Best Option Part 3

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Balm! The gun went off.
Silence..... They all fell to the floor.

Kelly POV
I broke the silence with my yelling and rush to the boys. I pick up Max from the floor.
"Kev help me! Hey, Bud are you ok." 
Then I looked over and saw Piper. Tyler had a bullet wound in the neck and Tyler still was holding Piper when they fell. I reached out my hands and little bloody hands reached for me. I picked him up and grabbed Max and carry them both to the ambo. The boys were quiet the entire ride to Med. I called Gabby to check on Stella but there was no news. 
At The Med 
Gabby, "Dr.Manning and Dr.Rhodes what's going on."
Dr. Manning, "Stella's vital are holding. She has a massive hemorrhage in the right lung.  We have to decide to do a simple surgery that would remove Stella's lung."
Gabby, "Wait What remove her entire lung."
Dr.Manning, "This is the best option."
Gabby, "Stella can't be a firefighter if she has one lung.
Matt, "There has to be another way. Dr. Rhodes?"
Dr.Rhodes, "We can try ECMO it would give her some time for her lung to heal."
Dr.Manning, "NO too much blood lost."
Gabby," We can't let you do this."
Dr.Manning, "I'm sorry But it's not up to you. Stella has no next of kin so we are made the decision."
Gabby, "Dr. Manning, don't do you this."
During the Surgery 
Dr. Rhodes, "There another way I just need some time."
Dr. Manning, "It's too risky."
Dr.Rhodes, "We could at least try. Scalpel."
Dr. Manning, "Fine."
Dr.Rhodes, "Help me find the bleeder. Clamp at the base of the pulmonary artery."
Dr. Manning, "Okay its clamp."
Dr. Rhodes, " Okay I'm almost there. Julia can you deflate the lung anymore."
Dr.Manning, "No way we barely keeping her oxygenated."
Dr.Rhodes, "Take it down another 20%."
Dr. Manning, "Connor that's too risky."
Dr.Rhodes, "I'm almost there. I need another minute."
Beep beep beep machine went off..... 
Dr. Manning, "We should stay with the surgical plan."

In Emergency
"Okay, I'm Dr. Abby. I will check you out. Are you hurt."
"No! Dada!"
"It's okay Max I'm right here."
"See that Max. I'm all finished. I'm going to check your brother out now."
"Ok, his name is Piper. He is my bug."
I finally saw a smile from Max, he was slowly opening back up. Then Gabby came through the door.
Kelly, "Any news."
Gabby, "Stella is still in surgery Dr. Manning's surgical plan was to remove Stella's lung."
I run my hands through my hair, "The entire lung. Wow, she won't be able to be a firefighter anymore."
Dr. Abby, "I'm finished here. The boys are all set to go."
Kelly, "Thanks. Come on Max let's go the waiting room."
The doctor walked into the room.
Dr.Rhodes, "Severide your back"
Kelly, "Yes How is she."
Dr.Rhodes, "Stella made it through surgery, we were able to save the lung. Stella and the baby are doing fine.  She will be able to fight fires again."
Kelly, "The baby? Stella pregnant, Gabby did you know about this."
Gabby, "No Kelly, This is news to me."
Dr.Rhodes, "Well Congratulation Stella is 8 weeks pregnant."
Kelly, "Can I see her."
Dr. Rhodes, "Of course after we transfer her to recovery. Someone will come and get you."
Kelly, "Thank you, Doctor."
The doctor left I looked over at the boys and I saw their sleep face. Then Gabby asked me "I could take the boys if you want." Then Max clings to me "Dada I want to stay with you, please." He began to cry. I told Gabby it was fine the boys going to stay with me. April entered the room "Kelly, she in recovery now. She sleeping but you can sit with her."
The boys and I  said our goodbyes to Gabby and Matt and followed April into the room. 
"Kelly would like me to get you anything."
"Can I get a crib for Piper."
I laid Piper in the crib to sleep but he wouldn't fall asleep. So I pick him up sat on the chair next to Stella's bed I put Max on my lap and Piper laid on my chest fell asleep. Max was just watching Stella he turned to me and asked: "Can I lay next to her."  I helped him up into the bed he snuggled next to her. Watching Max reminded me when he was a baby and his first interaction with his mother how he laid snuggled up next to her and she played with his hair. But now the roles were reversed Max played with his only hair until he finally when to sleep. 
I spend the entire night watching Stella, Piper, and Max sleep. I don't know when I fell asleep but I opened my eyes I found her staring at me with her beautiful brown eyes. I couldn't help but teared up. 
I grabbed her hand "I'm so happy that you're back. You and baby are doing fine."
"Kelly I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"Stella this doesn't change the way I feel about you. I'm still in love with you and love our family. I got up still holding Piper and leaned over and kissed her."

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