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Stella POV
I was work at 51 for almost 3 months now, three months as a  lieutenant, going on calls after calls. When I was at the firehouse I would spend most of my time in my quarter with incidents reports and filling out forms. 
Outside of the firehouse, my nonchalant relationship with Severide was going great. I could keep it a secret anymore, so I told Ritter. He was one person in the firehouse that could keep his mouth shut. Ritter and I became close after JJ's death. JJ and Ritter were roommates. After JJ died I effort my spare bedroom to him, Ritter would see Kelly in and out of the apartment. 
I was laying in bed at Kelly's place, it was our day off. Then there was a knock on the door.  
Kelly rolls over and checks the time it was 7:15 am then rolls back over and closes his eyes.
The knock turns into a BANG! BANG!
Kelly yelled, "I'm coming !" as he got up looking for his pant and t-shirt.
He walks to the door. 
I stayed in the bedroom trying to listen to the conversion.
"I had a great time last night but forget this at my place."
Kelly said," Yeah last night great thank you for bringing this by."
The door close.
I didn't want to press the issue it was obvious, that he was hooking with this random woman whatever. I pretend like it didn't bother me. I got up and got dressed, then I made up some lame excuse so I could leave. Like Ritter and I are going jogging, I could miss that. 
Kelly POV 
That same night at Molly's.
Kelly said, "Hey Casey."
Casey said, "Kelly what's up."
I sat at the bar next to Casey we had a short conversion then Casey got up and sat next to Mills and Cruz. I was alone at the bar, then she came up and put her hand on my shoulder. I turned around and said: "Hey Seager"
"Hey, Kelly." 
She sat at the bar we started a conversion, the time flew by while we talk about the old OFI cases. We would laugh and somehow Seager would find a way to put a hand on me.
Then trouble walk-in.
Stella was wearing a pair of black jeans with blacktop to match. Her hair was let down with curls. She walked in with Ritter. I could feel the tension in the room. As the night when on Casey sat in middle to be a buffer between Seager, Stella, and I. Seager couldn't keep her hand off me I turned I saw Stella face. She got up and left, I got up and grab my jacket and walk behind her. 
Kelly said, "Stella Where are you go."
Stella said, "I'm leaving tell me, Kelly, how long."
Kelly said, " How long what."
Stella said, "How long have you been sleeping with her."
Kelly said,  "Who Seager. Serious."
Stella said, "Yes Seager once twice after you sleep with her, you sleep with me."
Kelly said, "What Hell Stella. You want this way friends with benefit."
Then I heard a voice in the background. Adding more fuel to the fire.
Seager said, " Kelly is everything alright."
I turned around in frustration, yes everything is fine to go back inside.
Stella said, "I think your Bitch needs you."
Seager said, "What did you just call me."
Stella said, " I called you a Bitch."
Before I could react Seager and Stella wherein each other face. Stella punch Seager I tried to pulled Stella off Seager.  Everyone from 51 ran out to part the fight between Stella and Seager. I found myself yelling at Stella, I could see the tears in her eyes. She just turned around and left. Ritter walked behind her.

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