Church and State

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Casey POV
At Kelly's apartment, I knock on the door.
"Kelly! Kelly! Severide I know you're there your car is parked outside."
Still no answer. I used the key that Stella gave me. Opening the door all the lights were off, glass was shattered everywhere. There was even dirt in the apartment, Kelly had uprooted all the plants and tossed them everywhere, he broke the pots. Step in glass cracked underneath my shoes Kelly was sitting in a chair in the middle of this chaos I don't think he was aware that I was there until I called his name.

"Kelly where's the broom?"
"Casey when did you get here."
"I was worry about you because you didn't answer my call so I talk to Stella, she gave me the key."
His eyes began to watery.
"Casey I messed up."
I got a chair and sat down close to him went I looked over I saw that his hand was cut.
"Kelly your hand."
"Yeah, that happened. Casey, Stella was right to leave me. One thing I told myself I would never do I did it."
"Okay Kelly, what did you do."
"I became my father, I did the same thing that my father did to me, I did to Max. Being Benny Severide kid was so hard trying to live up to my father's expectation. He was the man who made all the tough decision and when things didn't go his way he would lose it. He wouldn't yell at the people within CFD he bring it home. He would go into the kitchen he would break every cup in the house, or he would start an argument with my mother. I remember one time I came home he was in his office just smashing every pledge on the wall. Went he turned around he saw me there he stopped. I told my mother about it the next day my mother and I moved us out. My relationship with my father was difficult after that incident. For him, it was always about church and state, his love of the duty was more important to him than family. He would visit me from time to time but the CFD always needed him more."
I watch as Severide rubbed his chain and said,
"Saint Christopher is the patron saint of traveler to protect them on their journey my father gave me this. I was 16 years old I was in trouble a lot at school so my mother sends me to live with Benny. At the time he has command over two houses firehouse 31 and firehouse 37. My dad put me an all-boys catholic private high school, one of the boys the lit chemistry lab on fire. My dad's company was called on the scene he couldn't find me. When he finally found me it was the first time I ever saw my father get emotional. Benny was so happy when I joined the CFD he was at every training, practical he even was a guest instructor for my class. My graduation was his  proudest moment."
Casey, "Kelly, Benny love you the best way he could. You are not your father. Your father chooses the CFD and when he was ready to fight for you the relationship was already severed. Kelly, you will fight for your sons."
Kelly, "And about Stella."
Casey, "The only way can fight for Stella is by showing up. Let's this place clean up and go to MED to check your hand."
Kelly, "Thanks, Casey."

Kelly POV
I look around at the now clean apartment, it was still empty. I still couldn't wrap my head around that Stella had moved out with the boys. I told Casey I couldn't see myself staying in this apartment. I pack a bag and when to my mom's house. To my surprise the boys there,  I was so happy to see them. We play until Stella came.
"Hey, Stella."
" Hi, Kelly I didn't know you would be here."
"I move in to get a change of pace."
I just watched her as she rambled on about how the boys' were doing, and how she was living at Gabby's house I couldn't  help but I just burst out "That she looks radiant." I stop her in her tracks. Then she just continued to speak, then I noticed that she a bandage on her arm.
"Hey what happened there."
"Oh that. That nothing I just did some bloodwork for a physical."
The conversion end and she left with the boys. we schedule a time for me to see the boys.

It Shift Day 
It was Monday morning my first shift back I walk into Chief Boden's Office.
Boden. "Captain Severide I'm glad to see to you are back in command."
Severide, "Yes, Chief I'm ready to get back to work."
Boden, "Kelly there is nothing wrong if you ask for help. 51 is a family."
Severide, "I know Chief."
 I walk out the chief into the hallway I saw her. It was so odd I was just there watching through the window. I just staring I could believe how beautiful she looked. Then the bells when off. 
Squad 3 Ambo 61 Engine 51 Structure fire.
My focus was broken and I ran to the apparatus floor. Everyone was geared up it was a house fire at Henry Jax Boys' Home at Walbush and Jefferson it was fully inflamed. 
I yelled out the orders
"Squad 3 will carry out the primary search."
"Engine get a line in there to cover us."
"Capp and Tony search the lower level."
 "Copy That."
"Cruz follow me we will search the top floor."
"Mask UP!"
Fire Department Call Out! Fire Department Call Out!  
"Severide  here."
We knock out the door there were four boys stuck in the corner of the room.
Cruz was able to get the three boys but the other boy moved. 
I told Cruz to go and get the boys out. I would get the other boy. 
"Kid come here. Kid Stop Damn it."
I grabbed the boy he was holding a backpack as we exiting the room a beam fell and blocked the door. "Kid do know other exits."
             "Yeah follow me."
Somehow we escape out of the fire. I brought the kid to the Ambo. When I back to the truck to put down my oxygen tank, I returned back to the Ambo.
"Dawson where's the kid."
"Kelly what kid."
"Damn It."

Then I realize that he ran away but he left his bag behind, I put it inside of Squad rig we return back to 51.

Stella POV 

Seeing Kelly was so nerve-racking just being around him made me very flustered. I didn't want to be a distraction, I want him to deal with his emotion about his father's death. I didn't want to confused things or project my own feeling on him. I was still in love with him. I definitely didn't want to muddy the situation by telling him about the baby. I knew he would push his feeling aside and take care of me regardless if I want him too. I just wanted him to focus on himself and be apart of the boys' life. Keep this secret was stressing me out and I needed to go on light duty without anyone from 51 finding out that I was pregnant. It has been a year yet I still couldn't believe that Piper and Max were going big brothers and this baby will be so close in age with Piper. What I'm I doing.

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