out the door.
It was two days since we were together we haven't spoke since. Today was shift day I walk into the firehouse everyone was in the common room having breakfast. I grabbed a cup of coffee and a plate full of egg and toast and I sat at every end of the table. Stella walk into the common with Ritter they made themselves a plate there were only two free seats open it was next to me. Stella sat down we exchange looks we proceeded to eat. Breakfast was over I head to my quarter, then there was a knock on the door. 
Stella POV
With everyone been such a close family, I didn't want to screw things up getting involved with Kelly it was just a one-time thing. I need it to be clear to him I'm not to step into a relationship. I knock on his door. 
Kelly can we talk.
I don't want  things to be awkward between us. We should just keep it professional between us, we are not in a relationship.  
Kelly smiled said," It won't be awkward, Can I take you out for dinner strictly professional."
Kelly stops flirting with me.
Squad 3  Ambo 61 Person Trap
Kelly said, "Excuse me, Lieutenant"
At the Scene
Grab the halligan Cruz
Yes Captian 
Madam what's your name I'm Kelly
I'm Susie
Are you injured?
I don't so I'm just struck.
Severide said, "Foster can I have a C-collar. Susie, I'm going to put this C-collar on you then my guys are going to cut you out.
Tony uses the jaw of life and lets cut her out.
The extraction went by pretty quickly.
Ambo 61 was at Med with victim and Squad 3 return to 51. 
Kelly POV
It was lunchtime at the firehouse JJ was on lunch duty. He was made his famous chicken sandwich that was really all the kid could made. JJ  was like a little brother to me. I remember our first encounter it was like yesterday. 

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