The Test

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Kelly POV
I just watch as the jeep drove away. I opened the door of the apartment if was quiet, all the joy was sucked out of the rooms. Out of rage, I started to trash the apartment. I broke every cup, every plate, I smashed the TV I punch the mirror. When was I done destroying the apartment I grabbed a bottle of whiskey I drank the bottle I sat by the window in the dark, I was bloody and bruised. I fell asleep in the chair when I woke up I had a major headache. I didn't go to work, I didn't want to see anyone and I didn't want to be seen.

Stella POV
Shift Day
I got the boys really I drop off Max at school and Piper at daycare. I walked through the bay doors I notice that Kelly's car wasn't parked by the firehouse. Maybe he was probably running late. I carry on with the shift, four hours into the shift Kelly didn't show up Cruz was acting lieutenant on Squad. Kelly probably just called out for today's shift.

Truck 81 Ambo 61 Person trap at Carroll street and Union Sq.
On Scene
"Cordova the jaws."
"Ok Lieutenant."
"Mills and Gallo get the extinguishers."
"Copy That."
"Sir can you move your legs."
"Ok, I'm going to put c-collar on you."
"Dawson bring the stretcher. Mouch help me lift."

"On my count 1,2,3 lift 1,2,3 lift."
We head back to 51 Ambo drove to Lakeshore because it was closer. When straight to my quarter fill out the incident report after, I was finished I got up and went to Casey's office. I got off the report walk into an empty common room I grabbed on icecream sandwich as I bit took a bite Brett and Dawson walk in. Dawson went straight to bunk room, Brett came in the common room.
Brett, "Is that your second ice cream sandwich."
Kidd, "Nope it's my fourth wanna bite."
Brett laughs, "You're fourth what are you pregnant or something."
I was shocked by Brett's statement I awkwardly laugh and said" What no. What are you talking about." I try to walk away for her.
Brett, " Oh my god you are pregnant."
Kidd, "No You're crazy."
Brett, "you 're, you're."
Kidd, "No I'm not."
Brett, "Stella you are totally pregnant."
Kidd, "Fine maybe I'm but you are in love Gabby's brother."
Brett, "No I'm not."
Kidd, "Oh please Brett come on."
Brett. "You shut up."
Kidd, "You shut up too."
Brett, "You shut up first."
Casey walked into the common room, and said, "Shut up about what."
Brett and I look at each other.
Brett, "Nothing."
Kidd, "Nothing."
We quickly walked out of the room.
I was laying my bed I was I real pregnant Brett just said that out of nowhere. Then started to think about when was my last period I couldn't remember. This couldn't be happening right now. Before I started to freak out more I snapped myself out of it. After I would buy a test and then go from there.

Casey POV
After the briefing I got into my office I grabbed my phone and called Kelly.
Dail Tone Dail Tone....... then the phone went straight to voicemail.
"Sorry I missed your call please leave a message I will get back to you."
"Hey Kelly, you missed shift. Let me know what going on."
I hang up the phone Chief Boden walk into the office.
"Casey where you Captian."
"He took this shift, I forgot to write up the form."
"Ok, I expect a call or him here next shift."
"Yes, Chief."
I wrote up the form I knew that was a lie but I an no idea where Kelly was.
After shift when to Herrmann's house to pick up Louie and Ramón. Whenever Gabby and I on shift the boys would stay with Cindy. Our custody agreement is every two days whenever we had our days off the boys would stay with me or Gabby. Today was the beginning of my two days, Louie was now nine and Ramón was six. I drop them at school then later I pick up we spend the rest of the afternoon riding bikes in the park. Now it was dinner time the boys ate got ready for bed. The boys were asleep I decided to try calling Kelly it went straight to voicemail again I left another message. The next morning I got up made breakfast for the boys drop them at school. I call Kelly all day no answer so I ended text messages. I spend the morning at headquarter in meetings later I pick up the boys we did homework that evening then dinner, baths, and bed.
Next Shift Day
I walk into the firehouse Kelly wasn't there.
Boden, "Where's Severide."
Casey, "Chief I don't know."
Boden, "He has missed another shift. He putting his job in jeopardy. Get in touch with him."
Casey, "Yes Chief."
I step out of my office I walked toward the bunk room I saw that Kidd was in her quarter. I open the door I started to talk which startled her.
Casey, "Sorry Kidd I didn't mean to interrupt your deep thoughts."
Kidd, "You're fine, I just have a lot on my mind."
Casey, "I know that you and Kelly are complicated right now but have you spoken to him."
Kidd, "No I tried him but he didn't pick up. I'm trying to give him his space but I don't want to be the mother who separated the kids from their father. Every time I driving by the apartment I want to go in and talk to him. I guess he is using his furlough days."
Casey, "No I don't think so."
Kidd, "What do you mean?"
Casey, "He hasn't requested any furlough. I've been trying to contact him for 5 days now."
Kidd, "Ok maybe you should go to the apartment I would go but."
Casey, "Stella say no longer more I will go."
Kidd, "Casey here my key if he doesn't let you in."
Casey, "I will keep you in the loop."
Kidd," Thanks, Casey."

Stella POV
I went to the pharmacy after a shift I bought a pregnancy test. Then I pick up from their grandmother's house.
Jennifer," Max grabbed your stuff Mama is here. Hi Stella."
Stella, "How were they."
Jennifer, "They fine Piper was little fussing I think he is teething."
Stella, "I'm sorry Jennifer."
Jennifer, "Stella why are you apologizing to me."
Stella, "Well Kelly and I broke up I'm putting you in an awkward position."
Jennifer, "Stella, I love my son but Kelly can be fickle and lousy. As for you and I, we are good I love having my grandkids here you will have a place in my family okay."
Stella, "Thank you, Jennifer."
Max, "Hi Mama I'm ready."
Stella, "Hi Bud, let's get your brother and go."
Back at Gabby's apartment tonight it was just me and the boys. Gabby went to Molly's and her boys were at Matt's house. Getting the boys ready for bed all I could think about was what if I was pregnant. I don't think Kelly and I should just jump back into a relationship because I'm pregnant. Boys were now asleep I locked myself in the bathroom and took the test. Your probably not pregnant, I kept saying that as I paced up and down the room waiting for the timer to go off. Beep! Beep! Beep! I looked down at the test two bright lines. I'm pregnant.
I barely slept that night in morning everything was going in slow motion the boys were drop off. I was my quarters trying to wrapped my mind around the fact that I'm pregnant...

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