Just Say Yes

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Stella POV
Three days had passed, and I was still in the hospital. Kelly and the boys haven't left my side. There was a knock on the door they walk in.
Kelly, "Detective Atwater and Detective Rojas is something wrong."
Atwater, "I just have a few things we need to discussed."
Rojas, "Hey Max how about you and I take Piper and go to the cafeteria pick out some ice-cream cones."
Max, "Really Can I Dada."
Kelly, "Yes Remember to."
Max, "To Listen."
I watch as Max hop with Rojas then he ran back into the room and said
Max, "I forgot to you guys kissed."
I smiled at him and Kelly helps him on the bed to give a kiss on my forehead. The boys were now gone. I turned my attention to Atwater. 
Stella, "Is he dead."
Atwater, "Yes Tyler Smith is dead. He died from a single gunshot wound to the neck."
I got quiet I cleared my throat and looked over to Kelly and without saying anytime he sat next to me on the bed and held my hand. 
Atwater,  "But that's not what I'm here for."
Kelly, "Ok Tell us." 
Atwater, "So after gathering all the evidence from the apartment, the notes and the lab was able to trace the phone calls. It leads to a burner phone at Tyler's apartment. At Tyler's apartment it 
was completely ransacked in the back room the officers discovered a body."

My eyes opened up wider then I said: "Who is it?"
Atwater, "The body we found was Grant your ex-husband."
Stella, "Grant is dead."
Atwater, "Yes It seems like Tyler shot Grant at point-blank range. Then he stabbed Grant in the heart, Grant died instantly."
Atwater continued to talk about Grant and Tyler I completely tuned him out. Things were just running through my mind like how he felt, whether he was scared and how could his best friend do this to him. Rojas entered back into the room with the boys they were so happy. Kelly helped Max into the bed, then Jennifer walk-in she took the boys out to get fresh air and sleep in a comfortable bed.

Kelly POV
My mother took the boys, I looked over to Stella she was just staring out the window. I said something to her snapped her out of concentration. 
Kelly, "Stella move back in me."
Stella, "What Kelly."
Kelly, "Stella I want you there every day you and the boys. Stella, I would give up everything for you. Being a firefighter and having all these accolades means nothing to me unless I'm sharing it with you. I want us to share a home and grow our family."
Stella, "Kelly I don't think we should just fall back into the same thing."
Kelly, " Stella, I'm fighting for you and the boys. I can't walk away from you. Stella, I love you when you were pregnant I was there holding your hand. I wanted to be a father. After Max was born and you got sick I was at your hospital bed willing you to live because you mean everything to me. Stella,  I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. I decided to be the man you need."
I wipe the tears off her face and leaned over and kissed her. I rubbed my hand gently over her tummy. I looked into eyes her and said, "Marry Me. Just Say Yes"
Without any hesitation, she said Yes
A week passed by Stella was discharged from the hospital. I haven't returned to work yet. Stella and the boys had moved back into the apartment but we also looking for a house. It was Sunday
morning  Stella and I got dressed up to go to the city hall with the boys and Jennifer and head to city hall.
Stella and I sat in the waiting room and everyone from 51 show up we fill out forms and, 
waited for our party to be called.
" Stella Kidd and Kelly Severide the justice of the peace will see you now. "
We got up and everyone walking into a conference room.
"Okay are you guys really to get married."
We looked at each and said YES
"Rings, Vows"
I held Stella's hand, " Meet you was like breathing in the fresh air. Because of you, I laugh, I smile I became a father. Because of you, I dared to dream more than I ever have. Thank you for loving me. You are, and always will be, the love of life soulmate and my person." 

Stella, " I was thinking about what I could say to you, get ready today I remember a poem and this sum up how I feel about you. I carry your heart in my mine heart. I  never without it. Anywhere you go I will go. This is the wonder that keeps the stars apart. I carry your heart in my mine. Thank you for being my person, my best friend, and protector my one true love."
"Okay Ring."
We exchanged rings.
"By the power of vested in me by the state of Illinois, I  pronounced you MR and Mrs.Severide. You May Kiss the Bride."
I leaned over kissed her. Then Hermann said 50% off drinks at Molly's to celebrate the happy couple. Stella and I had some family time with the boys then we drop them off the evening at Jennifer and went to Molly's the party was in full swing. I decided not to drink because Stella wasn't drinking because of her pregnancy. I looked over at my wife beautiful she just yawning.

"Stella you're tired it's only 8:30 pm."
She smiled at me and said, "I'm not that tired."
"We could leave early if you want because tomorrow was shift day. "
She nodded her head and we got up said our goodbyes and left Molly's.
Monday Morning Shift Day
I got up early and got ready trying not to wake Stella. The boys still at my mom's place she was going to take them to school Stella would pick them up. Before I left I sat on the edge of the bed kissed her on the forehead and tucked the sheet in. 
At the firehouse 
"Captian there is a kid on the apparatus floor asking for you."
"A kid are you sure Cruz."
"Yeah, I think it's the kid you were looking for."
I immediately got up and walk to the apparatus floor.
"It's you Lucky."
"How do you know my name."
"I saw it on a medicine bottle from your bag."
"What the hell man. You going through my stuff."
"Take it easy."
"Why are you looking for me. Everywhere I go everyone keeps asking me about the firefighter. Look, man, I'm good."
"Okay here is your bag. Lucky let me you help."
"Look, man, I don't need any help. We straight."
"We straight. Have you eaten lunch yet? Come inside have lunch. By the way, my name is Kelly."
"Okay I will come inside I can't stay long."
We walked through the bay doors into the common door. Lucky took a sit and Cruz handed him plates and asked him to set the table I quickly texted Tina that Lucky was here and she needed to come quick. The lunch was almost over then Tina walked into the firehouse awkward silence as everyone else looked down at their plates. Lucky got up.
"You trick me. Why did you call her."
"Lucky Miss Tina is going to help you get off the street."
I took him into the briefing room to have a private conversion with him.
"Look Lucky I'm sorry I tricked you but I wanted to sure that you are good."
"I didn't ask you too."
"Yeah didn't but Lucky you are a kid someone needs to look out for you. Here take this."
"Kelly I don't want your charity."
"It's not Charity just take it. It's my number and the address to the firehouse station. Miss Tina found a good home for you."
As we left the briefing room Lucky said, "I prefer to live on the street. I don't want this."
"Call me anytime I will come."
I watched them leave and I carry on with the rest of the shift. The shift was over finally I was back home Stella and I had made dinner and got the boys ready for bed. We head to bed Stella was laying her head on my chest then my phone rang. I looked over at the clock it was 1:35 am. I answer the phone. "Kelly! Kelly! Can you come  I'm at Jefferson Ave and 8 street by Washington Square Please Can you come."

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