Right a Wrong

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"Help Me! Help Me! 
Call the cops! Stop Them!
Atwater POV
Shots Fired! A silent alarm was trigger at 1951 Walbash and Franklin."
"Dispatched This is Detective Atwater badge number: 52784 and Officer Rojas response to the shot fired. Plain Clothes Officers responding."
On Scene 
Glass shattering the Bodega was ransacked. 
Rojas and I walked into the Bodega with guns drawn. We hear voices and panting in the back. We walked toward the noise in the middle a young man was laying on the floor while an older man was giving him CPR. 
I walked closer it was Lucky! He was laying in a pool of his blood.
"Rojas call it in! Hey, Lucky I got you." 
He was quiet but every time he would close his eyes I would yell at him to keep him awake.
As the ambo arrives on the scene Voight and other members of the intelligence unit arrive too. 
Voight, "Lucky's one of our own! I want boots on the ground! Talk to your CI! Someone knows what happens!"
Atwater, " Where do you want me, Boss!"
Voight, "I need you to stay with Lucky. He trusts you and Kelly and Stella need a familiar face working this case."
Paramedic, "Detective we are loading him up are you riding with us."
Atwater, "Yeah Let's go."

Kelly POV
"Maggie when can Stella see the baby."
Maggie, "Just the doctor gives the green light."
I walked back into Stella's room with a surprise. 
Kelly, "Babe I thought a little visit from Piper would cheer you up."
She was so happy to see Piper. He reached out his hands for Stella. I put him in her arms. I watched as she examines his body and runs her hand through his hair.  
Stella, "Kelly, are you sure he's okay."
Kelly, "Our Piper Shay is okay he is getting discharged tomorrow morning with his mother."
Stella, "Really."
Kelly, "Yes."
Stella began to cry while she held Piper, then she said, "I will be leaving our baby boy behind."
Kelly, "Yeah Our tiny soldier will get strong."
Stella, "We need to give him a name."
Kelly, "Suggestion."
Stella, "Um I have nothing."
Kelly, "We could always use Max's suggestion."
Stella, "We are not naming our kid Taco."
Our conversion continues then April walked into the room.
April, "I'm sorry for disturbing you but Lucky is arriving to Med."
Kelly, "Wait. What!"
Stella, "What happened."
April, "He was shot!"
Stella, "Shot! How is he."
April, "I just know that he was shot. I need you to come down to the ER with me. A nurse will take Piper back to his room. Stella do you need help getting dressed."
Stella, "No I got it."

In the ER
We have a 13 years old boy with three gunshot wounds. Two in the chest one in the leg. Intubated en route Med. Lost a lot of blood on the scene and in the ammo. 
Atwater, " His name is Lucky. I need to help him."
Dr. Rhodes, "Okay Move on 3. Hang up a unit. Someone get the ultrasound in here."
Dr.Choi, "What that surround the heart."
Rhodes, "He needs a chest tube."
Choi, "What. Wait."
Rhodes, "Dr.Choi look at the films that blood in the chest and a bullet close to the heart."
As Dr.Rhodes puts in the chest tube a liter of blood from Lucky chest wound fell on the floor. 
Rhodes, "Where is all this blood coming from."
Choi, "I think the bullet nicked an artery. We need to speak to his family."

Kelly, "Kev did you ride with him. What happened."
Kevin, "I think Lucky was trying to right a wrong."
Stella, "Did he say anything." as she began to cry.
Kevin, "Before he was intubated he keep apologize and he kept saying it's all my fault."
Kelly, "Stella, I call Boden and I told him what happened. He going to call everyone."
I could see the pain in her eyes I grabbed Stella's hand and hold it tight. 
Dr. Rhodes, "Hey Guys, So Lucky is in critical condition. He has a bullet very close to his heart and damaged artery. We are waiting for him to stabilized then we will do the surgery."
Choi, "Right now Lucky needs blood we are setting up donor center in the waiting room. He is O-."
Everyone from 51 had arrived at Med now.  Herrman bought a sleepy Max I lay in the chairs while everyone line up to be donors. The blood was immediately taken to the lab.
"Are you sure?"
"Check it again!"
"I check it three-time science doesn't lie." 
"This just got interesting."

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