How Many?

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No! NO! NO!
What did he take!
Crying! Crying!
I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry!

Four days before
Stella POV
Happy Birthday to you dear Piper! Happy Birthday to you!
Max, "Dada can I help Piper blow out the candle.
Kelly, "Sure Bud."
Stella, "Kelly I can't believe our Piper Shay is one."
Kelly, "My little bug." As he kissed Piper on the forehead.
Looking over in the corner Lucky was trying to keep himself out of the way. Every since his conversation with Kelly he has really tried to stay out of trouble but trouble always finds Lucky. I focus on the boys but I understand Lucky's perspectives. He is 13 years old alone in the world. Kelly and I knew that Lucky could just runway if he wanted. Strangely he stays, but Lucky loved his position as the big brother, and Max and Piper adored him. A few days passed Max and Lucky were home from school. Max and Piper were in and out of Lucky's room. With laughing and giggling then silence suddenly an earth-shattering scream I ran into the room.
Stella, "What Wrong."
Lucky, "I don't know He's all sweaty and he just started crying so I picked him up."
Stella, "Oh Okay let me see him."
Max, "Bug do you want milk."
Piper crying...
Stella, "He is burned up. Can you hold him while I get the thermometer."
Piper crying...
Lucky, "Stella he threw up."
Stella, "Oh come here Bug! It's okay"
I look down in his throw up I said, "What's this."
Lucky, "What."
Stella, "Max go get my phone! Lucky!"
Lucky, "What's! What!"
Stella, "This it's pill fragment!  Did he swallow something? Oh, my God, his heart's pounding!  Piper, it's okay! Lucky!"
Lucky's eyes shift across the room trying to avoid mine.
Stella, "Lucky where are the pill! Answer me!"
Lucky, "Stella I'm so sorry." Cried.
Max, "Here Mama."
Lucky, "It's E."
Stella, "What. It's Ecstasy!"
Lucky, "I had some in my backpack."
Piper Crying...
Stella, "How many!"
Lucky, "What."
Stella, "How many pills are missing! Lucky!"
Lucky, "Uh three or four I don't really know. I'm sorry Stella."
911 What's Your Emergency!
I have one year old with an amphetamine overdose!
1211 Dupont Drive! 
Please Hurry!
Piper Screaming!

At The Firehouse- Kelly POV
Sit at the Squad table.
Cruz, "What is this Capp."
Capp, "It's my squad anniversary gift. You like it."
Tony, "On this day Capp made Squad."
Capp, "Yep."
Cruz, "So you got a chair."
Capp, "Yes It's mine."
Severide, "But didn't you have to go back to get retrained."
Capp, "That doesn't matter once in Squad always in Squad."
Severide, "Well keep your gift close to Tony."
Boden walked on the apparatus floor and approach the squad table.
Boden, "Kelly where's your phone. I just got a call from Med. There was an overdose ecstasy at the house."
Severide, "What I need to go. Did they say how much Lucky took."
Boden, "Go Kelly. I called a replacement captain. Call me with an update."

I got into my car and drove to Med. I walked into Med all I could think about I knew it. I knew Lucky was doing drugs. I knew it. I should have trusted my instincts.
Lucky, "Stella Please! Sorry!
Stella, "Get out!" crying
Piper crying
April, "I got the charcoal!"
I walked into Trauma One Stella was close to gurney rubbed her hand through Piper's hair. I looked around room and Max was crying in the corner, no Lucky.
Dr.Choi, "How is his airway?"
Dr.Manning, "He is breathing on his own."
Piper crying...
Dr.Manning, "He diaphoretic."
Dr.Choi, "Let get a temp."
Kelly, "Stella What the hell happening?"
Stella, "Piper swallow Lucky's ecstasy!"
Kelly, "What!"
Stella, "I'm not sure how."
Dr.Choi, "His sympathomimetic toxidrome we can't get line-in him!"
Kelly, "Where was it."
Stella, "What! It was in her backpack. Piper vomited a fragment of one."
Dr.Manning, "His veins are blown."
Dr.Choi, "We can put in directly into the marrow of a bone."
Piper Screaming...
Then the alarms went off.
"Oh God Kelly, What's happening!"
Dr.Choi, "His Heart rate is dropping."
Kelly, "Come on Bug."
Dr.Manning, "24 gauge Push the adenosine."
The alarm went off.
Dr.Choi, "Damn it! His lungs are full of fluid."
Dr.Manning, "We should intubation him. He is in respiratory distress."
Maggie, "Kelly, Stella lets give the doctors room to work."
We walked out of the Trauma One Stella was holding Max and sobbing. I looked and I saw Lucky. 
I walked over to him.
Lucky, "Kelly I'm sorry."
Kelly, "Lucky you bought drugs to my house."
Lucky, "Kelly is Piper okay."
Kelly, "Does he look okay."
Gabby and Brett were at Med with a victim. Gabby walked over.
Lucky, "I'm sorry."
Kelly, "You're sorry."
Gabby, "Kelly."
Kelly, "Dawson Stay out of this! Lucky you bring drugs into the house and leave them out for a baby."
Lucky, "It's wasn't mine. I swear."
Kelly, "Stop Lying."
Lucky, "I'm not. They were from the party and I didn't take any."
Kelly, "Well Piper took them."
Lucky, "But he going to be okay though, right."
Kelly, "Lucky really. Are you really that stupid Piper is one year old!"
Lucky, "I know."
Kelly, He almost died!" 
Lucky, "Kelly Don't..."
Kelly, "Lucky don't what? This is reality! My God Lucky drugs! Piper could have long-term brain damage, learning disabilities, low IQ, memory impairment. He could still die."
Stella rush over crying and said, "I don't want you here. I don't want you here."
Lucky, "I don't have anywhere to go! Where do you want me to go!" crying
Gabby walked between us and said, "I will take him to the firehouse. He can stay with Casey and I, until you guys figured things out."
I watched as Lucky left with Gabby I felt so defeated looking over at Stella I could see the pain in her eyes. She whispered in my ear "Kelly our baby."

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