Put on the Line

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Kelly POV
I knock on the door.
Kelly, "Hey, dad can I come in."
Benny, "Sure Kelly. So you didn't bring my grandsons why are you here."
Kelly, "I'm going to get straight the point I need to ask you a favor. Chief Ripley has file report against me so Grissom removes Casey from 51."
Before I was able to my sentence Benny said. "I see, I know all about the tension at 51. I'm surprised that you asking for my advice." 
Kelly, "Yeah Stella thought it will be a good idea."
Benny, "She a smart woman. Kelly, I don't if I can help you."
Kelly, "Fine guess will just talk to Grissom myself."
Benny, "Kelly, Kelly you don't get it. You disrespect Chief Ripley."
Kelly, "Chief Ripley couldn't do his job even if it was staring at him right in the face."
Benny, "That besides the point, you disrupted the chain of command."
Kelly, "Yeah I was doing my job I yelled."
Shakes his head Benny said, "I thought you would be farther in your career. But you stay at 51 despite me. I told you to take that job in Springfield you would have to command your own house. Stella is a resourceful woman she would have climb up the ladder the boys are still little. Instead, you spit in my face.  Kelly, you have absolute disappointment your file is a mix of sexual harassment accusation, insubordination after insubordination, men who got injured under your command Vargas, Clarke, and Newhouse. Your bad judgment "Scott Rice, Kevin Hadley. I'm surprised you are still in the CFD."
Kelly, "Those accusations had nothing to with me." 
Benny, "Kelly takes more responsibility." he yelled.
Kelly, "Are you kidding, Yes I became a firefighter despite you. I stay at 51 because Boden needed me. You tell me this will not phase me. Yes follow you to be a firefighter but became a great firefighter because of Boden and Grissom. These men were always there."
Benny, "Yeah Kelly the father you never had."
Kelly,  "Yeah Damn Straight I will take on Chief Ripley and Patterson with no help thanks to you."
Benny, "Get Out."
I walk through the door and slammed it.

On Shift
I try my hard to stay out Patterson way. Squad 3 only went a few calls nothing too major just getting Miss Peregrine's cats out of the tree. It was only four hours in the shift when I got a call. I was a common room I went into the Boden office "I need to go to Med Benny was in the hospital." As I walked out the bay door Captain Patterson walk into me. 
Patterson, "I hope you're happy."
I pay him no mind I got into my car drove to MED.

Excuse me I got called about Benny Severide, Benjamin Severide."
Dr.Rhodes, "Severide."
Severide," Doctor Rhode, where's my father."
Rhodes, "Severide your father suffered a heart attack."
Severide, "Okay so where is he."
Rhodes, "Severide I'm sorry your father died."
Those words keep running through my head. Doctor Rhodes was still talking I couldn't hear him. "Severide! Severide! Kelly! Kelly!"
"Would like to see him now."
I nodded I follow him into a room. Benny was just laying there. The room was so cold, there a window that was slightly open letting breeze and the sound of birds chirping and other street noise like sirens wailing in the distance. I look back over at Benny the breeze had made his hair move in the wind. I quickly went over to close the window. I walk closer to him my eyes filled with tears I could only replay our last conversion.  
"Dad, Dad I'm here ....."

Meanwhile at the firehouse
Chief Boden
Kidd, "Chief I need to go to Med."
Chief, "Go Kidd."
After Kidd left the firehouse I receive a phone from Med. I hang up the phone I walk into the common the room everyone was there having lunch. 
Cruz, "Hey Chief would you like me to make you a plate."
Chief, "No thank you, Cruz. Guys listen up I just got off the phone with Med, Benny Severide died before Kelly could see him. I'm taking the house out of service I want you guys to go to MED and be with him. I will join you soon. GO."
"Chief Boden, Commissioner Grissom is on the phone for you."
I walk back to the office and answered the phone "Boden Speaking."
As I was about to hang up the phone Patterson walking toward the office. "Thanks, Grissom." hang up the phone.
"Patterson, come in."
Patterson, "Chief you wanted to see me."
Boden, "I got called from Grissom you are being resigned. Your services are no longer needed here."
Patterson, "Chief Boden  I know I was hard on Severide, I always had his best interest."
Boden, "Patterson, you did your job. Severide would understand that. Don't make the tension between you two affect how you see each other."
Patterson, "It won't Chief, not for me."

Back at Med
Stella POV
Everyone 51 now congregated at MED. Even Casey had shown up. Kelly and I were sitting in the waiting room. "His housekeeper found him just laying there," Kelly said.
Maggie, "Kelly can you come with me."
"Sure." He got up.
Mills, "Chaplain."
Chaplain, "Hey Guys where is Severide."
Kidd, "They took him back."
Chaplain, "Ok, when a person in the firehouse loses a parent the whole house grieves. All I can tell is that Severide needs all of you right now. He needs your love, he needs your sympathy. And he needs to know you care. You'll think he's aware of these things already but he can't hear them enough. So reach out to him."
Mills, "Thanks, Chaplain."
I got up after hearing Chaplain words went to go look for Kelly. I walk back out to the walking room. 
Stella, "Kelly wants me to tell everyone to thank you for coming but there's no need to stick around."
Herrmann, "Okay Cindy, and I will host everyone at our home. Stella, make sure he comes."
Casey, "Yeah we should be alone."
Stella, "Yes Thanks, guys."

Kelly POV
I sat in the hospital chapel trying to clear my mind, trying to figure out how I was going to tell Max and Piper that their grandfather... My thoughts being invaded when Boden came sat next to me.
Kelly, "The last thing I said to him that you were a better father to me than he was. He kicks me out. Then he does nothing. I asked him for one favor and he turns it on me around and says I'm a disappointment. Same old Benny."
Boden, "Kelly, stop you don't know. Your father stood up for you Kelly. he went and spoke to the commissioner personally Patterson is gone Chief Ripley's complaint against you has been removed. Every piece of political capital, every favor he was owed he put it on the line for you. 
Your father told Grissom, that you were the type of leader that cared for his men. You will mold good men into great ones. And if were his Captian he would follow you anywhere. 
Those were the exact words of your father."

Author NOTES:
Hey, everyone, I don't usually say anything but I would like to say THANK YOU for everyone for reading this story I do read everyone's comments and your suggestions Thank You. There's so much more I want to say and I can't wait to write it.


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