Yellow Top with a Black Skirt

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Squad 3 Truck 81 Ambo 61 Structure Fire
Stella P.O.V
We arrived on scene flames were rolling, it was an office building. Captian Severide took on the role of the incident commander.
I turn to my team and said "81 we will do a primary search, Mills, Mouch, and Gallo take the north entrance. Candidate Holloway, you're with me your job is to stay glued to my hip got it.
Yes, Lieutenant.
Good, let's go mask up Fire Department Call Out! Fire Department Call Out!
In Here! we are trapped, the door slammed shut. 
Over the radio lieutenant, the north side of the building search is completed only found one victim. 
Captian this is Lieutenant Kidd we need some breaching tool before this fire flashover.
Outside on Scene 
Cruz grabs the K12 saw go and help the lieutenant. 
Yes, Captian.
Back Inside
Holloway grab the halligan let's try and pry this door open. Holloway and I were able to pry the door before Cruz got there.
Kidd said, "Cruz looks like we won't be needing that. Help me get everyone out."
The fire was over the trucks return to the firehouse. Where Chief Casey was waiting on the apparatus floor. 
Casey said, "Lieutenant Kidd let me show to your quarter and locker. Your quarter is next to Captian here is your locker you can pack your things up."
I was writing my name on my locker then I heard a voice say Hi there. 
Kelly POV
She was still as beautiful as I remember seeing her all my feeling that night came back. The kiss we shared, I wonder if she was still married to that psycho. The entire time at that conference she never once mentions that she married. Her maniac husband,  I wish he didn't come interrupted as maybe things would have gone further.
I walk up behind her, she was wearing her uniform and her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail.  I work up my nerves said "Hi there Kidd Congratulations are in order Lieutenant. "
Kidd said, "I guess the same to you Captian."
Severide said, "How is your husband?"
Kidd said, "Well ex-husband."
My eyebrow she got a divorce she kept talking I found myself just staring at her. Then suddenly I heard another voice enter into the room, it was Brett.
Hi, there I'm Sylvie Brett this my partner Emily Foster. 
I slowly faded in the background and listen to their conversion.
Stella POV 
Hi there Brett and Foster.
Brett said, "You should come to Molly's."
Kidd said, "Sure"
Kelly just ran off, I could believe that he remembers that night. Ask all those questions tried to figure if I was single. The rest of the day was pretty slow I spend it in my quarter writing reports and fill out forms. The shift ended I was back at my apartment debate whether if I was going to go Molly's. I decided to go because maybe I would run into Kelly. I got dressed I wore a yellow top with a black skirt thigh-high boots. My hair was down with big curls, I wore light make up with a red lip. I took a uber to Molly's.
I arrived at Molly's,  It was pack in so many familiar faces academy. I sat next to Foster I was drinking a glass of bourbon. Foster introduce me to Hermann and Ritter. Foster step away I was left alone at the bar table. When someone comes behind and whisper in my ear...

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