Adjustment Period

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A week went by I was trying to adjust in my role on Squad. Patterson made this adjust period very difficult. Patterson was a self-righteous prick who was self-absorbing. A chauvinist a-hole who to flirt with Stella, but Stella paid him to no mind.

Squad 3, Ambo 61- Crowd Control
On Scene
Captain Dallas Patterson need CPD assistance. Someone just threw a Molotro Cocktail into a parked car. This is getting out of hand.
Patterson, "Severide Stand Down."
Severide, "Capp, Tony, Cruz grab the extinguishers."
Patterson, "Everyone stay put until CPD gets here."
Severide, "What."
Patterson, "Yep none moves."
I walked up to the car and used the extinguisher to put the fire Capp, Tony and Cruz were right behind me. Patterson was off in the distance yelling I just tuned him out. CPD arrive on the scene arrested a lot of people they were no victims here. Squad 3 was packing up.
Patterson, "Severide, A Word. You're making this very difficult."
Severide, "I just doing my job."
Patterson, "That's an excuse."
I just stared at him as he grew angrier.
Patterson, "Severide answer me are you the commanding officer here."
Severide, "No, I'm not."
Patterson, "Remember that. Guys packed up.

We return to 51 I spend the rest of the shift sitting outside smoking a cigar. The shift was finally over and I drop the boys off at mom's house. Stella and I went to Molly's. I sat in my usual spot at the bar. I was drinking a beer and my crossword puzzle while Stella was working in the bar. Then Patterson walked in.

Patterson, "Severide about today, we got off on a rough start."
I looked over to him and took a sip of my beer. 
"Okay, Captain."
Patterson, "Severide the reprimand was warranted. The men need to follow me not you."
Severide, "Sure Captain."
Patterson, "Severide it there something you need to discuss. We can discuss this right here right now."
Severide, "Captain I'm off shift and I'm having a beer."
Patterson, "Severide, I just want you to understand. I was sent here to re-evaluate you. I have a job to do."
Severide, "I'm not stopping you."
Patterson, "But you keep undermining me. I'm in charge here."
Severide, "Captain I'm off shift. So we are just two guys at a bar with nothing between us."
Patterson, "That how we're doing this."
Severide, "Yeah pretty much."
Patterson, "When I became a firefighter It was life no days off. As Benny's kid, you should know."
Severide, "Excuse me you are questioning my commitment to the job."

I got up and we were now facing each other.
Patterson, "Severide step back."
Severide, "Why don't we step outside."
Stella came between us and held my hand.
Stella, "Kelly let's go."
Patterson, "Are you serious Severide. Take the next shift off."
Severide, "You're suspending me."
Patterson, "You're lucky that's all for now. 

Stella and I got to the apartment, she pours me a drink. She listens as I vented about Patterson and Ripley. After I was finished she hugs me and gave me a kiss and leaned to the bedroom.
Next Morning.
I heard giggling and laughing I walk into the living room Max was playing with Piper. Stella was making breakfast.
Max, "Dada you're awake."
Kelly, "Morning Bud, U guess what."
Max, "What."
Kelly, "You, Piper and I are hanging out with me today."
 Max, "Really I don't have to go to school today."
Stella, "Kelly."
Kelly, "Stella it's one day. I just need a day with boys."
I finish making breakfast because Stella had to leave for work.
The day was spent with laughter and crying. Toys were all over the apartment. The next morning Stella walked into an apartment in chaos between all of that I was getting Max ready for school.
Stella, "What happened here we just dump out every toy we own on the floor."
I laugh "Max lets clean up.
Stella, "Kelly are you come back on shift."
Kelly, "Yes."
Stella, "I think you should talk to Benny. Maybe he could get Grissom to remove Patterson."
I nodded we clean the rest apartment and I drop Max off. Later that day I went to see Benny.

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