Bat Sign

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Gabby POV
At Mollys
It was packed night at Molly's I was managing the bar and chat with Matt. Since our break up I moved out, Matt and I have been working on being good co-parents, but we would have little rendezvous time from time.
Gabby, "Matt remember Thursday is Parent-Teacher Conference for Louie and Ramón has a doctor's appointment on Friday. Will you be there."
Matt, "Yes of course for moral support I will pencil it. Gabby are you coming over today."
I smile I turn to grab something from the bar. I saw Kelly at the bar not sitting in his unusual seat. I replied to Matt, "Yes give me a minute."
So I walk down the bar to where Kelly was sitting. To my dismay, Kelly was all smile.
Gabby, "Hey Kelly, What are you doing."
Kelly, "Just trying to have some fun here Dawson."
Gabby, "Oh Really."
I turn directly to him and said, "you are unbelievable how could blatantly disrespect Stella, Kelly she works here, her friends are here. How could you keep this company."
"Excuse me, I'm right here."
I turn my attention to his company said, "Listen here you know that Kelly is with Stella, they have kids together, how dare you."
Kelly, "Dawson calm down."
"Yeah Dawson calm down it not like I'm hold down Kelly he wants to be here."
Gabby, "Bitch What did just say."
Kelly, "Woah Dawson, Shutup Seager."
Gabby, "First of Kelly what the hell are doing, and as for you Seager, Stella is my best friend and Bitch I will drag you try me because we both know how Stella feels about you."
After that conversion, Kelly got up and left Mollys and Seager stay at Molly's trying to talk with any man with a pulse.

Kelly POV 
Leaving Molly's was the best option it was killing my buzz. I walk up the block to Studio 47 nightclub.  
"Can I have an Old Fashioned neat."
Music was blaring it seems like everyone was dancing.
A woman came to order a drink.
"Can I buy your drink."
It was now 1 am the woman for the bar sat down with me and listen to talk about my kids and Stella as I show pictures on my phone. The conversion was causal then this guy came up and grab her. 
"Stop it! Get off me!"
"Hey man, she said stop."
"I'm grabbing you stay out of this. Come here, girl."
I walk up and punch him in the face, a fight broke out in the club. Things escalate quickly the cops were called.
"Let me see your hand!"
"On the floor!"
At the 21 District 
Severide, "Went can I get out of here. Can I get my phone."
Trudy, "Severide, someone will come and pay your fine,  you will get your day in court, and someone was called"

"I'm here to pay Kelly Severide Fine."
"Okay pay here, then sign here."
I came out of the holding cell and walk into the district lobby. As I saw Stella standing there I immediately sober up. Stella had a messy bun she was Piper and Maxwell was stand next to her. With sleepy eyes the boys had on their pajamas, Stella had on sweater pants and an oversize T-shirt. We quietly drove home, we got to the apartment. I held Max and carried his room. As Stella was about to go into the bedroom grab her and kiss her, but she pulled away. I lay on the couch it didn't feel like hours pass but I feel little hands prying my eyes open.
"Good Morning Max."
"Are you taking me to school."
"Sure. Bud."
Today was a shift day Stella was already up making breakfast Max was already for school Piper was dressed for daycare. I got up and took a hot shower wiping the mirror it revealed my black eye. We took the same car we drove in silence. 
On Shift
At 51 firehouse I saw Gabby talking to Stella I knew she tells about my night at Molly's. I walk into the Casey office with two cigars.
"I'm throw up the bat sign."
We sat outside on a bench outside of firehouse gate smoking cigars.
"I don't man always feel like wreak things."
"Kelly what do you mean."
"I can't have something good, I love Stella and my boys but it's like I can't help myself."
"Kelly I think Stella is a forgiving woman."
"I don't know if she will forgive this."

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