Baby Boy

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Stella POV
He leans into me and kisses me.
"Is Ritter here." He said.
"No, he out with friends I don't think he is coming home tonight."
He smiled and sat on the bed. I sat on top of him and straddle him. Kissing, Kissing, grinding my body on him slowly, passionate. I kissed his neck rubbed my hands all over his body.
"I Love You."
I stop, I looked into his deep blue eyes.
"What did you just say."
"I said, I Love You, Stella Kidd I'm hopelessly in love with you."
"Kelly I Love You Too."
I grab his face kissed him we both lay on the bed we made love it slow and gentle. After I laid my head on his chest, as he ran his fingers through my hair. 
"I wish we could stay here forever."
He kissed my forehead.
Morning Momma, Look Max Momma is still sleeping.
Wake up, Momma...
"Hello, darling Look at your little face cuddling for Momma."
"Kelly I can't believe he going to be one in two days."
The three of us had morning cuddling. 
Later that morning I got dressed, kissed Kelly, and Max left the apartment.
"Hey, girl I didn't think you would come."
"Gabby, first of all, you are my friend so of course I'm here."
"Stella I needed to hear that. I guess you know."
"Yes Casey told Kelly, then Kelly told me."
"I guess the whole firehouse knows now."
"Gabriella, do you really do see Casey and Kelly gossiping the are so private and I haven't really spoken to anyone from 51. Brett comes over to hang out with Max and I."
"Congratulations on the baby. Do you have pictures."
"Yep, of course, he almost 1."
"He's beautiful wow look at those eyes."
"Yep, that's all Kelly. Louie has a little brother."
"Yeah, Ramón Matthew."
"He looks so much like Casey. How Louie taking all of this."
"Louie Christopher is amazed kid, he such a sweetheart a great big brother, so patient and caring. He gets that from Matt."
"How are you and Matt doing."
"We are like strangers living in a familiar space. If it's not about the kids he doesn't look in my direction. I'm trying to give him his space."
"Are you in love with him."
"Yes I love him but I can't make him love me. I don't want to push him."
I leaned over and hugged my friend the rest of the lunch went well. We went shopping for Maxwell's party.
Next-Day Shift Day
Kelly POV
Kelly, "Max how would Momma look."
Stella, "I'm little nervous."
I walk over to her "Hey you'll be fine."
We drop Max at Cindy's house he so excited to see Annabelle. She was his favorite Herrmann kid.
Drove to the firehouse, walk through the bay doors into the common room everyone was having breakfast.
Stella, "Good Morning 51."
Everyone jumps in excitement Lieutenant your back.
Stella, "Yes."
Casey "Guys Kidd has officially passed her physio so she back on truck, Captian Whaley has been resigned to engine company 37."
Severide, "Mills can talk for a second."
Mills, "What's up Severide."
Severide, "I know Stella can take care of herself. Her job is to have everyone's back I need you to have her back."
Mills "Yeah, say no more."

Truck 81 Engine 51 Ambo 61 House Fire
Fire Department Call Out! Fire Department Call Out! 
Grab him. Yes, Lieutenant
Herrmann its all-clear.
Ritter open the hose.

Truck 81 and Engine 51 return to the firehouse. 
I sat in my quarter then Stella walk in.
Stella, "Okay don't be mad."
I turned my chair around. "Ok"
Stella, "Cindy just called me Benny drop by to see Max."
I rubbed my hand over my face and said: "I'm not mad, I'm not going to prevent Benny from seeing Max I'm going to let you deal with it."
The shift went by fast, Stella had a great first day back.

Stella POV
Ritter, "God it looks like someone threw up balloons and confetti all over the place."
Stella, "It cute, but the little cupcakes with his face it a bit weird."
Kelly, "They taste great."
Stella, "Kelly that for the guest."
Slowly everyone from 51 was in the apartment. Kids were running around.
Kelly's mom was holding Max. Benny and Boden sat in the corner drinking, while Kelly avoided his father the entire night.
Max sat in his highchair Kelly and I blew out the candles. Max wasn't really sure about eating the cake instead he played with it in his hands then rubbed it in his hair. 
After the last guest left. I gave Max a bath while Kelly stood and watch for moral support. Max slept next to us in bed that night.


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