Trouble Comes in Twos

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Stella POV
"So he was with Seager."
I walked away from Gabby, to the apparatus floor to look for Kelly. 
"Hey, Cruz where's Severide."
"He just left with Boden he has court."
"Oh, Thanks."
With everything that was going on, I forgot that Kelly still had a lawsuit against file by Kyle Peterson. So I went back to my quarters just thinking about our relationship.  
The shift was over I pick up the boys head to the apartment I open the door and Kelly was there.
"Hi, Dada look, look at my picture."
"Hey, Bud that you as a firefighter."
"No silly that's Papa Benny."
"Do you like it."
"Yeah, It looks great."
I stood and watch this small but very say interaction that Kelly had with Max. Max run off to his room Kelly just stood there in silence examiner the picture.
"Kelly," I said.
Clearing his throat, "Yes Stella."
"We need to talk."
He nodded his head.
We feed the boys then got them ready for bed. We sat on the couch. I turned and look at him and said, "Want you to be truthful, want you to respect me enough to tell me everything. Did you sleep with Seager."
"No, I didn't but I thought about it."
"Kelly please don't lie to me."
With a deep exhale he began to speak.
"Stella I didn't sleep with Seager. Yes, we were together at Molly's but nothing never happen between us. After I left Molly's I when to Studio 47 I had a few drinks. I met this woman at the bar."
"Ok Kelly what happen with the woman."
He turned away from me  and said: "I kissed her, but it didn't mean anything."
"So that's how you got that black eye."
"No the Black eye happened after. I sat down with the same woman at the bar. I told her about you and the boys. This guy came out of nowhere."
"So let get this straight you met a woman at the bar you kiss her then you sat down chatted her up telling her about your family. What the hell Kelly I'm I suppose to feel better about that. That woman probably thinks I'm some kind of fool for staying with you."
"Stella you are not a fool. That kiss meant nothing to me."
"So you kissing a random stranger is suppose make me feel better, wait minute that same night you tried to sleep with me. What the fuck is wrong with you Kelly."
Tears running down my face, "I don't want to talk to you anymore." I was walking toward the bedroom then he grabbed my hand. "Stop it Don't touch me."

Two Days Later:
I barely spoke to Kelly. We were completely distant from each other, Kelly and I didn't sleep in the same bed anymore. On-shift I was sitting in the common room chatting with Brett and Dawson then Herrmann came in and said, "Hey Kidd someone is on the apparatus floor looking for you." I got up and I walk through the bay doors. To my surprise " What you guys doing here."

Kelly POV
Sitting at the squad table Stella walk out on the apparatus floor meeting these two men. I realize that it was Tyler and Grant. As much as I knew about Tyler I hate him I couldn't trust him and Grant was Stella ex-husband he looked clean the last time I saw him he was high off his ass and tried to fight me. I didn't want to interrupt their conversion so I just watch from a distance. 

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 61, Engine 51 Active fire
"Squad 3 will search the second floor."
"Truck 81 will search the first floor."
"Engine 51 get a hose line."
Fire Department Call Out! Fire Department Call Out!
I walk through the house I sweep the back room I yell out I look thought every nook and cranny. "Captain we need to leave it's going to flashover."
We walk out of the second frame house, Herrmann and the guys on engine open up the hose lines dump water on the home. Then we went back into the building to do the overhaul. I was now back in that backroom from before I was doing the overhaul then I hear a whimpering in the background. I move everything in the room then I saw him. He was huddled in the back corner of the closet his little body was badly burned. Then suddenly he moved "Oh my god." I grabbed his little boy and ran downstairs to the ambo.
"How is he. Dawson say something."
"We got a pulse. Brett lets go."
"Captain are you okay."
"I didn't see him, he was hiding."

Return back to 51 it was tough a shift. Writing my incident report was very difficult. Dawson passes by my quarters I pop my head out.
 "Dawson how's the kid."
"Kelly, I'm sorry he didn't make it."
"Thanks Dawson."
I laid in my bed I thought about a little boy and his family then I thought about Stella and our boys, a flood of emotions came over me. 
After the shift, I pick up the boys I walk into the apartment Stella was laughing.
"I didn't know we were having company."
"I thought you would be out for the night." She relied
"Max go play." I was holding Piper.
Stella," Kelly didn't your mom tell you that I ask her to watch the boys."
Kelly, "I told her there was no need. What the hell are they doing here."
Stella, "Kelly they have names and I can invited anyone I want."
Tyler, "Yeah Kelly, Stella is a big girl she doesn't need to ask your permission." 
I was standing there then Grant starting to walk toward Max. I walk up next to him. "Don't try to talk to my kid."
The tension between the three men was high as if we were all fighting for Stella's attention. 
Stella walk up to me and took Piper out of my hands 
Stella, "Calm down Kelly. Grant leave Max alone."
Kelly, "Hey Bud, can you go and play in your room."
Max left the room and Stella followed and put Piper to bed. 
But when Stella left the room Tyler came up to me and said, "That Crazy you came in when you did because we had plans to have sex in your bed."
Kelly, "That Crazy." I punch him at the same time Stella walked back into the room and she ran to Tyler defends. We began to argue, Tyler and Grant had left but Stella and I still arguing when I said. 
         "Maybe I should ask you, did you fuck them."
  She slaps me, I wanted to punch something.

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