Grab Him

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Kelly POV
"Walk up sleepyhead It's Monday."
"Can we go and see Mama and Piper."
"Morning Mama Hi Bug."
"Morning Max are you excited for first of school."
"Yeah are you coming."
"Of course bud I won't miss that."
"Let's go and have breakfast."
After breakfast, I watch as Stella help Max into his uniform. He wore Khaki shorts with a blue polo shirt with the school crest on it. We got all pack in the jeep and drove to the school.
Kelly, "Dad what are you doing here."
Benny, "What Kelly I'm here for Max."
Max, "Papa Benny you're here."
Stella holds Max's hand while I hold Piper and my dad walk in front greeting all the teachers. I stay on paternity leave for 6 months with Stella. Now it was time for us to start back work. In 6 months everything had change at 51, Foster left to work at Med, Dawson was back on Ambo, and Peterson was back on Squad 3 he needed my recommendation to stay on squad.

Squad 3, Engine 51 House Fire
On the Scene
Oh my god, my son, he inside.
Madam where's your son.
He's in the basement.
Severide, "Okay Squad, Cruz, Tony vent the roof. Capp and Peterson with me let's go."
Mask up! Fire Department Call Out! Fire Department Call Out!
"Where is he!"
"The Basement."
"No wait, Peterson, the stairs."
Mayday! Mayday! Firefighter down!
"Peterson can you hear me."
"Damn it, Cruz, find an anchor I'm going to harness off you."
"Herrmann we need some help in here."
"Copy That."
"Ritter, Clarence grab hose line."
"Peterson it's Severide I got you."
"Okay guy lower the basket."
"Put him on the stretcher."
"Captain there was none inside."
Squad 3 and Engine 51 return to firehouse it was lunchtime. I immediately walk into Casey's office to tell him about Peterson.

Stella POV
Truck 81 Ambo 31 Person Impaled on 1820 St John Pl.
On Scene
He was writing me a ticket then the car just came out of nowhere.
Where are you hurt?
Not me, but he's.
Lieutenant Over here.
Put pressure on it.
Officer Hernandez, I need to run this plate AU 73671.
Christian was hanging by the window.
That car came out of nowhere it never saw us.
Cordova let's cut the fence away.
Banks (paramedic) see if you can stabilize him.
It was just a routine stop.
Hey, what your name officer.
Officer Christian Rodriguez.
We were able to cut him out and I watch the paramedics pack the wound and put him on the stretcher. Truck 81 returns to quarters. In later Squad 3 and Engine 51 everyone looks stress walking through the door. Kelly was quiet he spends the whole time in and out of Casey's office. Everyone waited on news of Peterson.

Kelly POV
Week Later-OnShift
Casey, "A broken leg, fractured ribs, punctured lungs."
Kelly, He's done."
Casey, "Kelly these are difficult circumstances. Peterson just doesn't have a place in CFD and he will be on disability."
Kelly, "Does he know."
Casey, "Yes Commissioner Grissom called him personally two days ago."
After hearing this news I walk out to the apparatus floor and sat at the Squad table. Doing my crossword puzzle tried to clear my mind from the events that happen that day.
"I'm looking for Captain Kelly Severide."
"You found me."
You've been served."

Dear Captain Kelly Severide,
On behalf of the plaintiff firefighter Kyle Peterson. We issued against you a class action lawsuit for negligence and unprofessionalism.
On May 22, Squad 3 responded to a house fire at 2025 Hanover Street. Peterson under your command enters into the home and because of your negligence, he injured and no longer can be a firefighter in the CFD.
Please respond to this lawsuit contacted Morgan and Morgan law firm
Casey, "Severide! Severide!"
Severide, "Yeah Casey."
Casey, "Did you get the letter."
Severide, "Yeah did you know."
Casey, "I just got the call."
I was frustrated and I didn't want to be around people so I went to my quarters. The bunk room was quiet then I heard running then my door open.
"Hi, Dada."
Stella walk through the door holding Piper.
Kelly, "What are you guys doing here."
Max, "Grandma Jenny brought us."
Stella, "I asked her to bring them by."
I got up and kiss her and whisper thank you. For two hours we played in my quarters.

Squad 3 Ambo 61 Assistance Needed.
On the Scene
Chief Ripley from firehouse 24 and Engine 39 was on the scene.
Chief Ripley, "Captain Severide hang back we will let you know if we need your help."
Severide, "Are you sure Chief Ripley it's a simple extraction Squad 3 can get the victims out."
Chief Ripley, "No needed hang back. Mulligan break the door."
Cruz, "Captain what is Mulligan doing."
Severide, "Not sure Cruz."
Capp, "Why aren't they using the K12."
Severide, "To hell with this Cruz grab the K12."
Chief Ripley, "Captain! Captain Severide! What are you doing!"
Severide, "I'm rescuing the victims. Mulligan move."
Chief Ripley, "Stand Down Captain!"
Severide, "C-Collar, Dawson backboard."
The victim was transported to Med. Squad 3 was preparing to leave. Chief Ripley came up to me.
Chief Ripley, "Who the hell do you think you are."
Severide, "It was simple extraction."
Chief Ripley, "Yes and Engine 39 had it."
Severide, "All do result Chief, Engine 39 was unequipped to handle this extraction. Mulligan was about to shatter glass in front of the victim without covering the victim's face. Then Theo and Kwan were standing by the truck just holding the hose."
After that conversion, I jump into the Squad 3 and we drove back to 51. In my quarter doing my incident report. Knock on the door, "Severide you need in chief office."
I walked into the office there was...

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