WOW Really

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Stella POV
I left Molly's and when home I head straight to bed trying to sleep away the entire night. Today was shift day I woke and look in the at the mirror I had a black eye. I got dressed in my uniform and head out the door.  
I walk in the firehouse and straight into the chief office.
Chief said, "Kidd don't  care what off duty once it doesn't affect the job."
Kidd said, "Chief are you going to give me a reprimed."
Chief said, "I'm not but I don't how Captian Seager feels."
Kidd said, "Two off duty officers got into a scuffle does my union rep. need to be at this meeting."
Chief said, "No Kidd that's not why I call you into my office. I got a temporary floater replacement on the truck until you're  able to go through the personal files to find a permanent person on the truck."
Kidd said, "Okay Chief."
Chief said, " Okay Come in Lieutenant Kidd this Jake Cordova.
After leaving the chief office I spend the entire shift avoided Kelly. I am so angry with him, the shift when by fast. For the next three weeks, I spend not really talk to Severide only when it was absolutely necessary. 
Kelly POV
Three weeks, she was so stubborn to admit her true feelings. I said nothing I just grew more, and, more, angrier.
Then he shows up.
Hey, there I'm looking for Stella Kidd. 
Severide said, "Who's asking."
"I'm an old friend Tyler Smith."
I knew who he was when he said his name.
Severide said, "Come with me."
Kidd said, "Tyler"
I watch there interaction I knew this guy was going make trouble for Stella, nonexistent complicated relationship. 
After I saw Tyler and Stella leave the firehouse. 
Stella POV
A few times after shift  Tyler and I would hang out, one night after a shift  I went over to Tyler's home. I missed our friendship since I was no longer hook up with Kelly. It was late I should have left but I found myself having another drink.
The next morning, I woke in naked in his bed. 
Stella said, "What happen last night I can't remember anything."
Tyler said, "We had fun last night."
Did you give me something?
Tyler said, "Just something to get you in the mood."
I was so pissed that Tyler based roofie me I got up and left. 
Arrived at my apartment I want to try to wash off that night. Kelly was inside waiting for me.
Stella said, "Kelly What are you doing here."
Kelly said, "Can we talk please."
I nobbed and sat on the couch 
Before he could say anything I said " Kelly I slept with Tyler
Kelly in a state of shock all he could say "Wow! Really!"

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