Get Out

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Kelly POV
"Dr. What's happening."
Dr.Marcel, "Looking the over the scans and we checked the baby's heart rate. Stella, you are having contractions."
Stella, "Can you stop it. I'm only 29 weeks it's too early."
Dr.Marcel, "We will try. April set up a line of magnesium."
Kelly, "Stella how are feeling."
Stella, "I need the contractions to stop. We are not ready for this baby."
Kelly, "I know, calm down and try not to worry."
I sat next to her on the bed, holding her hand and tried to calm her down. There was a knock on the door. Max walked in with Cindy, she offered to take Max to her home. I helped him on the bed he sat next to Stella he began to cry. I ensure Max that everything would be okay Stella and I gave him a kiss. We watched him leave the room with Cindy. I looked over to Stella and she was crying.
Kelly, "Babe what's wrong."
Stella, "Max is so upset about Piper and Lucky and now this."
As we continue our conversion Dr.Choi and Dr.Manning walked into the room. 
Dr.Manning, "We are here to give an update on Piper."
Stella, "Okay how is he."
Dr.Manning, "Piper is still intubated he is reacting to stimuli. We try to take his off the vent but he couldn't breathe on his own."
Beep beep beep.
Dr.Choi, "It's cold blue."
Stella, "What is that! Is that Piper!"
Dr.Choi, "I'm sorry we have to go."

Stella POV
I got up from the bed. 
Kelly, "Stella!  Where the hell, are you going!"
Stella, "I'm going to be with Piper. He needs me. Ouch!"
Kelly, "Stella! Get back into bed. Stella, you are still having contractions."
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Kelly, "Stella, Let me help you."
Kelly helped me back into the bed then I felt a gushed of water. I began to panic again.
Stella, "Kelly, I think my water broke."
Kelly, "I'm going to get the doctor. Stella breathe."
Dr.Marcel, "It's official you are in active labor."
Stella, "Can you make it stop again. Please."
Dr. Marcel, "Your membranes have broke, we can't you are act risk for intrauterine infection."
Kelly, "What does this mean for the baby."
Dr.Marcel, "We should deliver."
Stella, "No! NO! You are not taking this baby out of my body. I have two and a half months left in this pregnancy. This baby isn't come out until then. I can wait I will go on bed rest, I will use a bedpan I won't move."  
Dr.Marcel, "I'm sorry Stella but you are having an emergency C-section. I'm calling the nurse to prep you."
I turned to Kelly with tears in my eyes and said: "It wasn't supposed to be like this."
Kelly, "I know babe. I will text my mom she going to stay with Piper."
He grabbed my hand and wipe my tears. 
Kelly, "We are going to have a baby."
He leaned in and kissed me. I was wheel into the OR room. I was given an epidural Kelly sat on a stool close to my head. There was a lot of tugging and pulling then the baby was born. The doctor announced congratulation it's a boy. I looked at Kelly he was just smiling with tears running down his face. I didn't get to see him a crowd of doctors surrounded him. They put him in an incubator and wheel him away. I insisted that Kelly, go with the baby.

Kelly POV
Walked toward the NICU I had to pass by the pediatric wing. Dr.Choi was exiting a room.
Dr.Choi, "Kelly just the person I needed to see. I have an update on Piper."
Kelly, "Okay how is he."
Dr.Choi, "We just took him off the vent he is breathing on his own his stats are up. He is a little groggy but you can go in and see him."
Kelly, "What about the effect on his brain."
Choi, "We are still running test but so far Piper is doing well."
I walked into the room, my mom was sitting by his crib. He immediately raised up his head and reached out his hands to me. I picked him up and kiss his little face and rocked him to sleep. I told my mom about the baby, I told her I was going to see him she ask if she could come. Piper fell asleep I laid him in the crib. My mom and I left the room went to NICU. Enter the NICU a nurse guided us to a special part of NICU for premature infants. His incubator was label Baby Boy Severide he was laying on his belly with tubes and wires all over his little body. His eyes were covered and he was restrained to the bed. I could see his curly black hair popping out of his hat. 

Stella POV
A few hours passed Kelly return to the room. He gave me the update on Piper I couldn't help but cry.
Kelly, "Babe Why are you crying this good news."
Stella, "I know I just really happy. I did you see baby boy."
Kelly, "Yeah he is small but he is a fighter."
Stella, "Good, the doctors told me I can't go and see him until my temp goes down. So I got to wait."
Kelly, "No worry Babe I took pictures."
I took Kelly's phone I look at the pictures. I thought to myself what are the colors of his eyes, then my thoughts were interrupted by a man who walked into the room.
"Hello, I'm Reverend Paul. I will be performing the christening for your child. We can go now if you like."
Stella, "Um No I never! Did you Kelly!"
Kelly, "No we didn't request a christening. 
Jennifer walks into the room.
Jennifer, "I did I thought it was the best considering the circumstances."
Stella, "What circumstances Jennifer. What that there's no way that my baby's going to make it? There's no way he going to come home with his mother and father and his brothers and christening is our church? My baby is going to die in this hospital with a random doctor or nurse before I even get the chance to hold him!"
Jennifer, "No Stella, of course not! I never meant that!"
Stella, "Get Out! Get Out!" As I began to cry.
Kelly, "Mom what the hell are you doing!"
Dr. Marcel walked into the room. 
"Stella calm down."
Stella, "Leave me alone! Want my baby! No want my baby! He doesn't need a minister he needs his mother and he needs his father. Kelly." Still crying
Dr. Marcel, "Stella I'm going to give you a sedated to calm you down."
Stella, "No Please."
Kelly, "It's okay Babe."


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