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Flashback to 6 months ago.
Lucky POV

Looking in the mirror I thought to myself this is the first time I've experienced loss can't imagine how Stella is feeling even Kelly. The missing opportunity picture life could have had. It was a moment of firsts for me first-time wearing a suit, first-time tie a tie, well I'm trying. As I looked in the mirror trying to tie the tie over, cross, behind, under, and pull. I wanted to pay my respect. I thought about it what do you say at someone's grave? What do you say to someone you never knew? What are the right words to say wish you were here? Your life would have been full of love and laughter. There will be no christenings, baptism, graduation, or wedding this will be the only activity of importance so I wanted to put my best foot forward.
Stella walks into my room and she said, "Are you ready?"
She walked over to me, I was still fumbling with my tie. She turned me around and said, "Here let me help you."
I smiled slightly at her, she smiled back trying to hold back her tears. "Much better let's go Lucky," she said.
I took one more glimpse into the mirror and I walked out of the room.

Present Day- At the Firehouse
Kelly POV

I was in my quarters, filling out incident reports, and filling out order forms. Then there was a  knock on my door it was Gabby at my door. 
Gabby, "I didn't expect you back so soon Kelly."
Kelly, "I couldn't sit around the house. This is how I'm dealing by coming to work. Stella is dealing with it  in her on way. I'm trying not to hover, I'm giving Stella some space."
Gabby, "But you have loss too."
Kelly, "I know this the way. I'm dealing with grief. I take care of my family."

Squad 3,  Ambo 61- Car Accident on the Intersection between Atlantic Ave and Walbash
On Scene
"Tony grabbed the extinguisher."
Capp, "Severide, here is the jaws."
"Can you help my friend? The pole came out of nowhere."
"Gabby checked the passenger seat."
Gabby nobbed at me and I knew immediately that  her friend has died. 
"How is she. She was just talking to me."
"My guys will get her out. We are focusing on you."
"Cruz used the K12."
"Brett c-collar."
"Madam, I going to put my jacket over your face. We open the car and put the woman on the stretcher. Squad 3 recovered the body from the passenger seat."

Back at Firehouse
Squad 3 was pulling into 51 and I saw Lucky sitting at the squad table. I hop out of the rig.
Kelly, "What's up Lucky."
Lucky, "Before you ask, I haven't skipped school."
Kelly, "Ok What I help you with."
Lucky, "I feel like I'm in an awkward position."
Kelly, "Concerning."
Lucky, "Well I don't know what to say to Stella."
Kelly, "Just let it come from the heart."
Lucky and I continue our conversion at the squad. Lucky stay until shift ends. We got into the car and drove to the house. It was 6 am the house was quiet. I put on some coffee, and Lucky went into his room to change for school. I waited for the other boys to get up.

Stella POV- Present Day
It was 1:30 am I rolled over Piper was sounded asleep laying in the bed. He was cuddling next to me. I quiet got up walked out the room. Down the hallway I poke my head in the rooms sleeping Max, Lucky's bed was empty he was spend the time at the firehouse. I was now in the nursery I turned on the light walked over to the crib that was placed in the middle of the room. The mobile was spin above the crib. Looking in the crib I said, "Hello Wyatt Benjamin. Hi my darling, You are so quiet just laying in your bed." I picked him up and sat in the rocking chair and began to feed him. In the rocking chair feeding Wyatt and running with hands through his hair. He would reach his hand and play with his hair. I looked at his little face. Then I remember what life was 6 months. 
Stella Flashback- from 6 months ago.
Stella, " Hey Lucky can you sit down we need to talk."
Lucky, "Okay, What's up."
Stella, "Went you got shot. Everyone from the intelligence unit was on the case."
Lucky, "Stella I know that they found everyone who was involved."
Stella, "Well the intelligence unit also looked up your history."
Lucky, "What."
Stella, "Lucky, listen they were able to find your biological family."
Lucky, "My biological family. Where are they?"
Stella, "This is going to be hard. James and Kimberly Kidd are your family, they died in a car accident. I'm sorry Lucky."
Lucky, "Wow, wait Kidd that means."
Stella, "Yes Lucky you are my little brother."
Lucky, "My Sister."
Stella, "Lucky, are you okay."
Lucky, " I'm a little sad but I'm okay. How are you?"
Stella, "I'm sad that my parents died and I'm sad that you don't remember them."
Lucky, "Well at least I have you. Can I go to my room."
Stella, "Sure, Lucky if you need to talk I'm here."
Kelly and the boys came through the door.
Max,"Mama look at my picture."
Stella, "Oh that so nice."
Max, "It's a picture of our family. There is Mama, Dada, Piper, Wyatt, Lucky and Me."
Stella, "Bud come here and sit with Mama let's have a chat."
Max,"Okay Mama."
Stella, "Well you know how Piper and Wyatt are your little brothers."
Max, "Yeah and Lucky is my big brother."
Stella, "Yes, Well Lucky is my little brother."
Max, "He's your little brother, why didn't he live here before."
Stella, "I didn't know I had a brother and he didn't know he had a sister so lived in different homes. We took a special test went we in the hospital  we found out he was my brother."
Max, "Yeah he lived somewhere else. Since he is  your brother will he stay forever."
Stella, "That's okay with you."
Max, "Yeah I know he's your little brother. But could he be my big brother forever."
Stella, "Yes Max."

Two Week Later
A pretty dress I straight out my hair in the bathroom. I was wearing light amount of makeup, Kelly walked into bathroom he wearing blacksuit with button up shirt with tie. He looked in the mirror while he comb his hair. We help the bots get dressed. We got into the SUV and drove stop at the cemetery where Sergeant Voight and Detective Halstead to greet us.
Halstead, "Come with me they are buried over here."
Kelly and the boys stayed inside the SUV while Lucky and I followed Halstead. 
Halstead, "Here they are."
Lucky, "Here we are."
Halstead, "I'm going to you some time."
Lucky, "Do you think they know that we are here?"
Stella, "I do."
Lucky turned the gravestone of James and Kimberly Kidd and he told them that today was an important day. Then he said, "I couldn't figure out what were the right words to say. So here is going Thank you my life before was difficult but was leading up to this moment. The moment where I found Stella and my forever family."
Stella, "Thank you for giving me Lucky, We will make this family proud."
Lucky and I hugged and we laid flower and the tombstones hop in the SUV and drove. 

Lucky POV
Hoping out of the SUV, walking into the building everyone was wearing in their Sunday best but it was Tuesday. Waiting for my name to be called. 
Case: 9701
All party for Adrian Lucky Ned Montgomery III
Everyone from firehouse 51 and District 21 walked into the courtroom. 
Kelly, Stella and I sat in the front of the room. 
Max and Piper were sitting next to Brett and Gabby was holding Wyatt. 
All Rise the Honorable Judge Roger presiding over.
Case: 9701 Finalizing hearing of adoption.
Are all parties in court today: Kelly Severide and Stella Kidd-Severide.
Requesting adoption for the minor in question Mr.Montgomery.
Do you understand that the minor Mr. Montgomey is in your care of his natural life.
He will need your love and support. 
In turn if you adopt this minor he will be apart of your family and share your family responsibility.
Do you understand that this minor can be removed from your home if reports of physical, mental and sexual abuse. If you understand these statements please say yes.
Petition to change the name of Adrian Lucky Ned Montgomery III to Lucky Kelly James Kidd Severide.
Congratulations, Lucky Kelly James Kidd- Severide.
Everyone greeted me with hugs and handshakes. Celebration at the new house my parents bought. Wow just saying my parents is just amazing to me.
THe party was in full swing. 
Stella,"Picture time."

Kelly POV- Present Day
Max, "Good Morning Dada."
Kelly, "Good Morning Bud let's go get Piper."
Max, "Good Morning Mama. Good Morning Bug."
I picked Piper up and he was laying in bed with Stella. Stella was changing Wyatt's clothes, the boys and I laid on the corner of the bed and watched the diaper wearing half naked Wyatt just kicking his legs. He so happy this morning. 
Max, "Dada doesn't his scar hurt him."
Kelly, "I don't think so they are all healed now. You know Lucky has the same scar."
Max, "Really, Lucky!"
Max ran out of the room and could hear him talk to Lucky asking him about his scar.
Lucky and Max walked into the room. 
Lucky,"Dad,  do we have to go to school today? Let's take a family day."
Stella, "That's an idea."
Max, "What an idea."
Lucky, "Max No school."
Max, "Mama and Dada can we."
I looked at Stella and I called the school. We spend the entire day together playing giggling and little bit of crying mostly from Wyatt and Piper. It was now bedtime Stella and I got the boys to bed, We sat on the couch and looked at each other.
Stella,"I love today."
I nodded at her.
I looked over at her and said, "Stella I love you. Even when we were apart I never stopped loving you." 
She leaned over and kissed me slowly and passionately then she whispered in my ear. "I will always love you Kelly Severide."

Author Notes
Thank You for Reading Stellaride Story: I Never Stop Loving You. The Story is officially finished. Next Story.... 


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