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Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambo 61 Structure Fire

Kelly POV
I couldn't' respond to what Stella to me. I run to squad 3. I got geared up Tony was driving he turned of Wabush. I jump into squad 3 I cleared my mind. I didn't want to think about Tyler's hands all your Stella. I want to break his hands and tell Stella my true feeling.  I was in love with her but I couldn't find the courage just to tell her. The road was clear we were 15 minutes away from the fire. Truck 81 was right behind us. Then Bang! The glass was shattered all around me there was ringing in my ear. 
Captain! Captain! can you hear me? Severide are you hurt. Everything was moving in slow motion then suddenly it came rushing back. 
I was bloody and I couldn't move. The truck was flip on its side I was trapped in my seat. Cruz was unconscious behind me but Capp and Tony were able to get out.

On Scene
Dispatched this Lieutenant Kidd from firehouse 81. We are requesting assistance at 1935 South Wabash Ave near the South Loop Apartment Complex. We have a garage truck that collied with Rescue Squad 3 we have multiply injured my Captian and another firefighter is trap inside the truck. We need CPD here to make an arrest we think possible DUI. The garage driver is heavily intoxicated. 

Stella POV
Lieutenant Kidd said, "We need to get Severide and Cruz"
As the man work at I began to feel a sense of panic. I watched while they put Kelly and Cruz on the stretcher. Kelly was unresponsive he looks in bad shape. Cruz had a large cut on his head they were rushed to the ambo and taken to MED. 
We at Med the entire firehouse was there, Chief Casey had taken the house off service relay different trucks companies to the structure fire.
I couldn't sit I spend my time pacing back and forth in the waiting. Only Ritter knew about  Kelly and I complicated relationship. I felt so stressed out, I couldn't stop sweating, my hands felt clammy and I felt dizzy. 
Ritter said, "Stella are you okay."
Stella said, " I'm fine I just think I need to splash some water on my face." 
I headed to the bathroom which was down the hall, I didn't even make it I collapsed on the floor.
Dr. Manning said, "Kidd are you okay."
Stella said, " I'm sure its nothing I haven't eaten today."
Dr. Manning said, "I'm still going to check you out."
I was put in a room my blood was taken and I was up to an ivy. Ritter walked in and sat by my bedside to keep company while for Dr. Manning to arrive.
We knew that Cruz was okay but to get 35 stitches across his lower face. Kelly was still in surgery he had a broken leg, few crack ribs, and damaged spleen.
Dr.Manning walk back into the room 
"I have your results." 
Ritter said, "I should leave."
Stella said, "Stay I would like you to stay just tell the results, Doctor."
"You're pregnant Stella."
My eyes opened on big it like was I couldn't hear what Dr. Manning was saying.
Then Foster and Brett walk into the room. Foster said "Dr.Rhodes has an update on Severide"
I got up and held my ivy bag walk outside of the examination room. 
Dr.Rhodes said, "Severide did well in the surgery we able to repair his damaged spleen we place four rods and pins in his leg. He is stable now but he is not out of the woods.

Casey said, "Will he able to be a firefighter again."
Dr. Rhodes said, "I have no doubt in my mind the road to recover with long."
Capp said, "Can be we see him."
Rhodes said, "Yes of course."

We sat in the waiting room Mills "Lieutenant what up with the ivy."
I and Ritter exchanged looks I wasn't ready to tell anyone. So I make up a lie was dehydrated it just some fluids. I sat in the waiting room watching everyone from 51 visiting Kelly in the ICU. It was my turn I got up and walk into the room the beep of machines was overwhelming, his eyes open and he just stared. I stood by his bed end, I want to tell him that I was pregnant but couldn't build up the courage. Then suddenly he began to shake then alarms went off.

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